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Tufner Series Bench Scales

Tufner Series Bench Scales

Tufner industrial bench scale features mild steel platform with stainless platter. Adjustable tilt display for convenient viewing. Adjustable feet provides easy leveling. Standard removable column and wall mounting option. NTEP indicator with 6 digit, 1" display (choice of LCD or LED), check-weighing feature for quick portioning, built-in RS-232 communication port.


Call: (919) 776-7737


Many different types of businesses and industries could use a bench scale in their everyday activities. These versatile scales can be placed in one area or moved around if needed. This bench scale combines great value with great reliability. The platform is a Mild steel platform with a 304 stainless steel platter cover for easy cleaning. The adjustable tilt makes reading the digital weight indicator easy from any direction. Adjustable feet provide exceptional traction and stability. 

Standard removable column and wall mounting option. NTEP indicator with 6 digit, 1" display included. Check-weighing feature for quick portioning and includes built-in RS-232 communication port. Standard indicator is painted steel but the scale is available with stainless steel enclosure and with LCD or LED display. Branding and appearance will vary on this item depending on stock and warehouse location.

tufner weight indicator


Part#      Description           (INCL. INDICATOR AND COLUMN)
ST-1001010     MS Platform/SS Cover   100 lb x 0.02 lb   10” x 10” x 4” H 16”  
ST-1001212     MS Platform/SS Cover   100 lb x 0.02 lb   12” x 12” x 4” H 16” 
ST-1501214     MS Platform/SS Cover   150 lb x 0.02 lb   12” x 14” x 4” H 16”  
ST-2001216     MS Platform/SS Cover   200 lb x 0.05 lb   12” x 16” x 4” H 16” 
ST-3001616     MS Platform/SS Cover   300 lb x 0.05 lb   16” x 16” x 4.25” H 16”  
ST-4001620     MS Platform/SS Cover   400 lb x 0.05 lb   16” x 20” x 4.25” H 16”  
ST-4001818     MS Platform/SS Cover   400 lb x 0.05 lb   18” x 18” x 4.25” H 16”  
ST-5002020     MS Platform/SS Cover   500 lb x 0.1 lb     20” x 20” x 4.25” H 23.5”  
ST-5001824     MS Platform/SS Cover   500 lb x 0.1 lb     18” x 24” x 5.5” H 23.5”  
ST-5002424     MS Platform/SS Cover   500 lb x 0.1 lb     24” x 24” x 5.5” H 23.5”  
ST-10002424   MS Platform/SS Cover   1,000 lb x 0.2 lb  24” x 24” x 5.5” H 23.5”  
ST-10003030   MS Platform/SS Cover   1,000 lb x 0.2 lb  30” x 30” x 5.5” H 23.5”  


ST-BT-3001616    Ball Transfer Cover   300 lb x 0.05 lb    16” x 16” x 4.25” H 23.5” 
ST-BT-5002020    Ball Transfer Cover   500 lb x 0.1 lb      20” x 20” x 4.25” H 28.5”  
ST-BT-5002424    Ball Transfer Cover   500 lb x 0.1 lb      24” x 24” x 5.5” H 30.5” 
STBT-10002424   Ball Transfer Cover   1,000 lb x 0.2 lb   24” x 24” x 5.5” H 30.5”  


ST-RT-4001620   Roller Top Cover   400 lb x 0.05 lb   16” x 20” x 4.25” H 16”  
ST-RT-4001818   Roller Top Cover   400 lb x 0.05 lb   18” x 18” x 4.25” H 23.5”  





Options Available
Wheels for Portability
Bench Scale cart
Roller Platter
Balltop Platter
Stainless Steel Indicator
Stainless Steel Platform
LED or LCD display