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Cardinal Model 201 Weight Transmitter

Cardinal Model 201 Weight Transmitter

201 weight transmitter features a DIN rail mounting bracket, PLC connectivity, powers up to 8 350-ohm load cells, NTEP, 6 digit transflective ColorZONE LCD for checkweighing, and communication protocols including serial RS232/RS485, mini USB-B, Analog (0-10V or 4-20mA), Ethernet TCP/IP, EIP & Modbus TCP


Call: (919) 776-7737

The Cardinal 201 weight transmitter is a fast, accurate instrument for process control-based static and dynamic weighing applications capable of powering up to eight 350-ohm load cells and comes with a 35-mm DIN rail mounting bracket. The 201 transmitter, available from Central Carolina Scale features a 0.5-inch-high, six-digit, transflective LCD display with up to seven different colors and is viewable in all lighting levels from direct light to total darkness. A variety of mounting options and ColorZONE control options make it ideal for quick visual verification of weight status.

The 201 offers sample rates of up to 200 samples per second and standard communication protocols include serial interface RS232/RS485, mini USB-B, Analog (0-10V or 4-20mA), Ethernet TCP/IP, EIP, and Modbus TCP, making it easy to connect to a PC, PLC, and other smart devices. NTEP, Measurement Canada, CE, and UL.


Cardinal Scale 201 FEATURES

0.5-in-high LCD Display
ColorZONE Checkweighing
DIN Rail Mounting Bracket
NTEP Legal for Trade
PLC Connectivity
Powers up to 8 Load Cells
Versatile Mounting Variations
Web Interface Through IP Address




PLC Connectivity

RS232 Serial
The 201 can be configured for continuous or on-demand weight requests. Commands may be sent for all weight functions such as ZERO, TARE, etc.

RS485 Serial
The 201 can be configured for continuous or on-demand weight requests. Commands may be sent for all weight functions such as ZERO, TARE, etc.

Digital Outputs
The 201 has four digital outputs that can be configured for checkweighing UNDER, ACCEPT, and OVER status.

Digital Inputs
The 201 has four digital inputs that can be configured to perform functions such as ZERO, TARE, GROSS/NET, UNITS, or PRINT. A PLC could be connected to these inputs to trigger these functions.

Analog Output
The 201 has capabilities for 0-10VDC and 4-20mA that can be configured to track the gross or net weight values.

Modbus TCP
The 201 supports Modbus/TCP to allow a PLC to receive weight and status information. The PLC may send commands such as ZERO and TARE to the 201 using Modbus/TCP.

The 201 supports Modbus RTU/ASCII to allow a PLC to receive weight and status information. The PLC may send commands such as ZERO and TARE to the 201 using Modbus RTU/ASCII.

Ethernet Raw Socket
The 201 can be configured as a TCP/IP server to accept socket connections. The TCP/IP server port may be selected during set up.

USB Device
The 201 has a USB-B mini device connection, so it can be connected to a PC and, with the appropriate driver, will appear as a virtual COM.

Web Page Configuration and Diagnostics
The 201 includes a Web server that displays the current weight, digital and analog I/O states. The Web server allows remote configuration of various settings. The Web page also includes diagnostics of network connections that is useful for installation and troubleshooting of Modbus/TCP or Ethernet/IP