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WorldWEIGH BWS Weight Indicator

WorldWEIGH BWS Weight Indicator

The WorldWEIGH BWS indicator is ideal for general weighing and simple check-weigh applications. The BWS features a stainless steel housing and swivel bracket along with a large 2 inch backlit LCD display, raised tactile buttons, built-in rechargeable battery and simple operation. The BWS is the right solution for your weighing applications that require a versatile indicator with an affordable price point.


Call: (919) 776-7737

There are "basic" digital weight indicators out there that usually feature a plastic enclosure and some type of display digits that are less than an inch high. Then, there is the BWS indicator which is packed with high quality features rarely found in the basic indicator class. For example, the two inch high digits are huge and easy to read and the enclosure is stainless steel, not plastic.

The WorldWEIGH BWS indicator from B-Tek is a great choice for simple weighing and check-weigh applications. The BWS which has a part number of 899-300024 has a stainless steel housing and swivel mounting bracket along with a large TWO INCH backlit LCD display, raised tactile buttons, built-in rechargeable battery and simple operation. The BWS available from Central Carolina Scale is the right solution for your weighing applications that require a rugged and versatile indicator with an affordable price point.


BWS Features
• NTEP COC: 12-091
• EXTRA LARGE 2 Inch LCD digits
• White LED backlit display
• Durable stainless steel enclosure
• Powers up to (4) 350 ohm cells
• Sealed lead-acid battery—6V / 4Ah
• 90-hour typical single cell battery operation
• (1) RS-232 port
• Weight accumulation function
• Check-weigh function with front panel LEDs
• Simple menu navigation and configuration
• Homerun (15’) cable with connector attached


WorldWeigh BWS Indicator Technical Specifications
Resolution 1:30,000 max
Weighing Units lb, kg, oz
Dimensions (WxDxH) 10.5" x 3.6" x 6.8"
Operating Temperature 14°F - 104°F
Power AC adapter or internal battery
Battery Sealed lead-acid battery (90 hour operation)