We sell, repair, calibrate & rent scales

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B-Tek Custom Scales

B-Tek Custom Scales

Our B-Tek scales can be customized. We can paint them Safety Yellow, Orange, Blue etc... Need a special paint for chemical protection or specialty coatings such as Coal Tar Epoxy, triple-coat paint systems and even Hot Dip Galvanized. Need to replace an existing truck scale? Replacing an odd size platform scale?


Call: (919) 776-7737

COLORS - Safety Yellow, Candy Apple Red, Flame Orange, Mystic Blue or Jet Black! B-TEK offers an unlimited selection of custom paint color options. B-TEK will paint any of our manufactured scale platforms to match your existing plant equipment, duplicate a corporate color or just make the scale the show piece of your facility.

COATINGS - Need a special paint system applied to your scale for chemical protection? Scale located in a coastal city near the sea? Measuring road salt? B-TEK has supplied our manufactured scale platforms with many different types of specialty coatings such as Coal Tar Epoxy, triple-coat paint systems and even Hot Dip Galvanized, to meet our customers requirements.

SIZES - Need to replace an existing truck scale and require minimum down-time? Replacing an odd size platform scale in a pit? Require a bench scale mounted on a wheeled portability cart ? B-TEK has built a reputation in the weighing industry for our willingness and ability to retrofit existing scale installations or build custom platform scales. From a custom 8 inch x 8 inch bench scale to a 180 ft. long truck scale, B-TEK has the engineering talent and manufacturing ability to meet many of your custom scale application requirements.

•Replacement steel or concrete pit type weighbridge for existing lever system
•Complete replacement truck scales to match existing foundation piers
•Drip pit for truck scale approach
•Steel approach ramps for truck scale
•Catwalk mounted on or next to truck scale
•Special sight rail on truck scale
•Retrofit combination rail / truck weighbridge or complete scale
•Replace pit scale concrete deck with steel panels
•Transfer coil car high capacity scale
•Ladle scale in steel mill
•Floor scales with mounting holes or attached studs
•Riser frames for floor scales to match existing pit depth
•Gravity or ball transfer rollers mounted to floor or bench scales