We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales
Call: (919) 776-7737
Cardinal Scale Manufacturing's powerful WinVRS software keeps traffic moving over your scale by providing fast, accurate collection of data on vehicles, accounts, orders, and materials. Unique, user-defined fields allow you to easily configure the system to meet your needs. A wide range of reports are available to provide period histories, material totals, customer information and more. WinVRS’s convenient file utilities menu allows data to be exported to other applications such as accounting and materials control. NTEP legal-for-trade certified.
WinVRS-TOUCH offers all the same great features as WinVRS, but comes with larger fonts and buttons for convenient touchscreen navigation. When a user enters into any WinVRS window with input prompts, an on-screen keyboard appears.
Accurate Data Management of Vehicles Accounts Orders and Materials
Also Available in Plasma Touchscreen
Customizable Reports for Easy Review and Editing of Database Items
Image File Association with Items
Made in USA Quality
NTEP Legal for Trade
Security and Event Logging
ITEM # ......................... DESCRIPTION
WINVRS-TOUCH ........... Vehicle Recording System, Software, PC, Printer, Touch Screen
WINVRS-PLUS .............. Vehicle Recording System, Software, Premium PC, Printer
WINVRS ........................ Vehicle Recording System, Software, PC, Printer
WINVRS-SW .................. Vehicle Recording System, Software
WINVRS-OFFSLSW ....... Vehicle Recording System, Off Site License Software
WINVRS-LT ................... Vehicle Recording System, Limited Version, Software, PC, Printer
WINVRS-LT-SW ............. Vehicle Recording System, Limited Version, Software
WINVRS-ACT ................. Vehicle Recording System Accounting Interface
WINVRS-SMSA .............. WINVRS Telephone Support Agreement, Annual