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B-TEK T403S Batch Controller Package

B-TEK T403S Batch Controller Package

B-TEK T403S Batch Controller is a straightforward batching system that can be used with various types of devices for batching applications. It is specifically designed for effortless installation and is user-friendly and adaptable for different types of filling or extraction processes.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The B-TEK T403S Batch Controller is a straightforward batching system that can be used with various types of devices for batching applications. It is specifically designed for effortless installation and is user-friendly and adaptable for different types of filling or extraction processes. The T403S Batch Controller comes standard with a complete keypad to perform: two-speed filling, three-ingredient filling, fill/discharge operation, manual and auto preacts, as well as negative filling operation.

btek t403s batch controller

With a full keypad, USB connection and optional wireless ethernet, the T403S is pivotal for flawless connectivity.  Designed for easy installation, easy-to-use and versatile for multiple types of filling or extraction processes.
The unit is easily configured for:
• Two speed single ingredient filling
• Ingredient filling (up to three ingredients)
• Independent set-points filling
• Fill / discharge operation
• Manual or auto preacts
• Negative filling operation
Features include:
• Emergency stop, large mushroom switch provides quick operator access
• Auto-tare on start up to allow net weight filling
• Momentary jog to allow operator to top off manually in the event of an under fill or a desired increase
• RS232 (2), USB host, and ethernet ports for connection to a printer, computer or other peripheral
825-200121    T403S Batch Controller w/ Stack Light
825-200122    T403S Batch Controller w/o Stack Light