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Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT Series Pit Style Truck Scale

Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT Series Pit Style Truck Scale

Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT Series truck scale is available in many standard sizes to satisfy varying requirements. We understand that pit-type installations often involve replacing an existing mechanical or electronic scale. With a 42-inch profile, (pier to top of approach) the PT easily fits into many existing pits.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Rice Lake Weighing Systems PT Series truck scale is available in many standard sizes to satisfy varying requirements. We understand that pit-type installations often involve replacing an existing mechanical or electronic scale. With a 42-inch profile, (pier to top of approach) the PT easily fits into many existing pit-type foundations. Standard widths for the PT Series concrete or steel deck models range from 10 to 14 feet, NTEP Certified.

The Rice Lake staff of engineers specializes in custom-built models, including multi-platform scales that conform to the exact requirements of your existing pit. All of this equates to a quicker installation and less disruption to your business

Standard Features
•Three standard widths: 10', 11', and 12' (available up to 14 ft, NTEP-certified)
•One 2' x 2' square manhole opening
•75,000 lb capacity load cells and pre-assembled mounts
•NTEP-certified, CC #98-011A1
•Junction box(es) appropriate for number of load cells utilized
•90,000 lb Concentrated Load Capacity (CLC)
•Available with steel treadplate or 6" reinforced concrete deck
•Up to 270,000 lb full scale capacity
•Span deflection ratio (1:3100) for legal highway loads
•Up to 42' section span

152175 Truck Scale,110x10 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR11010-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152176 Truck Scale,130x10 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR13010-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152177 Truck Scale,140x10 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR14010-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152178 Truck Scale,150x10 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR15010-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152179 Truck Scale,160x10 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR16010-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
51341 Truck Scale,Pit 10x10 60 Ton SR1010-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51342 Truck Scale,Pit 20x10 60 Ton SR2010-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51344 Truck Scale,Pit 40x10 60 Ton SR4010-PC-60 CLC=90,000lb
51346 Truck Scale,Pit 60x10 100 Ton SR6010-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51347 Truck Scale,Pit 70x10 100 Ton SR7010-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb Inactive for Old Design
51348 Truck Scale,80x10 PT Conctete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR8010-PC-100 90,000lb CLC, 200,000
51350 Truck Scale,Pit 100x10 100 Ton SR10010-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb Concrete Deck.
72954 Truck Scale,30x10 PT C Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR3010-PC-60 90,000lb CLC, 120,000lb
72955 Truck Scale,50x10 PT C Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR5010-PC-100 90,000lb CLC, 200,000lb

152180 Truck Scale,110x11 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR11011-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152182 Truck Scale,130x11 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR13011-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152184 Truck Scale,150x11 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR15011-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152185 Truck Scale,160x11 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR16011-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
51352 Truck Scale,Pit 10x11 60 Ton SR1011-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51353 Truck Scale,Pit 20x11 60 Ton SR2011-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51355 Truck Scale,Pit 40x11 60 Ton SR4011-PC-60 CLC=90,000lb
51357 Truck Scale,Pit 60x11 100 Ton SR6011-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51358 Truck Scale,Pit 70x11 100 Ton SR7011-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51359 Truck Scale,Pit 80x11 100 Ton SR8011-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51361 Truck Scale,Pit 100x11 100 Ton SR10011-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
72962 Truck Scale,120x11 PT C Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR12011-PC-100 90,000lb CLC, 200,000lb

152186 Truck Scale,110x12 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR11012-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152187 Truck Scale,130x12 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR13012-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152188 Truck Scale,140x12 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR14012-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152189 Truck Scale,150x12 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR15012-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
152190 Truck Scale,160x12 PT CON Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR16012-PC-100 100,000 lb CLC 200,000 lb
51363 Truck Scale,Pit 10x12 60 Ton SR1012-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51364 Truck Scale,Pit 20x12 60 Ton SR2012-PC-60 CLC=70,000lb
51366 Truck Scale,Pit 40x12 60 Ton SR4012-PC-60 CLC=90,000lb
51368 Truck Scale,Pit 60x12 100 Ton SR6012-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51369 Truck Scale,Pit 70x12 100 Ton SR7012-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51370 Truck Scale,Pit 80x12 100 Ton SR8012-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
51372 Truck Scale,Pit 100x12 100 Ton SR10012-PC-100 CLC=90,000lb
72966 Truck Scale,90x12 PT C Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR9012-PC-100 90,000lb CLC, 200,000lb
72967 Truck Scale,120x12 PT C Concrete Deck SURVIVOR PT Model SR12012-PC-100 90,000lb CLC, 200,000lb