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Avery Weigh-Tronix Weigh Bar Cable

Avery Weigh-Tronix Weigh Bar Cable

Avery Weigh-Tronix Weigh Bar Cable sold in various lengths.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Avery Weigh Tronix Weigh-Bars and Batching Weigh Bars Cable is available for purchase from Central Carolina Scale, Inc an authorized Avery Weigh-Tronix distributor.


PART NUMBER ........ DESCRIPTION .............. LENGTH
17960-1000 .................Weigh Bar cable ............ 250'
17960-1018 .................Weigh Bar cable .............500'
17960-1026 .................Weigh Bar cable ........... 1,000'
13761-1000 ..................Interface cable .............. 250'
13761-1018 .................. Interface cable.............. 500'
13761-1026 .................. Interface cable .............1,000'
48548-1006 ..............SST Weigh Bar cable ........ 250'
48548-1014 ..............SST Weigh Bar cable ........ 500'
48548-1022 .............. SST Weigh Bar cable ..... 1,000'
48548-1030 ............. SST interface cable .......... 250'
48548-1048 .............. SST interface cable ......... 500'
48548-1055 .............. SST interface cable ........ 1,000'
All other lengths sold per foot pricing


17960-0010 ............. Weigh Bar cable
13761-0028 .............. Interface cable
48548-0016 .............. SST Weigh Bar cable
48548-0024 ...............SST interface cable