We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales

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Customer Testimonials & Reviews about Central Carolina Scale


Mike stopped by today and did a great job. It was truly a pleasure to meet him. I'm so glad we chose your company. We contacted 3 others just so you know. Thank you and I look forward to doing business with you again.





Pam I have a complaint I’d like to talk to you about.

Your guys that come down here are outstanding at their work. They make other company’s look bad.

I wish EVERYONE else that came here was as easy to work with and as nice as they are.

Tell Mike we miss him LOL. Thank you.  Clay




The weight of a complete MGB engine with all accessories and standard gearbox (no overdrive) is 487 pounds. My hope is that in eight weeks or so, I'll have the weight of a fully assembled Camaro V6 and gearbox for comparison. Any guesses?

If you ever need similar resources, I heartily recommend Central Carolina Scale rental. They're located south of Raleigh in Moncure, just off Hwy US-1 South exit 76. Business phone is 919-776-7737.

Cheers! Jim




Dear Central Carolina Scales,

I just received my first package from shopping at your website. Everything was just as good as I had hoped for and better. I just thought I would let you guys know that you have a great business and the next time I need a scale for my company, I will definitely give you a call.

Thanks for your great service,

Curt S. - Tioga, NY




Thanks! I got the scale, you guys are great! Have a great evening.

Tammy J.
Warehouse Manager
Concord, NC




I am sending the rental scale back today.

Thank you very much for use of the scale, it saved us a lot of time counting!!!!!!!!!!!


Jeffrey F.
Materials Manager
Bloomington, IL





I wanted to thank you on behalf of our company for the excellent service we received when buying our scale from you. I appreciate you accommodating my many questions, and the product arrived much quicker than we anticipated, helping us get a jump start on our current project earlier than we had hoped. It was a pleasure doing business with you. Have a great holiday.


Will G.




Hi –

The rental scales left here on Tuesday.


Thank you and your team for getting the scales to us timely and in good working conditions!

Your efforts are appreciated, Joyce





Thank you for the great service! I really loved the calander too!!!





That is PERFECT!!!!!


Thanks for your help and the SUPERB customer service!!!!! It’s always a pleasure dealing with great people.


I will let you know how the scales work!!!! J


District Supervisor




Subject: Central Carolina Scale

Wrote to you in Feb about servicing a Doran scale and wanted to let you know that the scale is physically in North Carolina and I was able to locate a company to help me get resolve my problem during a recent visit to NC.

The company that helped me is Central Carolina Scale and while I know they are privately owned I wanted to let you know they are an excellent representative for Doran Scales. Pam was most helpful along with their tech rep Mike who was able to resolve my problem while waiting and at a very reasonable cost.

Thought I would let you know as there's typically more criticism than praise when writing a company but CCS truly exhibited some genuine "Southern hospitality" and should the need arise for additional service in the future, I'll be glad to drive the 90 miles to get to them.





Scales operating this morning. Thank you for your quick response yesterday. Excellent customer service.




Good morning Mrs. Pam,

Thought I would take a few minutes to let you know that we got the cable, we installed it, the scale was calibrated installed and working as it should! Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to meet our customer’s needs, I appreciate all your help.

