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Revere Transducers 5123 Single End Beam Load Cell

Revere Transducers 5123 Single End Beam Load Cell

Revere Transducer 5123 Single-Ended Beam, Alloy Steel is a low-cost, high performance, single-ended beam designed for low-profile scales and process weighing in both trade and non-trade applications. Capacities of 1000 to 10,000 lb (453.6 to 4535.9 kg) and NTEP approved. Supplies with a 20'/6.1 m cable.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Revere Transducer 5123 Single-Ended Beam, Alloy Steel is a low-cost, high performance, single-ended beam designed for low-profile scales and process weighing in both trade and non-trade applications. Capacities of 1000 to 10,000 lb (453.6 to 4535.9 kg) and NTEP approved. This is a popular shear beam load cell that many customers trust for reliable weighing results. Revere Transducers supplies these with a 20'/6.1 m cable.



Part Number ............. Model Number .................... Capacity ..
21516 ..................... 5123-A5-1K-20P1 ................ 1,000 lb
21517 ..................... 5123-A5-2.5K-20P1 ............... 2,500 lb
21518 ..................... 5123-A5-4K-20P1 .................. 4,000 lb
21519 ..................... 5123-A5-5K-20P1 ................. 5,000 lb
21520 ..................... 5123-A5-10K-20P1 .............. 10,000 lb