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Rice Lake RL75016 Double End Beam Load Cell

Rice Lake RL75016 Double End Beam Load Cell

Rice Lake RL75016 Double-Ended Beam, Alloy Steel, IP67 Load Cell


Call: (919) 776-7737

Rice Lake RL75016 Double-Ended Beam, Alloy Steel, IP67 Load Cell. Similar to Vishay Celtron DSR, VPG Sensortronics 65016, and VPG Revere Transducers 5203. Also utilized in certain weigh modules.


LOAD RATING .............................. PART #
1000 lb (453.6 kg) .......................... 17300
1500 lb (680.4 kg) .......................... 17302
2000 lb (907.2 kg) .......................... 17304
2500 lb (1134.0 kg) ........................ 17306
3000 lb (1360.8 kg) ........................ 17308
5000 lb (2268.0 kg) ........................ 17309
10,000 lb (4535.9 kg) ..................... 17311
15,000 lb (6803.9 kg) ..................... 17313
20,000 lb (9071.9 kg) ..................... 17315
25,000 lb (11,339.8 kg) .................. 17317
50,000 lb (22,679.6 kg) .................. 17319
*75,000 lb (34,019.4 kg) ................ 25357

*75,000 lb capacity has a square center