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Mark-10 Ergonomics Test Kit Model MK

Mark-10 Ergonomics Test Kit Model MK

Ergonomics Testing Kit has compact design, easy to hold. Simple & accurate job task analysis & ergonomic testing. ADA compliance, workplace design, ergonomic studies. Measure in: kg, lb, N. Flat, curved & square padded attachments mount directly to the force gauge for musculoskeletal strength analysis.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Mark-10 Ergonomics Testing Kit Model MK features compact design, easy to hold. Simple and accurate job task analysis and ergonomic testing. ADA compliance, workplace design, ergonomic studies. Non-slip double and single handles. Flat, curved and square padded attachments mount directly to the force gauge for conducting musculoskeletal strength analysis. Rugged hook and flat adapter attach directly to the force gauge for push, pull and lift forces. Durable construction ensures longevity. Battery or AC operation. Cushioned carrying case, AC adapter, battery, user's manual, NIST-traceable certificate of calibration included. Specifications subject to change

These MK kits make job task analysis and ergonomic testing analysis simple and accurate, ideal for ADA compliance, workplace design, and ergonomic studies. These kits present the ergonomist and other professionals with a simple and economical testing solution. The kits are available in capacities of 200 lbF and 500 lbF.

Part Number.................. Description
MK200 .................. Ergonomics Test Kit Cap: 200 lbF
MK500 .................. Ergonomics Test Kit Cap: 500 lbF

For 220V operation add suffix E to model number.