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Rice Lake RL1200 EM Electromechanical Portable Beam Scale

Rice Lake RL1200 EM Electromechanical Portable Beam Scale

Rice Lake Portable Beam Scales are cost-effective, cast-iron constructed scales designed to deliver the ultimate in portability and durability. Also NTEP approved and suitable for Legal for Trade applications, the RL1200 EM offers the added convenience of the 482 battery powered digital weight display.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Rice Lake's Portable Beam Scales are cost-effective, cast-iron constructed scales designed to deliver the ultimate in portability and durability. Also NTEP approved and suitable for Legal for Trade applications, the RL1200 EM offers the added convenience of the 482 digital weight display. The battery-powered 482 lets users easily read weight values, zero, tare, toggle between units, and transmit weight to an optional printer. Also available as a mechanical scale with beam (no digital indicator)


Standard Features
• NTEP Class III Certified
• Cast iron construction
• 1000 lb capacity
• Heavy-duty wheels and handle for portability
482 Series indicator (LCD)




169187    Scale, RL1200EM Elect. Conversion 482 LCD Indicator w/ internal battery 1000 x .5lb NTEP
169188    Scale, RL1200EM Elect. Conversion 482 Plus LCD Indicator w/ internal battery, 1000 x .5lb NTEP





Old P/N for reference
157984 ........... Portable Beam with IQ plus 390-DC Indicator, NTEP Certified, 1000 lb x 0.5 lb