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Tufner Weighing Systems Roller Deck Conveyor Scale

Tufner Weighing Systems Roller Deck Conveyor Scale

Tufner RDC scale can easily be integrated into an existing assembly line to weigh cargo or products to increase productivity. Provides high accuracy and repeatability under continuous heavy industrial usage. Includes T900 NTEP indicator. 4 NTEP alloy steel load cells. 18 stainless steel roller tubes to smoothly glide product across. Powder coated frame. Choice of 1" LED, or LCD display with backlight.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Tufner RDC roller deck scale is probably the most cost effective industrial style conveyor scale on the market today. The RDC can easily be integrated into an existing assembly line to weigh products to increase productivity. This system, available from Central Carolina Scale, utilizes standard everyday weighing equipment such as (4) shear beam load cells and (1) junction box with summing board. The RDC provides high accuracy and repeatability during industrial usage. Includes powder coated frame and eighteen stainless steel roller tubes to smoothly glide product across. The system comes complete with Digital Weight Indicator (choice of Red LED digits or Gray LCD display with backlight).


tufner weighing rdc conveyor scale


PART# .............. CAPACITY ................. DIMENSIONS ........... SHIP WT.
RDC-15458      1,000 lbs x 0.2 lbs         54” W x 58” L x 24” H         225 lbs
RDC-25458      2,000 lbs x 0.5 lbs         54” W x 58” L x 24” H         225 lbs