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Road Runner Jack Point Weighing System

Road Runner Jack Point Weighing System

ROADRUNNER Aircraft Weighing System Hermetically sealed, compact stainless steel load cells designed around precision strain gage load cells which fit on top of existing aircraft jacks. High strength plastic case for storage, shipping and use. System capacity range covering 15,000 to 400,000 lbs.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Roadrunner Jack Point Scales feature Hermetically sealed, compact stainless steel load cells. This is an Aircraft and Helicopter Scale designed around precision strain gage load cells which fit on top of existing aircraft jacks.

High strength plastic case for storage, shipping and use. System capacity range covering 15,000 to 400,000 lbs. 4 channel digital indicator has liquid crystal display with built in back light for day or night use. Pound or kilogram readout selectable. Accuracy of 0.1% of applied load or 0.02% of channel capacity, whichever is greater. Specifications subject to change. Roadrunner Jackpoint Specifications (pdf file)

Weight can be displayed by individual load cell or total of any combination. Indicator is microprocessor controlled with full digital calibration. Color coded connecting cables. .7 amp circuit breaker. 12VDC internal rechargeable battery w/ 30 hour operation life. 120VAC wall mount plug. RS232 port for PC interface.

The Road Runner Jack Point Weigher Systems are ideal for weighing light aircraft or helicopter after retrofitting new equipment. The easy to use Full Function indicator provides both individual wheel weight and total aircraft weight. Color coded cables and indicator connectors make it quick and easy to set-up the system and eliminate errors. This system provides easy operation and accurate weighments.

15,000 to 400,000 lbs. capacity
Accuracy of 0.1% of applied load or ± 0.2% of channel capacity, whichever is greater
1 to 4 Channels of input for weighments
Operates on 10 to 32 Volts DC or 115 / 230 Volts AC
RS-232 for PC Data Storage
Stainless Steel Load Cells
Operating temperature range + 14°F to 120°F
Roll-around storage and transportation case

Part Number
Description Weight
JP5000-3 Jack point scale (3) 5K cells 55 lb
JP5000-4 Jack point scale (4) 5K cells 59 lb
JP15000-3 Jack point scale (3) 15K cells 67 lb
JP15000-4 Jack point scale (4) 15K cells 72 lb
JP50000-3 Jack point scale (3) 50K cells 72 lb
JP50000-4 Jack point scale (4) 50K cells 77 lb
JP100000-3 Jack point scale (3) 100K cells 85 lb
JP100000-4 Jack point scale (4) 100K cells 95 lb