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Intercomp SW Vehicle Scale Systems

Intercomp SW Vehicle Scale Systems

Intercomp SW Series Vehicle Scale Systems are designed for weighing anything from tractors to mobile homes and are ideal to ensure weight limits are met to avoid overload fines, ensure accurate information for consumers and reduce stress on equipment. Fully Integrated RFX™ Wireless Weighing Technology


Call: (919) 776-7737

Intercomp SW™ Series Vehicle Scale Systems are designed for weighing anything from tractors to mobile homes and are ideal to ensure weight limits are met to avoid overload fines, ensure accurate information for consumers and reduce stress on equipment. Fully Integrated RFX™ Wireless Weighing Technology with encryption ensures secure wireless communication. Great SOLAS solution for weighing shipping containers.

This scale series available from Central Carolina Scale is portable, lightweight with scale pads manufactured from 6061 T6 billet aerospace-grade aluminum on high precision CNC Machines to ensure superior strength and accurate to ±0.1% of reading. Great for weighing things like Mobile homes, tractors, enclosed trailers, campers, containers, and light commercial vehicles.


• Indicators Fully Control Scale Functions
• 8800 lb (4,000kg) & 20,000 lb (10,000kg) System Capacities Available
• Accuracy of ±0.1% of Reading
• 15" x 15" x 4" Wireless Scale Pads


Systems Include
• Four 15"x15"x4" RFX™ Wireless Billet Scale Pads
• AA Alkaline Batteries
• Choices of Indicator (prices vary) Handheld Weighing OR PT20™ CPU


PART # ............... DESCRIPTION........................................................................... CAPACITY  
100315-RFX ........ SW 8.8k Vehicle Scale Sys with Handheld Indicator .............. 8800 x 1 lb
100156-RFX ........ SW 8.8k Vehicle Scale Sys with PT20 CPU ........................... 8800 x 1 lb
170308-RFX ........ SW 20K Vehicle Scale Sys with Handheld Indicator ............ 20,000 x 1 lb
170151-RFX ........ SW 20K Vehicle Scale Sys with PT20 CPU ......................... 20,000 x 1 lb


101228 .............. Additional Scale Pad 2200 lb
101229 .............. Additional Scale Pad 5000 lb
100056 .............. CASE SW Series System Case for 4" pads 
100330 .............. Ramps 15" x 15" x 4" (set of 4)
100417-4 ........... Ramps 15" x 36" x 4" (set of 4)
750501 .............. Certificate of Calibration