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Rental - Wheel Weigh Scale System

Rental - Wheel Weigh Scale System

The CAS RW-P Wheel Weighing Scale is designed for portablility, yet is sturdy enough for any type of vehicle. Ideal for mobile weight inspections. Our rental kit includes two 30K platforms connected and calibrated to RW2601P. Solid Rubber Ramps. Hi-Speed Dot Matrix Printer. Built-in Battery and Charger


Call: (919) 776-7737

The CAS RW-P Wheel Weighing Scale with RW2601P is designed for portablility, yet is sturdy enough for any type of vehicle. Ideal for mobile weight inspections. Our rental kit includes two 30K platforms connected and calibrated to RW2601P. Solid Rubber Ramps. Hi-Speed Dot Matrix Printer. Built-in Battery and Charger

This is a convenient vehicle weighing platform that we have available for rent. This rugged cast aluminum weighing plate is light enough to accommodate portability yet large enough for any type of vehicle. The bright yellow industrial paint is baked on to the aluminum alloy chassis. CAS platforms not only look tough, they're built tough! We have (2) 30K platforms available. Each connects to the RW2601P weight indicator with built in printer. Each rental scale platform comes with two small rubber ramps.

The RW can even accommodate for virtually any vehicles axle arrangement with the simple use of optional "dummy plates". These are simply solid rubber spacers of different sizes that can be placed between multiple platforms. The CAS RW-P Wheel Weighing Scale with RW2601P is designed for portability, yet is sturdy enough for any type of vehicle. Multiple configurations can be achieved with the RW-2601P Indicator. Ideal for mobile weight inspections. Connect up to 6 scales with RW2601P. Solid Rubber Ramps. Hi-Speed Dot Matrix Printer. Built-in Battery and Charger. See RW2601P / RW-P Scale Brochure for more details.  Be sure to check out our truck scale rental page as well.



Rugged Cast Aluminum
(2) 30,000 x 20 lb platforms available for rent for total of 60,000 lb
Lightweight and Low Profile (1.5" High)
Designed for Portability
Solid Rubber Ramps
By Wheel Weight or Total Weight
Connect up to 6 scales with RW2601P indicator

Rental Model
Platform Size
Ship Wt
35.4" x 19.7" x 1.5"
30,000 x 20 lb each
105 lb per platform



- LCD with Backlight
- Hi-Speed Dot Matrix Printer
- Built-in Battery and Charger



Qty .............. Model ............. Capacity ................................................... Dimensions
2 ............... RW-15P .......... 30,000 x 10 lbs /ea -- Total 60,000 lbs ......... 35.4 x 19.7 x 1.5"
1 ............... RW-2601P ...... Digital Weight Indicator w/ Printer & built in battery
4 ............... Ramps, Small Enter/Exit Ramps as seen in picture

(2) 30K platforms & Indicator available to rent -- for total capacity of 60,000 lbs