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Doran Scales Bases and Platforms

Doran Scales Bases and Platforms

From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base. Choose a Doran Weight Indicator to be calibrated to it for a complete weighing system.


Call: (919) 776-7737

From the 1000% overload protection of the DXL series to the heavy duty tubular welded construction of the DSS and DMS series, nothing lasts as long as a Doran Scale base.

DXL Series Stainless Steel Scale Bases

1000% Overload Protection
Doran’s exclusive “Quad Spring” DXL design provides the very best in shock and static overload protection. The DXL employs shock absorbing springs to protect the load cell when something is dropped on the scale. The DXL also has heavy-duty static overload stops to protect the load cell when excessive weight (up to ten times the capacity) is placed on the scale. Doran’s DXL Bases are built tough and deliver the best load cell protection available.

Washdown Safe Construction
Built with 304 Stainless Steel, the DXL Base is made to endure heavy washdown. IP66 load cells are sealed and grounded to prevent water damage and ESD problems.
Precision Weighing
Improve your weighing results with a DXL Scale Base. Every DXL Base has a Doran series I load cell capable of delivering linear weighments up to 30,000 divisions. Be assured of accurate results—choose a Doran DXL Base.

Four Sizes to Choose From
The DXL series bases is available in four different base sizes: 8" x 8", 10" x 10", 12" x 12", or 15" x 15". DXL series scale bases are equipped with adjustable feet, allowing up 3/4" height adjustment.

MODEL ...............CAPACITY ................... SIZE....
DXL7002/88 ..... 2lb / 0.9kg / 32oz ......... 8" x 8"
DXL7005/88 ..... 5lb / 2.3kg / 80oz ......... 8" x 8"
DXL7010/88 ..... 10lb / 4.5kg / 160oz ..... 8" x 8"
DXL7025/88 ..... 25lb / 9.1kg / 320oz ...... 8" x 8"
DXL7002 .......... 2lb / 0.9kg / 32oz ......... 10" x 10"
DXL7005 .......... 5lb / 2.3kg / 80oz .......... 10" x 10"
DXL7010 .......... 10lb / 4.5kg / 160oz ...... 10" x 10"
DXL7025 .......... 25lb / 9.1kg / 320oz ...... 10" x 10"
DXL7050 .......... 50lb / 22.7kg / 800oz .... 10" x 10"
DXL8050 .......... 50lb / 22.7kg / 800oz ..... 12" x 12"
DXL8100 .......... 100lb / 45kg / 1600oz ..... 12" x 12"
DXL9050 .......... 50lb / 23kg / 800oz ........ 15" x 15"
DXL9100 .......... 100lb / 45kg / 1600oz .... 15" x 15"
DXL9200 .......... 200lb / 91kg / 3200oz .... 15" x 15"

DXL Series Base Options
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 10" x 10" Base (Part#: EXOPT136)
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 12" x 12" Base (Part#: EXOPT137)
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 15" x 15" Base (Part#: EXOPT138)
FM Approved Load Cell for DXL Bases (Part#: DXLOPTFM)
15" x 15" Ball Transfer Top (Part#: DXLOPT01)
15" x 15" Roller Top (Part#: DXLOPT02)

DSS Series Stainless Steel Scale Bases

Stainless Steel - Washdown Safe Construction
Just what you need for heavy washdown tasks. The Doran DSS Series Bases offers years of use in tough food plant tasks. Wash it! Hose it! Spray it! The DSS keeps on working—the quality scale base solution for every food processing or industrial application.

Heavy Duty Construction
Built to last and made to perform, that’s the Doran DSS Scale Bases. Welded tubular construction, 6 overload stops, and time-proven Doran designs all add up to trouble-free performance.

Three Sizes to Choose From
The 18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" base sizes are available in maximum capacities from 100 to 1,000 lbs.

MODEL ...................... CAPACITY ............. SIZE
DSS3100 ................... 100 lbs ................ 18x18
DSS3250 ................... 250 lbs ................ 18x18
DSS3500 ................... 300 lbs ................ 18x18
DSS4250 ................... 250 lbs ............... 18x24
DSS4500 ................... 500 lbs ............... 18x24
DSS5250 ................... 250 lbs ................ 24x24
DSS5500 ................... 500 lbs ................ 24x24
DSS51000 ................ 1000 lbs ............... 24x24

DMS Series Mild Steel Scale Bases

Heavy Duty Welded Frame Construction
Built to last and made to perform, that’s the Doran DMS Scale Bases. Welded tubular construction, 6 overload stops, and time-proven Doran designs all add up to trouble-free performance.

Two-part Polyurethane Finish
Built for years of reliable use, the Doran DMS Mild Steel Bases are remarkably rugged. A two-part polyurethane finish provides excellent wear and abrasion protection, and the DMS 7 Overload Stop System protects the load cell from shock and overload damage.

Three Sizes to Choose From
The 18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" base sizes are available in maximum capacities from 100 to 1,000 lbs.

MODEL ...................... CAPACITY ............. SIZE
DMS3100 ................... 100 lbs ................ 18x18
DMS3250 ................... 250 lbs ................ 18x18
DMS4250 ................... 250 lbs ............... 18x24
DMS4500 ................... 500 lbs ............... 18x24
DMS5250 ................... 250 lbs ................ 24x24
DMS5500 ................... 500 lbs ................ 24x24
DMS51000 ................ 1000 lbs ............... 24x24

DMS/DSS Options Available
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 250lb Capacity Base (18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" x 24") (Part#: EXOPT179-250)
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 500lb Capacity Base (18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" x 24") (Part#: EXOPT179-500)
Stainless Steel Load Cell for 1000lb Capacity Base (18" x 18", 18" x 24", or 24" x 24") (Part#: EXOPT179-1000)
FM Approved Load Cell for DSS Bases (Part#: DSSOPTFM)
20" Tall Atlas Column (Part#: DSSOPTH)
30" Tall Atlas Column (Part#: DSSOPTH1)
Roller Conveyor Option for 24" x 24" Base (S.S. Rollers) (Part# DSSOPT04)
Roller Conveyor Option for 18" x 18" Base (S.S. Rollers) (Part# DSSOPT05)
Roller Conveyor Option for 24" x 24" Base (PVC Rollers) (Part# DSSOPT06)
Roller Conveyor Option for 18" x 18" Base (PVC Rollers) (Part# DSSOPT07)
Balltop Conveyor Option for 18" x 18" Base (Part# DSSOPT09)
Balltop Conveyor Option for 18" x 24" Base (Part# DSSOPT10)