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Weigh Modules - RL9000TWM Series Tank, Hopper & Vessel Weighing Assembly

Weigh Modules - RL9000TWM Series Tank, Hopper & Vessel Weighing Assembly

Rice Lake RL9000TWM Series stainless steel weigh module is ideal for use in tank, hopper, vessel, and many other applications. The low-profile design offers an economical solutions in a competitive market place. The stainless steel construction and welded seal offer additional protection in washdown areas.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Rice Lake Weighing Systems RL9000TWM Series stainless steel weigh module is ideal for use in tank, hopper, vessel, and many other applications. The low-profile design offers an economical solutions in a competitive marketplace. This rugged, high-precision mount is designed for easy installation and does not require check rods or other stabilizing hardware. The stainless steel construction and welded seal load cell offer additional protection in washdown areas. Just add professional installation / calibration and a Rice Lake digital weight indicator for a complete weighing solution.


• Tank, hopper, or vessel weighing


• Capacities: 1000-450,000 lb
• Very low profile design
• 3 mV/V output
• Self-centering
• Self-checking assembly
• Offers 100% sideload, 100% uplift and 150% safe load and 300% ultimate overload protection
• Stainless steel construction
• Welded seal
• Weighs accurately with as much as a 3° non-parallel load
• Integral 25 ft cable


• 1 JB4SS NEMA 4X stainless steel signal trim junction box
• 3 or 4 stainless steel mounting assemblies
• 25 ft of our Hostile Environment EL147HE SURVIVOR® load cell cable


• Stainless steel top plates
*150K-450 k have mild steel painted base plate



Single Module
1000 lb .................................... 84353
2500 lb .................................... 84354
5000 lb .................................... 84355
10,000 lb ................................. 84356
15,000 lb ................................. 84357
20,000 lb ................................. 84358
25,000 lb ................................. 84359
35,000 lb ................................. 84360
50,000 lb ................................. 84361
60,000 lb ................................. 84362
75,000 lb ................................. 84363
100,000 lb ............................... 84364
150,000 lb ............................... 84365
200,000 lb ............................... 84366
250,000 lb ............................... 84368
300,000 lb ............................... 84369
400,000 lb ............................... 84370
450,000 lb ............................... 84371

3-Module Kit
1000 lb .................................... 98974
2500 lb .................................... 98980
5000 lb .................................... 98981
10,000 lb ................................. 98982
15,000 lb ................................. 98983
20,000 lb ................................. 98984
25,000 lb ................................. 98985
35,000 lb ................................. 98986
50,000 lb ................................. 98987
60,000 lb ................................. 98988
75,000 lb ................................. 98989
100,000 lb ............................... 98990
150,000 lb ............................... 98991
200,000 lb ............................... 98992
250,000 lb ............................... 98993
300,000 lb ............................... 98994
400,000 lb ............................... 98995
450,000 lb ............................... 98996

4-Module Kit
1000lb .................................... 98997
2500 lb ................................... 98998
5000 lb ................................... 98999
10,000 lb ................................ 99000
15,000 lb ................................ 99001
20,000 lb ................................ 99002
25,000 lb ................................ 99003
35,000 lb ................................ 99004
50,000 lb ................................ 99005
60,000 lb ................................ 99006
75,000 lb ................................ 99007
100,000 lb .............................. 99008
150,000 lb .............................. 99009
200,000 lb .............................. 99010
250,000 lb .............................. 99011
300,000 lb .............................. 99012
400,000 lb .............................. 99013
450,000 lb .............................. 99014

*150 k-450 k have mild steel painted base plates