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Tedea Huntleigh 1040 Single Point Load Cell

Tedea Huntleigh 1040 Single Point Load Cell

Tedea Huntleigh 1040 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum Low-profile, off-center loading load cell. Designed for direct mounting of weighing platforms, hanging scales and other low capacity beam applications. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Tedea Huntleigh 1040 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum Low-profile, off-center loading load cell. Designed for direct mounting of weighing platforms, hanging scales and other low capacity beam applications. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments. Similar to the Rice Lake Weighing Systems RL1040, Vishay Celtron LOC and Mettler Toledo 0785.

LOAD RATING ................................... PART # .......
Potted, NTEP 1:5000
10 kg (22.1 lb) ................................. 33719
15 kg (33.1 lb) ................................. 33720
20 kg (44.1 lb) ................................. 33721
30 kg (66.1 lb) ................................. 33722
50 kg (110.2 lb) ............................... 33723
100 kg (220.5 lb) ............................. 33724

Potted, Non-NTEP
5 kg (11.0 lb) ................................. 17449
7 kg (15.4 lb) ................................. 17483

Unpotted, NTEP 1:5000
5 kg (11.0 lb) ................................ 33725
7 kg (15.4 lb) ................................ 33726