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Thurman 8120 Mechanical Steel Deck Truck Scale

Thurman 8120 Mechanical Steel Deck Truck Scale

Thurman 8120 Series Mechanical Steel Deck Truck Scales Uniquely designed truck scale model 8120 combines the proven reliable performance of a mechanical lever system with a rigid, welded steel weighbridge structure. These models have been field proven for years in demanding industries such as mining road construction, quarries, logging, steel mills and landfills.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Thurman 8120 Series Mechanical Steel Deck Truck Scales Uniquely designed truck scale model 8120 combines the proven reliable performance of a mechanical lever system with a rigid, welded steel weighbridge structure. These truck weighing scales have been field proven for years in demanding industries such as mining road construction, quarries, logging, steel mills and landfills.



Item Number .................... Deck Size ................... Nominal Cap. ..................... Modules ..................... Shipping Wt.
92010 ............................. 25' x 10' ...................... 60,000 x 20 .......................... 1 ............................... 11,000 lbs
92011 ............................. 30' x 10’ ...................... 60,000 x 20 .......................... 1 ............................... 12,000 lbs
92012 ............................. 50' x 10' ...................... 100,000 x 20 ........................ 2 ................................ 22,000 lbs
92013 ............................. 60' x 10' ...................... 100,000 x 20 ........................ 2 ................................ 24,000 lbs
92014 ............................. 70' x 10' ...................... 150,000 x 20 ........................ 3 ................................ 27,000 lbs

Note: Custom sizes available upon request.




Axle Load Scales

92157 .............................. 10' x 10' ....................... 60,000 x 20 .......................... 1 ................................... 5,300 lbs
92158 .............................. 12' x 10' ....................... 60,000 x 20 .......................... 1 ................................... 5,900 lbs
92159 .............................. 15' x 10' ....................... 60,000 x 20 .......................... 1 ................................... 6,800 lbs