We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales

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Medical Scales for Sale

Medical Scales for Sale

Medical scales come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you are purchasing medical scales for a hospital or doctors office or just doing some weight watcher strategies a scale can be the perfect choice to keep track of your body weight. Our medical weight scales for sale include the standard mechanical doctors office scale with height rod. These scales are sometimes thought of as antique or vintage items but they are typically very reliable and accurate. We also have a wide variety of digital scales with or without a column. Most doctors offices and hospitals choose to use the column while many nurses or home use applications choose not use the column and go with a more portable version.

The advantages of a professional digital scale for the doctors office is speed. With a digital scale, there is no sliding counter weights or waiting for a beam to settle. Some of these digital scales are also available with a hand rail which can be great for patients that need just a little assistance navigating on to the weighing platform. Digital wheel chair scales are very easy to use and can weigh the patient while they sit in the wheelchair. We also have medical vet scales which are used in veterinary offices to weigh dogs and cats. If you are interested in class III items please see the wrestling equipment. Since we have been offering medical scales for over thirty years, we have a pretty good idea of what the best scales are. We like to sell the best names like Detecto, Health O Meter, Rice Lake, and Seca. We also offer some of the newer brands to the marketplace like Salter Brecknell and Doran Medical.

What kind of scales do doctors use?

Customers ask us this question and there isn't one specific brand they use. However, one consistent thing we have found is doctors and hospitals typically invest in high quality brand name medical scales that are usually the most accurate scale. Give us a call or email and we can give you reviews and our opinion on your specific application along with prices. From time to time we do get asked for second hand equipment and generally speaking we really don't have too many refurbished medical scales or as some like to call it, reconditioned...

Our focus is to provide top rated medical scales that our customers will enjoy using for years to come. We have found that by offering quality medical scales with quick shipping and keeping plenty in supply it makes our customers happy and coming back to us when they need more scales. Detecto is America's trusted name brand for clinical medical scales for over 100 years.

Central Carolina Scale is dedicated to providing an outstanding variety of quality medical weighing products designed and manufactured to meet specific requirements of the health care industry, compare medical scales. From the traditional physician's scale to our latest electronic scale with multifunction digital indicator, we have a model to fit your needs; and all are built with both patient and operator in mind when it comes to comfort, style and ease of use. You name it and the odds are we can find it. Gurney and stretcher scales, medical scales with handrails, digital medical scale with height rod, and more.