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Rice Lake Body Composition X-ScanPlus 950

Rice Lake Body Composition X-ScanPlus 950

The X-Scan Plus 950 provides a total picture of health for all body types. Six frequency ranges from low to high allow better cell membrane penetration for a more in-depth analysis. The detailed analysis breakdown includes a segmental ratio of extra cellular water to total body water. Eight previous analysis measurements of E.C.W./T.B.W., P.B.F., S.L.M., and weight are used to track progress.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Enhance your Practice with Personalized Programs Using X-Scan Plus 950 Body Composition Analyzer 

Body composition analyzers (BCAs) are designed for professionals who want better results for their clients on a more personalized level. These feature-rich, standalone devices provide the highest accuracy available, yet maintain affordability and incredible durability—essential for busy fitness clubs and health practices.

Rice Lake’s Competitor Series BCAs incorporate the most advanced bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology with eight electrodes for all total body models. This technology provides precise and dependable results comparable to the highest standards of isotope dilution and DEXA analysis.

Multi-frequency analysis is the most accurate BIA technology available and gives providers information needed to improve weight programs and health plans. With Competitor Series BCAs, bio-electrical impedance analysis is performed simultaneously through both handheld monitors and scale-base electrodes. This multi-frequency method allows improved cellular penetration, superior accuracy and ultimate data collection.

Segmental analysis offers an in-depth look at lean body mass distribution in five body segments. It allows professionals to personalize training and suggest exercises focusing on arms, legs or trunk that relate to the client’s overall picture of health.Amplified results, communications and patient display advance the X-Scan Plus 950 to the professional class while still utilizing the most advanced bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to provide accurate and dependable results, validated to gold standards including isotope dilution and DEXA analysis.

Operator navigability is easy and intuitive with a large 8.4-inch color LCD touchscreen and added keypad. The large BCA base is durable and offers a 600 pound capacity.

The X-Scan Plus 950 provides a total picture of health for all body types. Six frequency ranges from low to high allow better cell membrane penetration for a more in-depth analysis. The detailed analysis breakdown includes a segmental ratio of extra cellular water to total body water.

Eight previous analysis measurements of E.C.W./T.B.W., P.B.F., S.L.M., and weight are used to track progress. Bring your practice to the next level with accurate results and advanced features from the professional X-Scan Plus 950.


Standard Features
(W x D) 19.5 x 33 in; 600 lb capacity
8.4" LCD color touchscreen
Navigation keypad below display
6 frequencies: 1, 5, 50, 250, 550, 1,000kHz
Child mode analysis
E.C.W. to T.B.W. and E.C.F. to T.B.F. ratio segmental analysis
Stores up to 100,000 analyses that can be recalled with an ID number
Client tracking software
Body composition comparison includes 8 previous analyses to track client progress
USB and RS-232 ports for computer or printer interface


X-Scan Plus 950 Results Sheet
Body Composition L.B.M. Lean Body Mass M.B.F. Mass of Body Fat S.L.M. Soft Lean Mass S.M.M. Skeletal Muscle Mass T.B.W. Total Body Water I.C.W. Intra-cellular Water E.C.W. Extra-cellular Water Body Status B.M.I. Body Mass Index P.B.F. Percent Body Fat S.L.M. Soft Lean Mass S.M.M. Skeletal Muscle Mass Abdominal Analysis V.F.L. Visceral Fat Level V.F.A. Visceral Fat Area W.H.R. Waist to Hip Ratio V.F.M. Visceral Fat Mass S.F.M. Subcutaneous Fat Mass Segmental S.L.M. S.L.M. Soft Lean Mass E.C.F./T.B.F. Extra-cellular Water to Total Body Fat Ratio E.C.W./T.B.W Extra-cellular Water to Total Body Water Ratio Body Composition Change E.C.W./T.B.W Extra-cellular Water to Total Body Water Ratio P.B.F. Percent Body Fat S.L.M. Soft Lean Mass Energy Expenditure T.B.W. Total Body Water L.B.M. Lean Body Mass M.B.F. Mass of Body Fat S.L.M. Soft Lean Mass B.C.M. Body Cell Mass B.M.R. Basal Metabolic Rate T.E.E. Total Energy Expenditure A.M.B. Aged Matched of Body


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