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Rice Lake SCT-2200 Advanced Series Signal Conditioning Weight Transmitter

Rice Lake SCT-2200 Advanced Series Signal Conditioning Weight Transmitter

SCT-2200 load cell amplifier features HUB Mode connects up to 16 transmitters to one fieldbus. Quick menu for real and theoretical calibration. Red LED display with six-digits (8 mm) and six LEDs to showing active functions. Standard DIN rail mounting with power supply and enclosures. Configurable calibration and setup parameters from keyboard.


Call: (919) 776-7737

In some industrial settings, customers actually prefer a SCT-2200 load cell signal conditioner instead of a bulky 920i digital weight indicator. These load cell amplifiers are popular with system integrators and plant maintenance managers who utilize weighing system applications integrated with a PLC or some other type of device.

The SCT-2200 weight transmitter provides excitation voltage to the load cells, and can display more common signals like 0-10 VDC, 4-20mA, RS232, RS485, etc... Please see individual product specs for the proper version of load cell conditioner that's right for your application. These can be ideal for various settings including PLC, process control, batch weighing, check weighing, and more.


  • HUB Mode connects up to 16 transmitters to one fieldbus
  • Quick menu for real and theoretical calibration
  • Red LED display with six-digits (8 mm) and six LEDs to showing active functions
  • Standard DIN rail mounting with power supply and enclosures
  • Configurable calibration and setup parameters from keyboard
  • Up to three calibration linearization points or three from the keyboard
  • Reading of the net, gross and tare weights, clearing, semi-automatic and presettable tare, scale switch, setting of outputs application thresholds
  • Diagnostic information via serial port, message display, printing, setting ofAPW in counting mode, simulation of key pressure, Modbus RTU
  • Double RS-485 port for a quick network connection
  • Printer management on second serial port available


P/N ............ DESCRIPTION
182587   Indicator, SCT2200 12-24VDC,and RS485/232 Serial Port, DIN Mount
182589   Indicator, SCT2200-AN Analog Output, 12-24VDC, and RS485/232 Serial Port DIN Mount


182592  Fieldbus, SCT2200,Profinet 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and ProfiNet output DIN Mount
182594  Fieldbus, SCT2200, WIFI 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and WiFi and TCP/IP Output DIN Mount
182595  Fieldbus, SCT2200, TCP/IP 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and TCP/IP and MODBUS TCP output DIN Mount
182593  Fieldbus, SCT2200,Profibus 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and Profibus output DIN Mount
182591  Fieldbus, SCT2200, E/IP 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and Ethernet/IP output DIN Mount
182596  Fieldbus, SCT2200,Dev.Net 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and DeviceNet output DIN Mount
182598  Fieldbus, SCT2200,Ethercat 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and Ethercat output DIN Mount
182597  Fieldbus, SCT2200,CANOPEN 12-24VDC, RS485 Connection and CANOPEN output DIN Mount
182599  Cable, SCT2200 RS485 Connection Cable for Fieldbus, 150mm long, w/RJ45, DIN Mount