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Chatillon 8200 Series Hanging Scales

Chatillon 8200 Series Hanging Scales

The CHATILLON 8200 Series hanging scale are crafted of chrome-plates steel with machines stainless steel pinions and a phosphor bronze rack combination for virtually frictionless performance. The 13-inch double dial reaches full capacity in three revolutions. The 8200 Series may be specified as a Class lll "Legal for Trade" scale.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The CHATILLON® 8200 Series hanging scale are crafted of chrome-plates steel with machines stainless steel pinions and a phosphor bronze rack combination for virtually frictionless performance. The 13-inch double dial reaches full capacity in three revolutions. Runners are indexed for each revolution. Brass air dashpots eliminate pointer oscillation.

The 8200 Series may be specified as a Class lll "Legal for Trade" scale. Available in avoirdupois and metric models, the 8200 Series can be supplied with a bottom hook (nickel plated steel) or the popular AS circular pan. The AS Pan is constructed of stainless steel. The supporting ring and bow are of nickel plated steel. The removable 5-inch deep round pan has drain holes and is USDA approved for use in general food handling.

Features & Benefits
•H44 Class lll "Legal for Trade"
•Avoirdupois and Metric Graduations
•Full Capacity in Three Pointer Revolutions
•Double 13-inch Dials (Glass Covered)
•Bottom Hook or AS Attachments
•1 Year Warranty

PART # .............. CAPACITY ...................... DESCRIPTION .............. ATTACHMENT
8230DD-T-H ....... 30 lb x 1/2 oz ....... 13" Dial Scale Class III .......... Hook 5854
8230DD-T-AS ..... 30 lb x 1/2 0z ....... 13" Dial Scale Class III .......... AS Pan
8260DD-T-H ....... 60 lb x 1 oz .......... 13" Dial Scale Class III .......... Hook 5854
8260DD-T-AS ..... 60 lb x 1 oz .......... 13" Dial Scale Class III .......... AS Pan
K8215DD-T-H ..... 15 kg x 20g .......... 13" Dial Scale Class III .......... Hook 5854
K8215DD-T-AS ... 15 kg x 20g .......... 13" Dial Scale Class III ........... AS Pan