We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales
Call: (919) 776-7737
Item Number Deck Size Nominal Cap. Modules Shipping Wt.
92524 25' x 10' 80,000 1 10,700 lbs
92525 30' x 10' 80,000 1 12,900 lbs
92526 50' x 10' 140,000 2 21,000 lbs
92527 60' x 10' 140,000 2 25,600 lbs
92528 70' x 10' 200,000 3 29,600 lbs
92529 80' x 10' 200,000 3 34,400 lbs
92530 90 x 10 200,000 3 38,200 lbs
92329 10 wide foundation kit included when ordered with scale.
92531 25 x 11 80,000 1 11,200 lbs
92532 30 x 11 80,000 1 13,600 lbs
92533 50 x 11 140,000 2 22,200 lbs
92534 60 x 11 140,000 2 26,900 lbs
92535 70 x 11 200,000 3 31,200 lbs
92536 80 x 11 200,000 3 36,300 lbs
92537 90 x 11 200,000 3 40,300 lbs
92334 11 wide foundation kit included when ordered with scale.
92538 25 x 12 80,000 1 12,300 lbs
92539 30 x 12 80,000 1 14,800 lbs
92540 50 x 12 140,000 2 24,300 lbs
92541 60 x 12 140,000 2 29,400 lbs
92542 70 x 12 200,000 3 34,200 lbs
92543 80 x 12 200,000 3 39,600 lbs
92544 90 x 12 200,000 3 43,900 lbs
92335 12 wide foundation kit included when ordered with scale.
Note: Custom sizes available upon request.
FOB: Meridian, MS