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Rice Lake SLV Animal Livestock Scale

Rice Lake SLV Animal Livestock Scale

The SLV offers the features of a RoughDeck floor scale modified to meet the demands of livestock weighing. The diamond treadplate and rigid structural-steel channel frame provide durability for weighing sheep, goats, cattle, hogs, horses and more. The SLV can be customized for retrofit or unique applications.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Rice Lake Weighing Systems SLV offers the features of a RoughDeck floor scale modified to meet the demands of livestock weighing. The diamond treadplate and rigid structural-steel channel frame provide durability for weighing sheep, goats, cattle, hogs, horses and more. The SLV animal scale can be customized for retrofit or unique applications.


Standard Features
• Painted Mild steel construction
• Rugged diamond safety treadplate deck
• Rigid structural steel channel frame
• NEMA 4X Stainless steel junction box (side-access) without quick connector
• Signal trim summing board
• Four adjustable stainless steel SUREFOOT support foot
• 20 ft SURVIVOR EL147HE hostile environment load cell cable
• Four alloy steel load cells



103617 .... 3 ft x 8 ft x 3 1/2 in 4K, 20 ft without Quick Connect, modified to fit gate and rack
78452 ...... 3 ft x 8 ft x 3 1/2 in 4K, 20 ft without Quick Connect
103619 .... 4 ft x 8 ft x 3 1/2 in 4K, 20 ft without Quick Connect, modified to fit gate and rack
78453 ...... 4 ft x 8 ft x 3 1/2 in 4K, 20 ft without Quick Connect



RoughDeck SLV 4,000 lb Bundle Package (SHIPPED ASSEMBLED)

124192 Scale Pkg, Animal 3 X 8 SLV Single Animal Livestock Scale 4,000 Pound Capacity With Racks, Swing Gates, And Kick Plates, Indicator 482 Legend Factory Calibrated Prior To Shipping With 1 Pound Increment

124193 Scale Pkg, Animal 4 X 8 SLV Livestock Scale 4,000 Pound Capacity With Racks, Swing Gates, and Kick Plates, Indicator 482 Legend and Factory Calibration to 1 Pound Increment



Smooth deck instead of diamond safety tread plate
Stainless steel load cells (RL35023S) and stainless steel junction box
Stainless steel welded-seal IP67 load cells (RL35082) and stainless steel junction box
Angle iron bolted to scale for wood deck provisions (wood to be supplied by customer)
Chutes for use with 4 ft x 8 ft scale only