FAQ for a “Durable Pallet Scale” on the Internet

For this months article, I wanted to take a few minutes and answer a few questions I found online while searching for a “durable pallet scale” on a popular ecommerce website.

For the record, at Central Carolina Scale, we recommend that you contact us (RFQ form, phone, or email) to discuss what scale features you need and what a realistic price you’re looking for and what we can offer.

However, in today’s ultra fast paced world, many customers would rather just buy the cheapest “durable pallet scale” that they can find by clicking a couple of buttons and adding to a shopping cart.

Below are a few answers to some of the questions that potential buyers asked.

Q: Will it work outdoors?
A: The standard 4×4 pallet scale will not work in this environment. This assumes that you are using a low cost plastic weight indicator which is often what is used at this price level.  Some folks mention placing indicators in bags or taking the indicator inside every night, which is not really the long term way to do this. If you’re looking for an outdoor solution, you really need a scale with good quality load cells, protective junction box, and a stainless steel IP66 or better weight indicator. Contact us (RFQ form or by phone) for more details.

Q: What kind of long term results can anyone provide me about this scale?
A: Generally, our typical industrial pallet scales are built well and provide years of great service. A lot depends on how the scales are used and if they are abused. Where is starts getting dicey is when you start using cheaper quality products such as certain cheap plastic weight indicators and certain load cells that have no manufacturer label on them. 

Q: Can I get the scale with a longer cord?
A: This is an example where a little communication can go a long way. If you contact us before purchasing a pallet scale, we can typically customize certain things if needed. For example, if you need a longer cord between the scale platform and the digital weight indicator, we can typically do that ahead of time. If you wait and ask for that after the fact, now you run the risk of having to do another calibration since you’re changing cable lengths. 

Q: Is the scale weatherproof? Can the platform be left outside?
A: If you will contact us ahead of time, we can put together a quote for a pallet scale that you could leave outside if needed. We can also use a stainless steel IP68 weight indicator but we recommend trying to protect the digital weight readout in a covered area if you can. 

I could go on and on with this but ultimately I hope you get the overall theme I’m trying to shed light on. The truth is, these days if you search hard enough, you can almost find any item online for just about any price you realistically want. Quality is often shaky however…  But it often doesn’t matter to many of those sellers because as long as the scale performs well for a few weeks, they get a good star rating and all is well.

If you think about it, if a seller is offering a “durable 4×4 pallet scale” for some price below $500 with “Free Shipping” there’s some cheap products being peddled in order to accomplish this. Let’s unpack the costs on this deal for a minute.

Freight is usually at least $125 to $200 depending on where you’re shipping from/to. Let’s average it and say $162 for freight.

Weight indicator is at least $150.

Scale Platform is $188 in order to make this math add up.

Here’s where I get a little suspicious. This platform has (4) load cells inside. The standard load cell is at least $125 each. Well that’s $500 right there…. The scale is also going to include a junction box with a summing board inside. That’s another minimum of $80.  How is this “durable pallet scale” able to be sold for ~ $188 as part of the package with indicator?

And, this doesn’t take into account anything about “seller fees” or “credit card fees” which surely exist as well. 

And of course, many of these offers provide a factory warranty and tech support.

Bottom line, if you purchase a scale like this, it might work for a few days, a few weeks or a few months… who knows?  But the quality of the items is suspicious in order to meet that price. And often when quality is reduced in order to meet a certain price, then the durability often suffers. 

We want you to purchase a 4×4 pallet scale from us. We sell quality products. We can’t match the pricing that you see above, and frankly, we don’t really want to match those prices because in order to match it, we know that we’d be cutting corners like crazy! 

At CCS, we believe in providing customers with a quality item, like for example, a B-Tek Scales Clydesdale. We can certainly provide you with alternative choices in an attempt to meet a budget price. However, in a world where the line between value and junk is getting blurry… we try really hard to not sell “junk”. Please contact us and allow us to work with you to find a quality product at a reasonable price.  Call (919) 776-7737 or complete our RFQ on our website. 

10 Reasons To Consider Hydraulic Load Cell Technology

Unlike other load cell technologies including both digital and analog strain gauge load cells, hydraulic load cells are immune to damage resulting from lightning strikes or other electrical surges. Hydraulic load cells have neither strain gauges nor wiring like other load cell technologies thus making them unaffected by lightning strikes; one of the most common reasons for load cell failure.

Hydraulic load cells are constructed using stainless steel components welded together then pressure tested to ensure there are no leaks. Keeping the hydraulic fluid inside the load cell also keeps water out. Hydraulic load cells will operate when continuously submerged in water for an extended period.

Hydraulic load cells are capable of operating over a wide range of temperatures. Using proprietary grades of aircraft hydraulic fluid, hydraulic load cells can and do operate at temperatures of –60 degrees C (-76 degrees F). A number of hydraulic vehicle scales are located across Canada.

Unlike digital load cells, hydraulic load cells are currently available from at least two sources. Because there is no standard protocol for digital load cell outputs, you cannot replace a digital load cell with another digital load cell from a different manufacturer. Each manufacturer of digital load cells have their own proprietary output for the cell that works only with their weight indicators and other digital load cells.

One advantage of a digital load cell is its ability to display weight data from each load cell in a multiple load cell scale (like a vehicle scale). Digital load cell systems can also alert the scale operator or service technician of a potential problem before the scale weights are affected. Hydraulic load cell systems are available with load cell system controllers that perform the same functions as found in digital load cell systems. These controllers digitize each hydraulic load cell output independently allowing the operator or technician to
view the outputs of each load cell. Further, software is included to alert the operator when an excessive shift in the no-load output of one or more cells is detected prior to affecting the accuracy of the scale. Automatic calibration can be another feature of hydraulic load cell systems provided with a load cell controller.

The hydraulic load cells available in today’s scales have been thoroughly evaluated and have been found to be in compliance with NIST Handbook 44 requirements for Class IIIL multiple load cells with 10,000 divisions, just like their digital counterparts.

Hydraulic load cells have a long history of being used in scales; much longer than either the strain gauge load cell or digital load cell. They have not been as popular as the less expensive strain gauge versions of the load cell but, when the costs of ownership including cell damage, the hydraulic load cell is clearly less expensive to own.

Most manufacturers of hydraulic load cells offer a lifetime warranty on their load cells against damage from voltage surges (lightning) and water damage; the two most common reasons for failure of strain gauge and digital load cells.

Because hydraulic load cells contain no electrical circuitry, there is no source of ignition when used in an explosive atmosphere. Hydraulic load cells are regularly used in hazardous areas where explosive materials are present. Fuel or other flammable materials leaking from a vehicle and collecting in the scale pit cannot be ignited by hydraulic load cells making them a safer alternative than strain gauge or digital load cell.

A lifetime warranty on impervious, non-conductive environmentally-sealed stainless steel hydraulic load cell that are waterproof, shockproof, explosion-proof, and resistant to both caustic and corrosive environments means we are extremely confident in Cardinal hydraulic load cells.

Tank Scales & Weight Indicators Brewing Solutions for Brewing Company

The latest case study from Cardinal Scale features tank scale load cells at a brewery. An up and coming brewing company in South Dakota was looking to expand their operations. Before they could do that, they would need a comprehensive milling system to mass produce their desirable batches of ales, lagers, and stouts.

Meanwhile, nearby a large brewing solutions company develops grinding and milling systems for agricultural, food production, and a wide host of other industries. Inside their brewing division, they have a line of storage, conveyance, milling, and auger equipment that are specially prepared to accommodate breweries and distilleries.

This equipment caught the eye of the small up and coming brewing company.

Cardinal Scale’s THBC20-4 electronic tank scale systems with 80,000-lb-capacity and THBC2.5-4 electronic tank scale systems with 10,000-lb-capacity, along with 210 indicators, are integrated in these brewing systems to weigh milled product and control the automation of the production process from the 210 indicators.

tank scales for breweries

The mill and grain handling system takes raw grain from their silos, weighs the grain in bulk bags, separates the grain through a hopper, moves the grain to a mill, and stores the finished milled grain in a grist case. Cardinal Scale’s THBC20-4 self-checking load cell stands are located under the four feet of the silo, and the THBC2.5-4 self-checking load cell stands are located under the bulk bag and grist case.

Cardinal Scale’s 210 indicator with DAC card controls the conveyor system, dumping operations of chutes, and weighing operations for the silo, bulk bag, and grist case.

Once the mill system has completed its work, the finished grist is then ready for mashing, which is the combination of the grist and water. The liquid resulting from mashing is called wort, and the wort is separated from spent grain through a process called lautering.

The completed wort is then sterilized through a boil that can last from 1 to 2 hours. Hops are then added to the wort and the completed wort is transferred to a fermentation tank. Once the beer is properly fermented and conditioned, it is then ready for carbonation and packaging. 

The local Cardinal Scale dealer assisted in the calibration of the load cells and 210 indicators and ensured Cardinal Scale’s load cells and indicator were weighing and orchestrating the milling process in a flawless manner. 

The end result is the milling system providing an efficient, fast, and exact process for milling grain in brewery operations. The applications engineer stated “Our milling systems are designed to help local breweries like this one expand their business and easily meet their production numbers. Cardinal Scale’s THBC electronic load cell kits and 210 indicators are a big part of that system”.

Cardinal Scale’s THBC20-4 electronic tank scale systems with 80,000-lb-capacity and THBC2.5-4 electronic tank scale systems with 10,000-lb-capacity, along with 210 indicators, are integrated in these brewing systems to weigh milled product and control the automation of the production process from the 210 indicators.

cardinal scale thbc brewery tank scales

Cardinal Scale’s THBC20-4 self-checking load cell stands are located under the four feet of the silo, and the THBC2.5-4 self-checking load cell stands are located under the bulk bag and grist case.

cardinal scale 210 weight terminal

Cardinal Scale’s 210 indicator with DAC card controls the conveyor system, dumping operations of chutes, and weighing operations for the silo, bulk bag, and grist case.

For more information on this scale equipment, please contact us (919) 776-7737 or complete the Request a Quote form on our website. 

Buying a Scale from a Restaurant Supply Website or Material Handling Catalog…

Look we get it… you are looking for a good deal on your next scale purchase. Almost all of us do that on virtually everything that we buy these days. And thanks to the internet we have pricing at our fingertips for everything from toilet paper to masks… (A little covid-19 reference). 

However, a lot of times the pricing is only a small part of the entire picture. Often, customers will purchase a scale from some “Restaurant Supply” Warehouse website or some “Material Handling” Catalog that gets mailed to every business in the country it seems. Ordering is easy and the pricing is usually very reasonable. However, customer service and most importantly, product knowledge is often lacking.

Sometimes the purchase can be ok. The product arrives and it works out well. But what happens when you have an issue?  This is where the disadvantage of using this ordering route begins to occur. 

I was visiting one of these “mega” websites recently and the customer reviews were pretty bad for what should have been a pretty nice product. 

You see, to many of these customer service reps, your counting scale or the price computing scale that you purchased, is simply a part number or item number.  There is no “real” tech support for the most part. There is no factory trained scale technician who can diagnose what the issue is. Take a look at the “canned” response that I saw today when I looked at one product:

Thank you for your feedback! We’re sorry you did not prefer this product. For recommendations, please contact our solutions team.

This can not only be a problem after the sale, but it also can be a problem when you make the original purchase.

For example, if a customer calls or emails the sales team at Central Carolina Scale and tells us what they are looking to do, we can often point them in the right direction and recommend a proven product to them right off the bat.

Will it likely be more expensive than the Restaurant Supply or Material Handling websites?  Usually (but not always). However, in most cases you are benefiting from our years of experience and the proven performance that we have actually seen from our products. 

You see, we don’t typically just refer to our products as an item number… we have put these scales to work for many years. We have a list of proven and dependable scales that we can recommend for just about any application.  

Have a budget in mind?

Tell us ahead of time what your budget is and we can work to meet that number, assuming the budget is realistic. 

The reason I mention “realistic” is that with all the cheap products coming over from China these days, you can just about get whatever you want from China at whatever price you want.  But as the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for”. We see A LOT of scales. It’s our business and it’s basically all we specialize in. Some of the scales that come from China are pretty good and some are complete garbage. We’ve found that most are somewhere in between. 

So when we discuss budgets… we’re not saying you have to purchase the most expensive scale ever created. We are simply saying, have a realistic budget that will allow you to get a quality product that might provide you more accurate weighing and perhaps more longevity.

Pennsylvania 7500 industrial counting scale

I’ll give you one quick example. You can buy a counting scale for about whatever price you want to pay these days.  I’ve seen them for around $100 and up. However, the odds are that $100 counting scale that is made out of 98% plastic is not going to last very long and then you will be buying another and another etc… Or, you could just purchase a proven industrial scale like the Pennsylvania 7500 counting scale and likely be using it for the next twenty years. That is an example of what I’m referring to. 

The overall point of this entry is to please contact us before you contact one of these mega websites or material handling catalogs. Often times we can beat their prices and if necessary, we can almost always provide you with an even better product.  Contact us (919) 776-7737 or complete our Request a Quote button on our website. As always, thank you for your business.  

Is It Time to Replace Your Laboratory Balance?

You’ve probably been using your laboratory balance for years and you’ve come to rely on it to the point where it almost feels like an extension of your own hand. But how long is too long to use the same electronic weighing balance?

How do you know when it’s time to replace your laboratory balance?

One of the most important ways to extend the life of your balance, of course, is to have it serviced by certified scale technicians on a regular basis. A factory trained scale technician can certainly make recommendations on whether it’s time to replace your device. Some of the questions you should consider are:

  • Does your balance need maintenance much more often than it used to?
  • Does your balance hold its calibration, or does it need to be re-calibrated after just a few tasks?
  • Are its weighing results consistently unstable, with drift or unexplained jumps? Have the stability and repeatability become inaccurate?
  • Are there signs of corrosion in the pan or at access points like the communications interface?
  • Have your weighing needs changed, or do you need more advanced features such as updated communications interfaces, data storage or PLUs?

Answering yes to any of those questions does not necessarily mean your balance needs replacing.

For example,  static electricity could cause drift or instability and an anti-static device such as an ionizer may remedy the issue. Vibration from nearby equipment could also be the culprit, in which case an anti-vibration table may be what you need. For optimal performance, operate your balance away from vibrations,  excessive heat or moisture, direct sunlight, chemical vapors and drafts.

Diagnosing the Problem

If you’re experiencing problems with your balance, first try the troubleshooting tips included in the product manual. You may be pleasantly surprised to find a quick fix! A service technician can rule out many problems, such as warped load cells, malfunctioning internal calibration motors or even software issues.    

If your balance requires more frequent maintenance or calibrations than it used to, you’ll have to consider lost productivity to downtime in addition to money spent on repairs or technicians.

If you’re seeing signs of corrosion, you’ll need to address possible causes of rust (often, excess moisture) before looking into cleaning it or replacing the balance just to have the same thing happen to the new unit.

Which Features Does My Balance Need?

Next, look at your current needs. Even if your balance is in working order, does it fulfill everything you need it to do? Consider the efficiencies that a newer device can bring to your laboratory operations.

Maybe you have an older balance that lacks the capability to communicate with a computer, USB flash drive or printer. Some of today’s balances even have multiple options like RS-232 and USB interfaces included on the same device, like the Adam Equinox series weighing balances.

Can your balance format Good Laboratory Practice-compliant printouts? Quite a few  analytical balances and many precision balances are capable of GLP-compliant output. When doing formulations, can your balance store ingredients? Or perhaps you need under hook weighing or density tests?  Contact us with your needs and we can recommend the right weighing scale or the correct scale calibration / service plan for your specific needs.

If you do decide the best course of action is to replace your balance, Central Carolina Scale can help you with tips to select a new one and guidance on which balance is right for you! Call (919) 776-7737 to speak with our sales department.

Understanding the “True Cost” of a Truck Scale

truck scales

There’s no question that truck scales are a significant investment for just about any company.

Although a lower-cost truck scale may seem like a more enticing option, the hardware price is only one element of the total cost of a scale.

If you are a potential buyer, then you should be aware of the ways truck scale design, construction techniques, steel content, quality and installation all contribute to the initial price of the scale.

The purchase price is just one element of the total cost of ownership for any truck scale.

You should also understand how maintenance fees will impact the scale value.

Truck scales that require frequent or extensive maintenance can lead to a higher total cost even if their purchase price was lower.

You can use the resources below to help understand every element of truck scale pricing.

Article: What Impacts the Price of a Truck Scale?

Calculator: Total Cost of Ownership

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions about explaining truck scale pricing or about additional information or price quotes on the Rice Lake’s SURVIVOR® line of truck scales.  Call (919) 776-7737 for more information.

Who Needs the Pennsylvania Scale Model 7600 Manual?

Who needs the Pennsylvania 7600 manual for how to use the counting scale when you have a video like this! Some users can read a manual and use the scale with ease, while others appreciate seeing how to use the scale on their computer screen. This is especially helpful when you see all the different ways you can count on the 7600 scale.

Since 1908 Pennsylvania scale company has been manufacturing high quality rugged and accurate industrial counting and weighing scale systems. Proudly made in the USA at the Lancaster, Pennsylvania manufacturing facility.

In a fast-paced demanding production environment you need a count scale to help you control inventory, eliminate waste and just be an efficient scale that is precise and accurate. One that’s rugged and reliable but just as important one that’s easy to use.

Pennsylvania scale has designed and manufactured easy-to-use flexible counting scale solutions when you have lots of parts to count each day and you have to count them for different purposes and with different counting methods you need a scale that’s super
flexible. Pennsylvania scale has that ideal flexible counting scale solution for you. Let’s take a look at all the different ways you can count using the Pennsylvania 7600 counting scale.

The advanced counting methods are only available on the 7600 including
auto sample update after sampling in establishing a piece weight, add parts
totaling less than the initial sample size & the scale will recalculate the piece
weight and the percentage of accuracy will increase.

Two step counting is a very versatile way to use the Pennsylvania’s 7600 counting
scale, you can grab a handful of parts and place them on the scale after pressing sample set, count the number of parts that are on the scale platform & use
the scale keyboard to enter that number and view the percentage of accuracy and if
that’s acceptable press ENTER again and now be ready for parts counting.

With the 7600 you can count using a piece weight with a tare weight. Press the piece weight button and using the scale keypad key in the APW or average piece weight, then press the keypad tare button and enter the tare value of the container the parts are in.
Now will be displayed the total count of parts that are in the container and the container has been tared off or is not a part of that calculation.

Top-end counting is an ideal way to verify inventory without having to remove all of the parts from a container and it works very simply by first of all entering the tare weight of the container, then pressing the sample set button and removing the sample quantity
from the container. Verify that you have the correct number of pieces removed and
the percentage of accuracy will be displayed on the scale. Then press the Enter button. The scale now calculates the piece weight and shows the total count of pieces in the container the container has been tared off and is not a part of that calculation.

Negative counting is designed to allow you to count out from a container of parts.
Place the full container on the scale, press the sample set button, remove the
sample from the container. Make sure that you have the quantity correct. Percentage
of accuracy will be displayed. Press the Enter button and now as parts are removed from the container, the number of parts removed shows as a negative number
on the scale display.

Auto sample to bulk is a counting method that allows you to use a light capacity
highly accurate sample scale for determining the piece weight and then automatically switch to a heavier capacity remote scale platform for counting accurately in bulk quantities.

We hope that this information has been helpful to you. At Central Carolina Scale we recommend the Pennsylvania 7600 counting scales for industrial applications due to its rugged and durable features and the ease of use. Please contact us (919) 776-7737 for purchasing information or if you would like to set up a routine service plan to keep your Pennsylvania Scale Company product working well.


We have been monitoring the Coronavirus situation very carefully, and prior to the increase in cases, we had already began taking precautions, such as increased hand washing with soap & water, the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer, limiting physical contact (ie handshaking), sterilizing vehicles, limiting access to our building to essential personnel etc…

We take our role in the community seriously and try to make every effort to ensure our customers are taken care of but also that our technicians are safe as our technicians enter their businesses.

It is imperative that we begin to implement additional precautions for the safety of our community, staff and customers:

1.) If you have a service appointment scheduled and you are feeling sick or have been exposed to the Coronavirus, please call and cancel your appointment by contacting us at (919) 776-7737.

2.) Please avoid physical contact with our technicians during the time of the appointment. We will greet you with a smile, but not a handshake at this time.

3.) Please allow us the ability to safely wash our hands with soap and water and practice safe social distancing in your facility. 

4.) Each technician has been equipped with hand sanitizer and/or wipes in an effort to minimize risk. 

5.) If a technician is showing any signs or symptoms of sickness, they will be asked to stay home and get well; therefore, we ask for your patience and understanding in case your appointment must be rescheduled.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this most challenging and unprecedented time.

Your friends at Central Carolina Scale

NCWM Handbook 44 New Regulations on “Direct Sales” Balances

The NCWM has issued an updated NTEP regulation, which becomes effective on January 1, 2020. This will affect “direct sales” applications. This will affect customers in “direct sales” applications such as cannabis.

screenshot of NCWM handbook page discussing Class I and II Scales for Direct Sales

According to handbook 44, you cannot sell a Class I or a Class II balance for a direct sale application after January 1, 2020 that doesn’t have “d” equal to “e”.

Any balance currently in the marketplace with “d” not equal to “e” used in a direct sale to the public application must be replaced by January 1, 2023.

Vibra SJ 620 Class 1 balance

The good news is that our SJ 620 (620 g x 0.01 g) Class 1 balance meets this regulation and is available.

Key Features of the SJ 620

• Vibra® Tuning Fork Inside
• Below Balance Weighing
• Reads in g, ct, oz, lb, oz t, GN
• NTEP Approved Legal for Trade
• RS232 Interface via DIN5 Connector
• Optional Rechargeable Battery
• Pan Size: 5.5″ Diameter
• Made in Japan

Call the sales team at Central Carolina Scale today to have one of these scales sent to you. The phone number is (919) 776-7737.

Signs that it’s Time to Update Your Airport Baggage Scale

Baggage scales are a vital part of an airport. If your scale(s) is not performing as it should, whether it’s inaccurate, not functioning as quickly as it should, or malfunctioning in some other way, it can cause serious problems and complaints for the airport.

People are already dealing with stress while trying to efficiently get to their gate. Many airport employees are likely experiencing a fair amount stress as well, especially during particularly busy times as they try to stay on schedule.

An accurate, well performing baggage scale is vital in order to keep everything moving forward and avoid customer dissatisfaction. It might be time to update your baggage scale if it’s older and parts are outdated.

pennsylvania airline baggage scales

The scale takes a while to provide results

If you notice the display taking a bit of time to show results when weighing baggage, it could indicate a part needs to be replaced or that it’s time to invest in a new scale. Efficiency is so important in airports and you do not want to waste precious minutes or seconds with a slow scale. That time adds up and can cause significant delays, particularly during busy seasons like the holidays when many people are rushing to get somewhere.

Readings are inaccurate

You might start to realize that the readings your scale is taking are slightly off. If you have multiple travelers telling you that they weighed their luggage before coming to the airport and that the reading on your scale is significantly different, it may be time to re-calibrate. While a few pounds is to be expected between an at-home luggage scale and an industry scale that’s actually used in the airport, this problem frequently occurring or a significant difference with multiple travelers is a red flag.

Equipment is simply outdated

Your airport baggage scales might simply be old; maybe you haven’t noticed any significant issues, but are concerned that they’re outdated and it will soon be time to replace them. Get ahead of any issues and look into new Pennsylvania Scale Company baggage scales or simply update vital parts, such as new digital readouts, that can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy.

Why accuracy is so important

Making decisions for the airport without an accurate scale can be risky. You may be over- or undercharging passengers, which can lead to unhappy customers and complaints. It’s also important to get accurate data on the weight of the luggage so that estimates on the amount of weight the plane is carrying can be as close to correct as possible.

If you’re interested in investing in a new airport baggage scale or think some parts need to be updated, please contact the sales department at (919) 776-7737.