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Weigh Modules - ITCM Stainless Steel Isolated Tension Cell

Weigh Modules - ITCM Stainless Steel Isolated Tension Cell

The ITCM SS Series utilizes Rice Lake components to provide an unmatched level of performance in tank and hopper weighing applications and mechanical scale conversions. The ITCM SS incorporates clevis and unique rod-end ball joint assemblies to reduce the overall length to less than half of the traditional tension cell mounts


Call: (919) 776-7737

The ITCM Series utilizes several Rice Lake Weighing Systems components to provide an unmatched level of performance in tank and hopper weighing applications and mechanical scale conversions. The ITCM SS incorporates clevis and unique rod-end ball joint assemblies to reduce the overall length to less than half of the traditional tension cell mounts, while providing correct load alignment. In addition, the load cell is completely electrically isolated from stray currents, which are a major cause of load cell failure. To complete the design, a grounding strap connects the two clevis assemblies to further provide safety to your load cells.


• Capacities (per module):100-5,000 lb
• Clevis mounts with nylon insulating washers
• PTFE-lined rod-end ball joints
• Load cell is completely isolated from stray currents
• Grounding strap provides alternative path to ground
• Complete package for ease of installation
• Provides correct load cell loading even in difficult installations
• Lower overall height compared to other isolated tension assemblies

• Suspended hoppers and tanks
• Mechanical scale conversions
• Use as a single module or in multiples

• 3 or 4 ITCM assemblies with RL20000 ST NTEP Certified S-Beam load cells
• 1 JB4SS NEMA 4X stainless steel signal trim junction box
• 25 ft of our Hostile Environment EL147HE SURVIVOR® load cell cable


LOAD RATING .................................. SINGLE MODULE ......................... 3 MODULE KIT .................... 4 MODULE KIT
100 lb (45.4 kg) 3/8-16 NC ............................. 46765 ..................................... 46735 ................................... 46751
100 lb (45.4 kg) 1/2-13 NC ............................. 46766 ..................................... 46736 ................................... 46752
250 lb (113.4 kg) 3/8-16 NC ........................... 46767 ..................................... 46737 ................................... 46753
250 lb (113.4 kg) 1/2-13 NC ........................... 46768 ..................................... 46738 ................................... 46754
500 lb (226.8 kg) 1/2-13 NC ........................... 46769 ..................................... 46739 ................................... 46755
500 lb (226.8 kg) 5/8-11 NC ........................... 46770 ..................................... 46740 ................................... 46756
750 lb (340.2 kg) 1/2-13 NC ........................... 46771 ..................................... 46741 ................................... 46757
750 lb (340.2 kg) 5/8-11 NC ........................... 46772 ..................................... 46742 ................................... 46758
1000 lb (453.6 kg) 1/2-13 NC ......................... 46773 ..................................... 46743 ................................... 46759
1000 lb (453.6 kg) 5/8-11 NC ......................... 46774 ..................................... 46744 ................................... 46760
2500 lb (1134.0 kg) 5/8-11 NC ....................... 46775 ..................................... 46745 ................................... 46761
2500 lb (1134.0 kg) 3/4-10 NC ....................... 46776 ..................................... 46746 ................................... 46762
3000 lb (1360.8 kg) 3/4-10 NC ....................... 46777 ..................................... 46747 ................................... 46763
5000 lb (2268.0 kg) 3/4-10 NC ....................... 46778 ..................................... 46748 ................................... 46764

* Load Rating is per module