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Tedea Huntleigh 1010 Single Point Load Cell

Tedea Huntleigh 1010 Single Point Load Cell

Tedea Huntleigh 1010 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum off-center loading load cell designed for direct mounting of a weighing platform and simplifying construction of platform scales. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments. Capacities from 3 to 90 kg


Call: (919) 776-7737

Tedea Huntleigh 1010 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum off-center loading load cell designed for direct mounting of a weighing platform and simplifying construction of platform scales. Available from Central Carolina Scale, Tedea 1010 Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments. Capacities from 3 to 90 kg. Similar to the Rice Lake Weighing Systems RL1010.


1010 NTEP Certified, Potted
33727   Load Cell, SPT 1010-10KG 10kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Potted IP67
33728   Load Cell, SPT 1010-15kg 15kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Potted IP67
33729   Load Cell, SPT 1010-20KG 20kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Potted IP67
33730   Load Cell, SPT 1010-30kg 30kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Potted IP67
33731   Load Cell, SPT 1010-50kg 50kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Potted IP67


1010 NTEP Certified, Unpotted
33732   Load Cell, SPT 1010-5KG 5kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Unpotted
33733   Load Cell, SPT 1010-7KG 7kg 10ft TH 2mV/V 350 OHM NTEP III 5 S FM Al Unpotted


1010 Non-NTEP Certified, Potted
17462   Load Cell, SPT 1010-5kg 5kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17463   Load Cell, SPT 1010-7kg 7kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17464   Load Cell, SPT 1010-10kg 10kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17465   Load Cell, SPT 1010-15kg 15kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17482   Load Cell, SPT 1010-20kg 20kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17475   Load Cell, SPT 1010-30kg 30kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17476   Load Cell, SPT 1010-50kg 50kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67
17471   Load Cell, SPT 1010-90kg 90kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Potted TH IP67


1010 Non-NTEP Certified, Unpotted
17481   Load Cell, SPT 1010-3kg 3kg 10ft 2mv/v 350 Ohm FM AL Class F Unpotted TH