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Rice Lake MSC Mobile Scale Cart

Rice Lake MSC Mobile Scale Cart

Rice Lake BenchMark MSC mobile scale cart is ideal for applications where bench scale portability is necessary. The cart is available in stainless or mild steel and is designed with two rigid and two swivel casters with locking wheel brakes. With an 18-inch stand to mount the weight indicator, weight readings will be easily visible to the operator.


Call: (919) 776-7737


2 swivel, locking casters and 2 rigid casters
Adjustable height
18 in indicator stand for mounting CW90/90X, 480/480 Plus, 482/482 Plus


rice lake mobile bench scale cart
Rice Lake MSC shown with 480 Legend Indicator & Benchmark scale platform



190205   Cart, Benchmark MSC stainless steel designed for 12x18 scale
190206   Cart, Benchmark MSC stainless steel designed for 18x18 scale
190207   Cart, Benchmark MSC stainless steel designed for 18x24 scale
190209   Cart, Benchmark MSC stainless steel designed for 24x24 scale


190201   Cart, Benchmark MSC mild steel designed for 12x18 scale
190202   Cart, Benchmark MSC mild steel designed for 18x18 scale
190203   Cart, Benchmark MSC mild steel designed for 18x24 scale
190204   Cart, Benchmark MSC mild steel designed for 24x24 scale