Do you carry any other type, that are less…

We were recently invited to provide a written quote on a 5’x5′ floor scale at a metal recycling center in North Carolina. When we sent the customer a quote for a quality set of floor scales, he replied back with the statement.

Do you carry any other type, that are less. In other words (brand x) scales are around 500.00 and I told (co-worker) that we could buy almost 3 for the price of 1 and if one breaks down we would have a back up.

Of course our first comment would be, it might be a good idea to buy two or three of them so you have a system that works! Seriously, if you’ve read any of our blog posts in the past, then you know our philosophy when it comes to floor scale systems. You can always find a set of scales at a cheaper price. Lets face it, in today’s world doesn’t that almost apply to just about any product? There is always somebody down the street willing to sell something a little cheaper. And often times if they can import a bunch of junk that has serious QC issues and sell them to unsuspecting customers who are simply looking to get a good deal, then that is what they will do.

That is why we focus on providing you a set of platform scales that we have confidence in.  The other note worth mentioning is the scale he was “comparing” our scale to wasn’t even legal for trade. The main point of this entry is, give us a call or send us an email and we can provide you with a quote for a weighing scale that we feel will meet your needs. If you have a budgeted price in mind, be sure to let us know that too. Often times when something costs a lot less than other similar products, there is a reason.

Announcement On Rice Lake OTR Above Ground Truck Scale

Rice Lake Weighing Systems was recently granted an amendment to its NTEP Certificate of Conformance for the SURVIVOR OTR Series of above ground truck scales. The amendment reduces the scale’s minimum division value (emin) from the industry standard 20 pounds to 10 pounds, making the SURVIVOR OTR suitable for not only vehicle weighing, but high-dollar applications such as livestock and scrap-metal weighing.
The improved resolution is essential where valuable commodities are being weighed and Rice Lake’s truck scales now offer a competitive advantage in those cases.

The new certification applies to Rice Lake’s entire OTR Series, including steel and concrete decks and pit or pitless grain dump models, in standard widths up to 16.5 feet and standard lengths up to 160 feet. The SURVIVOR OTR is also now available with racks and gates for livestock containment needs.

Ways To Avoid Airline Baggage Fees

These days everyone is looking to cut costs and find ways to raise additional revenue. One way the airlines can do this is by charging customers an additional fee if their bags weigh more than a certain weight. Unfortunately, many passengers have no real accurate way to measure the weight of their bag until they get to the airport. However, a standard bathroom scale can usually give you a pretty good idea if your bag is going to be close to the maximum weight. The link provides additional information on this story.

During the last inspection in March, Butler’s team check almost 100 scales. Thirteen failed inspection – one was 2 whole pounds off. The previous year, Butler said, ten scales had problems.

With overweight baggage fees topping out around $200, a scale’s accuracy could mean the difference between a hassle-free flight and a costly mess-up.

Butler said Burke has the right idea by weighing her luggage at home. He said anyone who believes their bag is underweight should ask to use a second scale if the bag comes up over.

“Just ask them. There are two scales side by side. If you’re over 50 pounds on that scale, ask them, ‘Do you mind checking on another scale?'” he said. “It’s your right to know because it’s big money. It’s big money.”

A couple of points that were made in this video are worth repeating. As a passenger, make sure when you place your luggage onto the weighing platform that the scale display shows 0.00 and if you are facing an overweight charge be sure to ask if you can place your bag on a different scale. Typically the baggage scales that are placed at airports are very accurate and reliable scales that are designed to meet certain standards, like NTEP approval. However, they can get out of calibration sometimes for various reasons and that is why it is a good idea for airlines to check the scales on a regular basis and have companies like ours calibrate the scales with certified test weights.

Breakthrough Legal for Trade Onboard Scale Launch Announced

A breakthrough new Legal for Trade onboard scale is getting plenty of attention in the trucking and transportation industries. From feed and grain to minerals, scrap steel, wood pellets, grease recovery and more, TradeRoute lets drivers bypass the truck scale and conduct business directly to and from their payload, printed ticket and all.

TradeRoute is one of very few Legal for Trade onboard scales available in North America. But what makes it most unique is that it operates solely from a parked position where hydraulics are used to engage the scale. Unlike all other onboard designs, TradeRoute’s load cells support the vehicle’s load only during the weigh cycle, eliminating the potential for premature load-cell wear from constant engagement.

TradeRoute from Rice Lake Weighing Systems is designed to install around the frame of many common straight-truck designs using a combination of frame-hugging weigh modules, a stainless steel junction box, and a weatherproof control center that houses Rice Lake’s 920i® Indicator/Controller and Epson TM-U295 Ticket Printer. The 920i software adds tremendous power and flexibility to each TradeRoute system, which can be customized to the unique needs of each customer.

The potential cost savings are huge with a system like this. Carriers can save an enormous amount of time and vehicle wear by not taking constant trips to a certified scale, and multiply that savings across their fleet. They get detailed numbers from each stop and are able to store and transmit those numbers back to their office electronically.  Avoid a few overload fines and this system pays for itself quickly.

CAS LPII and PD-1 Scales Being Discontinued

Time to upgrade to the CL5000 Label Printing Scale and PD-2 POS Interface Scale.  Effective immediately, CAS Corporation is discontinuing the production of the CAS LPII Label Printing Scale and PD-1 POS Interface Scale. Limited stock is available for both LP-2G and LP-2W models. Have you tried the CL5000 Label Printing Scale or PD-2 POS Interface Scale?  Contact your Central Carolina Scale sales rep or visit the CL5000 and PD-2 web pages for product information.

The CL5000 Label Printing Scale has the functions you need at an affordable price. Includes CL-Works software package. Use in supermarkets, specialty stores, deli’s and more. The CAS PD-II Electronic Cash Register Scale comes complete with an RS-232C Interface, and bright VFD Display. The PD-II scale is ideal for retail establishments Continue reading

What Does Class III Refer to When Discussing NTEP Requirements?

Handbook 44 from NIST spells out rules and regulations for the weighing industry and separates weighing devices into five accuracy classes. Depending on the number and value of scale divisions, equipment can be either class I, II, III, III L, or IIII, with Class I having the highest precision. All Legal-for-Trade scales fall under one of these five classes.

Table 7a of Handbook 44 breaks down the description of each class. Class III states: “All commercial weighing not otherwise specified, grain test scales, retail precious metals and semi-precious gem weighing, animal scales, postal scales, vehicle on-board weighing systems with a capacity less than or equal to 30,000 lb, and scales used to determine laundry charges.”

NTEP scales

Basically, what it’s saying is anything that doesn’t fall elsewhere would go in this weight class, providing the device meets the criteria for the quantity and size of divisions. Class III covers many different types of scales, making it a bit of a catch-all. Produce scales would be one type of Class III application. While some jewelry scales are Class III if the resolution is appropriate for the application, meanwhile, a more precise jewelry scale could be Class II. It all depends on the number of divisions and capacity. Precision laboratory devices usually fall under Class I.  

At the opposite end of the spectrum is Class III L, which covers heavier capacity on-board applications, truck scales, livestock scales and railroad scales. Class IIII applies strictly to axle scales and wheel loader devices for highway weight enforcement.

Get Started With Central Carolina Scale

At Central Carolina Scale, our philosophy has always been to work directly with customers to help them choose the proper weighing equipment. If you have specific questions about scale classes, call us at (919) 776-7737 or email us at

Buy Label Printing Scale and Get $50 Gift Card

Starting 7/15/2010, CAS Scale will begin offering to customers of Central Carolina Scale $50 (Visa/Mastercard Gift Card) for every CL5000 and/or LP1000’s that they purchase till 8/15/2010. For each qualifying product purchased, $50 will be added to the gift card. That can be a lot of savings!

The CL5000 Label Printing Scale has the functions you need at an affordable price. Includes CL-Works software package. Use in supermarkets, specialty stores, deli’s and more. 60 lb Capacity with 3,000 PLU’s & 1,000 Ingredients. CL-Works Software Package Included. Features PLU Editor – Label Editor – Keypad Editor. Compatible with Microsoft Windows® 2000 / XP / Vista.

The CAS LP-1000 Thermal Label Printing Scale was designed specifically for the food service environment where you need to pre-pack and price items. The CAS LP 1000 is perfect for your deli or grocery. With 54 preset Pricing keys and the flexibility to pre-program your items, prices, and ingredients into the scale, thus reducing errors and giving the consumer the information they require. Optional pole display (model LP-1000NP) is also available.

This promotion will run for a limited time only. For instructions on how to claim gift cards, see below. Please note: All gift card requests from end-users must be postmarked within 20 days of the invoice date.  Qualifying Products must be purchased between 7/15/2010 – 8/15/2010 to be eligible for this promotion. Qualifying products are: CL5000B – CL5000R – LP1000N – LP1000NP.