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Cardinal Scale ICAN Intelligent J-Box

Cardinal Scale ICAN Intelligent J-Box

Cardinal Scale diagnostic and monitoring system, iCan offers analog to digital conversion system for all analog load cell systems, new or retrofit. Real-time load cell diagnostics identifies load cell problems before they cause inaccurate weighing, so scale downtime is minimized.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Cardinal Scale diagnostic and monitoring system, iCan offers analog to digital conversion system for all analog load cell systems, new or retrofit. Real-time load cell diagnostics identifies load cell problems before they cause inaccurate weighing, so scale downtime is minimized. iCan works with any analog load cell; you’re not tied to a single source! Each iCan junction box supports up to eight load cells. For ten or more cells, interconnecting cable will be provided. NTEP legal-for-trade certified.

NTEP Legal for Trade
On-Board Diagnostic Displays
Real-Time Load Cell Diagnostics
Remote Monitoring of Scale Performance
Stainless Steel Enclosure
Transient Noise Isolation

Model .................. Description
ICAN4P ................ iCan J-Box, 4 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN6P ................ iCan J-Box, 6 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN8P ................ iCan J-Box, 8 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN10P .............. iCan J-Box, 10 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN12P .............. iCan J-Box, 12 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN14P .............. iCan J-Box, 14 Cell, Fiber Optic, Plastic
ICAN4G ............... iCan J-Box, 4 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICAN6G ............... iCan J-Box, 6 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICAN8G ............... iCan J-Box, 8 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICAN10G ............. iCan J-Box, 10 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICAN12G ............. iCan J-Box, 12 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICAN14G ............. iCan J-Box, 14 Cell, Fiber Optic, Glass
ICANW ................ iCan Wireless Transceiver
ISITE-NET-KIT ..... iSite Ethernet Kit
ISITE-TEL-KIT ..... iSite Modem Kit