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Sensortronics Stainless Steel 65016W Double Ended Beam

Sensortronics Stainless Steel 65016W Double Ended Beam

Sensortronics 65016W Double-Ended Beam, Stainless Steel, Welded-seal, IP67 Stainless steel and welded seal weighing applications. Designed for center loading compatibility with RL1600 tank weighing assemblies. Capacities from 1000 to 75,000 lb (453.6 to 34,019.4 kg). Integral 25'/7.6 m cable.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Sensortronics 65016W Double-Ended Beam, Stainless Steel, Welded-seal, IP67 Stainless steel and welded seal weighing applications. Designed for center loading compatibility with RL1600 tank weighing assemblies. Capacities from 1000 to 75,000 lb (453.6 to 34,019.4 kg). Integral 25'/7.6 m cable. Similar to Celtron DSR-HSS, Rice Lake Weighing Systems RL75016 WHE, and Vishay Sensortronics 65016WH

LOAD RATING ................................ PART #
1000 lb (453.6 kg) .......................... 36295
1500 lb (680.4 kg) .......................... 36296
2000 lb (907.2 kg) .......................... 36297
2500 lb (1134.0 kg) ........................ 36298
5000 lb (2268.0 kg) ........................ 36299
10,000 lb (4535.9 kg) ..................... 36300
15,000 lb (6803.9 kg) ..................... 36301
20,000 lb (9071.9 kg) ..................... 36302
25,000 lb (11,339.8 kg) .................. 36303
50,000 lb (22,679.6 kg) .................. 36304
*75,000 lb (34,019.4 kg) ................. 36305

*75,000 lb capacity has a square center