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Cardinal Scale RD2 Remote Display

Cardinal Scale RD2 Remote Display

Cardinal Scale RD2 remote display features quality, stainless steel enclosure, 2.25-inch/57 mm, 6-digit, 7-segment High LED display with 10 levels of brightness, 150 feet viewing range, bi-directional RS232 serial port, versatile mounting bracket, compact overall size, and 3 navigation keys.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Cardinal Scale RD2 remote display has a rugged stainless steel enclosure that offers protection from water and dust inherent in industrial environments and a 2.25-inch/57 mm high, 6-digit, 7-segment LED display with 10 levels of brightness that makes measurements highly visible for easy viewing up to 150 feet. A bi-directional RS232 serial port, versatile mounting bracket, 3 navigation keys and compact overall size round out the remaining features.

1 RS232 Serial Port
10 Levels of Brightness
150-ft Viewing Range
2.25-in-high LED Digits
Auto-Learn Selects Input Protocol
Giant Display Readouts - Compact Overall Size
Versatile Mounting Bracket

Power Requirements: 94 to 264 VAC, 47/63 Hz Universal Input
Protection Rating: IP66
Operating Environment: -10 to 120º F (-23 to +49º C)
Display: Six-digit, seven-segment, 2.25 in / 57 mm high LED
Interface: 20mA current loop, RS-232
Annunciators: lb, kg, T, t, G, N
Display Capacity: -99999 to 999999
Enclosure: Stainless steel
Viewing Range: 150
Shipping Weight: 16 lb / 7.3 kg