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Cardinal Rugged Weigh Industrial Floor Scale

Cardinal Rugged Weigh Industrial Floor Scale

Ruggedweigh industrial floor scale has unique channel structure design that protects components, stainless steel load cells and junction box, low-profile platform, checkered steel deck, flexible footing for uneven floors, economically priced. NTEP legal-for-trade. 5000 & 10,000 lb capacity.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Cardinal Scale Manufacturing proudly offers the Rugged Weigh floor scales which have a unique channel structure which provides strength and sturdy, enclosed protection for the stainless steel load cells, junction box, and wiring. This low-profile design available from Central Carolina Scale has flexible four-way approach, checkered steel deck, and special flexible footing that compensates for uneven floors. These freight scales are economically priced, extremely durable, high-performance pieces of equipment. NTEP legal-for-trade certified. 5,000 and 10,000 lb capacity.


Ruggedweigh Floor Scale Features

Digital Speed and Accuracy
Mild or Stainless Steel Platforms
NTEP Legal for Trade
Rugged Checkered Steel Deck
Self-Aligning Scale Footings
Stainless Steel Load Cells


Model .............. Description
FH-533-F ........... Floor Scale, Electronic, 3' x 3', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Mild Steel
FH-544-F ........... Floor Scale, Electronic, 4' x 4', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Mild Steel
FH-555-F ........... Floor Scale, Electronic, 5' x 5', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Mild Steel
FH-1044-F ......... Floor Scale, Electronic, 4' x 4', 10,000 Lb Capacity, Mild Steel
FH-1055-F ......... Floor Scale, Electronic, 5' x 5', 10,000 Lb Capacity, Mild Steel
FH-533-FS ......... Floor Scale, Electronic, 3' x 3', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Stainless Steel
FH-544-FS ......... Floor Scale, Electronic, 4' x 4', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Stainless Steel
FH-555-FS ......... Floor Scale, Electronic, 5' x 5', 5,000 Lb Capacity, Stainless Steel