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Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT-M Mechanical Pit Type Truck Scale

Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT-M Mechanical Pit Type Truck Scale

SURVIVOR PT-M is a mechanical pipe-lever design of the pit-type PT model. The mechanical lever system is precision-built from heavy-duty structural steel to provide higher strength & less stress breaks than competitive components. Designed with a load cell inserted into its lever system.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Rice Lake SURVIVOR PT-M is a mechanical pipe-lever design of the pit-type PT model. The mechanical lever system is precision-built from heavy-duty structural steel to provide higher strength and less stress breaks than competitive components. These mechanical scales are designed with a load cell inserted into its lever system. These levertronic designs are better suited for areas susceptible to heavy moisture. The in-ground installation is ideal for locations with limited space or access. It may also be installed above ground for special site applications.

The PT-M is a cost effective investment for a long term, permanent installation, providing the highest accuracy with the lowest maintenance costs. Available in both steel and concrete decks and constructed with the same massive I-beams that support our PT and SR designs, the PT-M is a solid investment for many pit-type applications.

Standard Features
•In-pit foundation
•Ideal for limited access locations
•Structural steel pipe lever system
•NTEP-certifi ed #05-018
•Standard levers - 32.5 ton sectional rating
•Capacities to 200 tons
•Standard widths from 10' to 14'