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Revere CSP Stainless Steel Compression Canister Load Cell

Revere CSP Stainless Steel Compression Canister Load Cell

Revere Transducers CSP IP68 Welded-seal stainless steel canister cell designed for compression service only. High-capacity transducers built for reliability, durability and extreme precision. CSP (Compression Super Precision) cells are ideal for applications where optimum precision is needed.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Revere Transducers CSP IP68 Welded-seal stainless steel canister cell designed for compression service only. High-capacity transducers built for reliability, durability and extreme precision. CSP (Compression Super Precision) cells are ideal for applications where optimum precision is needed. NTEP-certified capacities from 25,000 to 200,000 lb (11,339.8 to 90,718.5 kg); non-NTEP capacities in 10,000, 300,000 and 500,000 lb (4535.9 to 226,796.2 kg). Integral 30'/9.2 m cable. Similar to the Rice Lake Weighing Systems RLCSP1, Artech 90310, Howe Richardson® 244699-000X, Revere Transducers 692B and Streeter Amet 3760XXX

LOAD RATING .................................................. PART#
NTEP 1:10000
25,000 lb (11,339.8 kg) .................................... 21649
50,000 lb (22,679.6 kg) .................................... 21650
100,000 lb (45,359.2 kg) .................................. 21651
200,000 lb (90,718.5 kg) .................................. 21652

10,000 lb (4535.9 kg) ...................................... 17595
300,000 lb (136,077.7 kg) ................................ 17597
500,000 lb (226,796.2 kg) ................................ 17598