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NTEP Certified Scales Legal for Trade

NTEP Approved Scales

Our selection of NTEP legal for trade scales includes things like laboratory balances, bench scales, digital weight indicators, industrial floor scales, load cells, and truck scales. These items have a certificate of conformance. The NTEP Certified Legal For Trade scales available from Central Carolina Scale provide the highest possible accuracy when weight is a critical factor like weighing gold. We have many legal for trade scales available from various suppliers.

For scrap hauling and transfer stations, truck scales provide extreme durability and unbeatable accuracy. Rice Lake has developed several models of Legal for Trade truck scales ideally suited for the scrap and recycling industries—there is a SURVIVOR truck scale to fit the operation, or Rice Lake will custom build it. The OTR steel or concrete deck models can be installed aboveground or as a pit-type, and with Rice Lake’s patented G-Force suspension system, SURVIVOR scales self-check, eliminating the need for check rods and bumper bolts.

  • weigh-tronix-bridgemont-hd-truck-scale.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix BMS HD Steel Deck Truck ScaleAvery Weigh-Tronix BMS HD truck scale is a heavy duty vehicle scale with a checkered steel deck driving surface. This rugged scale is ideal for users who require long-lasting performance for moderate to heavy traffic and axle loads. Cost effective due to the structural integrity and efficiency of the Bridgemont design.
  • weigh-tronics-prodec-floor-scale-system.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix ProDec Floor Scale SystemAvery Weigh-Tronix Deck and Indicator System incorporates either a 48" x 48" or 60" x 60" 5,000 lb ProDec Floor Scale with Avery Weigh-Tronix ABS or Stainless Steel ZM201 Indicator or an Aluminum or Stainless Steel ZM301 or ZM303 Weight Indicator. Factory calibrated and certificate of calibration.
  • salter-brecknell-dcsb-floor-scale-sb521.jpg
    Brecknell DCSB Floor Scale SystemBrecknell DCSB system includes an IP65 rated mild steel general purpose weighing platform with alloy tool steel potted load cells. Factory calibrated with SBI-521 LED indicator or SBI-240 indicator and interface cable. Choices of sizes and capacities. NTEP legal for trade.
  • intercomp-cs1500-crane-scale.jpg
    Intercomp CS1500 Industrial Crane ScaleWith a large, easy-to-read LED display, the lineup of Intercomp CS1500 industrial crane scales are available in capacities up to 10,000 pounds, are NTEP certified, and offer best-in-class battery life. The scale comes standard with RFX® Wireless Weighing Technology enabling cable-free control & monitoring of scales. Also featured are USB/RS232 output, multi-scale communication, & a multitude of remote display options.
  • intercomp-cw250-platform-scale.jpg
    Intercomp CW250 Portable Platform ScaleIntercomp CW250 is available in capacities ranging from 150lb to 3,000lb, RFX™ Wireless CW250™ Platform Scales are available in 15 x 15, are battery operated, rugged and can be transported to any weighing application. Standard alkaline AA batteries last up to 300 hours
  • intercomp-pt300-wheel-load-scale.jpg
    Intercomp PT300 Wheel Load ScaleIntercomp PT 300 Wheel Weigh Scales are digital wheel load scales designed to maximize legal payloads with concern for violations and reduction of maintenance due to overload stress on equipment. 12" wide platform accommodates single tire (outside tire in dual wheel configuration).
  • btek-4square-industrial-floor-scale.jpg
    B-Tek 4 Square Industrial Floor ScaleThe B-TEK 4-Square floor scale offers a well constructed platform for use in warehouses, commercial facilities and light industrial locations. NTEP approved, top access junction box and a tough two-component epoxy paint. Precision alloy steel load cells and adjustable leveling feet
  • CL5000.jpg
    CAS CL5500 NTEP Label Printing ScaleThe CAS Corporation CL5000 Label Printing Scale has the functions you need at an affordable price. Includes CL-Works software package. Use in supermarkets, specialty stores, deli's and more. Choice of basic counter top scale (CL-5500B), counter top scale with pole display (CL-5500R) or hanging scale version (CL-5500H).
  • Summit-3000-Floor-Scale-Package.jpg
    Digi Summit 3000 Low-Profile 4x4 Floor Scale PackageDigi Summit 3000 Floor Scale and Indicator Package is an economical choice for industrial weighing tasks, with a durable low-profile deck. This Legal for Trade scale comes factory calibrated with easy-to-use Digital Weight Display and 20 feet of load cell cable.
  • doran-8000xl-battery-powered-stainless-steel-scale.jpg
    Doran 8000XL Battery Power Stainless Steel ScaleDoran 8000XL stainless steel washdown scale features internal rechargeable battery and charger provides a simple-to-maintain scale that can fully charge the battery in five hours, even while the scale is being used. The basic controls are all here—Zero, Units, and Print, you can't get any simpler than that.
  • doran-mvp-industrial-bench-scale.jpg
    Doran MVP Mild Steel General Purpose ScaleA scale for every situation, Doran’s MVP Series Industrial Scales provide the flexibility to meet your most demanding weighing tasks. Choose from the basic indicator and base configuration or the complete stand alone system with the optional columns, wheel casters, or conveyor top.
  • Pennsylvania-7300-Shipping-Scale.jpg
    Pennsylvania 7300 Shipping ScalePennsylvania 7300 is not a cheap plastic office store shipping scale. Capacities from 2 lb, 5 lb, (8 x 8" platforms) to popular 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 lbs models (12" x 14" platter) Standard Lbs/Kgs or choose any 2 weighing units. Programmable and flexible RS-232 (DB9) has settings for UPS WorldShip
  • Survivor-ATV-portable-truck-scale.jpg
    Rice Lake SURVIVOR ATV Portable Truck ScaleThe SURVIVOR ATV truck scale contains all of the benefits of the SURVIVOR line all with the added feature of portability. The ATV features an extremely low 20-inch profile, and provides easy setup & expandability for road construction, timber operations and growing businesses where portability is a necessity.
  • weigh-tronix-zp212-shipping-scale
    Avery Weigh-Tronix ZP212 Shipping ScaleThe ZP212 parcel scale is suitable for standard day to day shipping for packages up to 200 pounds where size of the scale is a constraint in the shipping room. A Tare feature also provides for use in general weighing application.
  • tufner-industrial-bench-scale
    Tufner Series Bench ScalesTufner industrial bench scale features mild steel platform with stainless platter. Adjustable tilt display for convenient viewing. Adjustable feet provides easy leveling. Standard removable column and wall mounting option. NTEP indicator with 6 digit, 1" display (choice of LCD or LED), check-weighing feature for quick portioning, built-in RS-232 communication port.
  • cardinal-eb-185-ntep-scales
    Cardinal EB-185 Series Bench ScaleCardinal Scale EB bench scales with 185 Rival weight indicators feature battery power allowing them to be moved easily to multiple locations, bold 1 inch high backlit LCD for high-visibility readouts, 3 platform sizes and 5 capacities available. Capacities range from 15 lb up to 300 lb and the EB series is NTEP, OIML, and Measurement Canada legal for trade.
  • mettler-toledo-bc60-ups-shipping-scale
    Mettler Toledo BC-60 Shipping ScaleMettler Toledo BC60 scales include the latest technology & is the replacement for the legendary PS60 scale. Offers same ruggedness, reliability, and easy to use. Designed to work with UPS WorldShip®, FedEx Ship Manager®, DHL EasyShip® & other shipping and manifesting software. Ideal for parcel shipping stores, warehouse packing stations & shipping departments. NTEP certified.
  • adam-equipment-raven-retail-computing-scale
    Adam Equipment Raven Price Computing Retail ScaleAdam Equipment Raven Price Computing Retail Scales feature dual-range price computing. Backlit LCDs on the front and rear of the scale show weight, unit price and total price, so they are visible by both operator and customer. The Raven's large stainless steel pan removes for quick cleaning between sales. AC adapter and rechargeable battery are included. NTEP approval
  • doran-550-counter-top-scale
    Doran 550 Portion Control Counter Top ScaleModel 550 from Doran Scales is a clear choice for a reliable, durable bench scale that’s ideal for food production and industrial applications. This IP68 Certified stainless-steel scale is completely sealed — with no openings for connectors — so it’s dust tight, washdown safe, and can withstand wet environments.
  • btek-centurion-at-motor-truck-scale.jpg
    B-Tek Centurion Truck ScaleThe B-Tek Centurion is standard with 3/8" steel or 8" concrete deck surface. Safety sight rail is an available option. The steel or concrete deck Centurion weighbridge can be supplied with a hot dip galvanized finish for extreme corrosion protection. Available in Analog or Digital load cells.

What is Legal for Trade?

In applications where customers are purchasing items based on product weight, a Legal for Trade certified scale is required. This scale must meet certain requirements from the national institute. It has to pass NTEP certification and evaluation to be NTEP approved. Those letters stand for national type evaluation program. It also has to be sealed so its calibration cannot be tampered with. The scale must be calibrated with certified test weights. Legal for Trade applications could be a deli counter, a scrap yard or even shipping, where charges are calculated based on an item's weight. Legal for Trade scales are designed to be fair for both the buyer and the seller.

When these scales are developed, they are put through a testing procedure and must meet certain minimum requirements before they can be used in a Legal for Trade application. Any work performed on the scale needs to be done by a certified scale technician who will reseal the scale or file paperwork when a NTEP certified scale is initially put into service. Non-certified weights, such as gym weights, can never be used to calibrate the NTEP scale. In most cases, the scale digital readout and the scale base with weighing pan need to be NTEP certified.

What is a NTEP Certificate of Conformance? 

The National Conference on Weights and Measures issues a NTEP Certificate of Conformance following successful completion of an evaluation of a device. It indicates that the digital scales described in the Certificate is capable of meeting applicable requirements of the Handbook 44.

In addition to being a NTEP certified scale, other features to consider are battery life, total price, overload protection and maximum weighing capacity.

Who Tests the Scales & Issues the NTEP CoC?

The National version of Weights and Measures is a professional not-for-profit association of state and local weights and measures officials, federal agencies, manufacturers, retailers and consumers. NCWM has developed national weights and measures standards for over a hundred years. The organization brings the right interests together to keep pace with innovative advancements in the marketplace. Their basic mission is ensuring equity and uniform standards and to promote commerce and fair competition by leveling the playing field. They also want to ensure consumers "get what they pay for" and make sure the customer has confidence when buying an item based on the NTEP certified scales weight that is displayed.

What are the benefits of using certified floor scales?

Using certified floor scales offers a range of benefits for businesses. First, these commercial scales ensure compliance with rules and regulations in terms of accurately measuring products using a legal for trade weighing device. Additionally, the use of certified weighing scales helps in establishing trust with customers. When NTEP scales are accurately weighed and they see the NTEP circle or the CoC# on the scale, customers can have confidence that they are receiving the correct quantity or weight amount, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.