Why use Digital Scales when Brewing Beer?

There are many reasons to use digital scales when brewing beer.

It can be for a microbrewery or an international brand. Consistency is first and foremost.

If you created a beer with a special taste, you want to make sure you can recreate that taste in every bottle. If ingredients are not measured properly, the taste can be unpleasant, and the alcohol content (typically referred to as alcohol by volume or ABV) can change.

Specific quantities can allow even new employees who are not familiar with a recipe to recreate the product with ease. A formula can also be tweaked more easily. Weight quantities also make recording easier. Recipes should always be written down with the exact amounts used during brewing. That helps ensure good batches get reproduced, and it can also allow brewers to find out why a recipe did not work.

Measuring ingredients can also help minimize waste by ensuring the right amount of ingredients are used in correct proportions. For home and microbreweries, it can be particularly tricky to scale the right amount of yeast for a first batch, so precision is very important. Even small batches can be ruined by imprecise recipes, which spills all the ingredients, time, money and effort down the drain.

Scales can also help during the carbonation process, depending on your method of choice. Carbonation can be added to beer in two ways: natural carbonation or forced carbonation. Natural carbonation results during the fermentation process of beer; when yeast digests sugar, alcohol and CO2 are the byproducts. This means brewers must carefully measure the sugar and yeast in order to create the proper amount of carbonation.

Forced carbonation is putting beer (post fermentation) in a container and pumping it with CO2 directly. Nowadays, this is the preferred method, particularly for large quantities.

It takes less time to carbonate a batch and forced carbonation allows beer to sit longer, but naturally carbonated beer is smoother and is considered more flavorful. In the end, it comes down to personal preference and equipment availability.

Scales are also used during bottling and to fill cans or kegs. Before fermentation, wort (unfermented beer) is made by boiling the ingredients together. Because some of the water can boil away, it’s important to add more water as need during the fermentation process. Monitoring a keg’s weight can help brewers ensure there is always enough water, and that the beer is not losing carbonation.

The weight of bottles (and their thickness) can also help ensure that carbonation, when combined with temperature and agitation, does not create too much pressure, which could break the glass bottles.

Why measure by weight and not by volume?

Using volume might seem more intuitive since beer is liquid. However, measuring by volume is not as accurate as measuring by mass. The shape of ingredients can dictate how much fits in a cup, while density and temperature can affect a liquid’s volume. Beer goes through numerous processes that can affect volume, including boiling, fermentation, and carbonation. Mass does not have to take these factors into account. That additional precision can improve the beer’s taste and help brewers tweak their recipe to perfection.

Even small balances can also measure a wider range. Take your usual measuring cups and spoons, where you often need multiple items to measure various ingredients. With a scale, you can simply put the ingredients in a container (tared, of course) and fill it until you have the right weight.

What kind of scale do you need for brewing?

You must establish your level of production, and the weight range you will need. If a brewery focuses on seasonal flavors or taste experiments, they will weigh smaller quantities than a brewery focusing on a single product.

Depending on the size of your operation, you’re most likely going to need more than one scale. Usually, micro or home breweries use a compact or precision balance to measure ingredients such as hops, spices, yeast and other fine items, and a stationary pallet scale or a portable pallet jack scale for batches, kegs, mass production and bottling.

Some breweries also have scales to check grain deliveries and yeast brinks. Larger breweries often have platform scales for larger batches and shipping and can buy more expensive balances that include more features that can save them time.

For large amounts of shipping and receiving, pallet truck scales or pallet weighing beams offer maneuverability and heavy-duty weighing capacities.

For more information on choosing the right digital scales for your brewery call us at (919) 776-7737

Is It Time to Replace Your Laboratory Balance?

You’ve probably been using your laboratory balance for years and you’ve come to rely on it to the point where it almost feels like an extension of your own hand. But how long is too long to use the same electronic weighing balance?

How do you know when it’s time to replace your laboratory balance?

One of the most important ways to extend the life of your balance, of course, is to have it serviced by certified scale technicians on a regular basis. A factory trained scale technician can certainly make recommendations on whether it’s time to replace your device. Some of the questions you should consider are:

  • Does your balance need maintenance much more often than it used to?
  • Does your balance hold its calibration, or does it need to be re-calibrated after just a few tasks?
  • Are its weighing results consistently unstable, with drift or unexplained jumps? Have the stability and repeatability become inaccurate?
  • Are there signs of corrosion in the pan or at access points like the communications interface?
  • Have your weighing needs changed, or do you need more advanced features such as updated communications interfaces, data storage or PLUs?

Answering yes to any of those questions does not necessarily mean your balance needs replacing.

For example,  static electricity could cause drift or instability and an anti-static device such as an ionizer may remedy the issue. Vibration from nearby equipment could also be the culprit, in which case an anti-vibration table may be what you need. For optimal performance, operate your balance away from vibrations,  excessive heat or moisture, direct sunlight, chemical vapors and drafts.

Diagnosing the Problem

If you’re experiencing problems with your balance, first try the troubleshooting tips included in the product manual. You may be pleasantly surprised to find a quick fix! A service technician can rule out many problems, such as warped load cells, malfunctioning internal calibration motors or even software issues.    

If your balance requires more frequent maintenance or calibrations than it used to, you’ll have to consider lost productivity to downtime in addition to money spent on repairs or technicians.

If you’re seeing signs of corrosion, you’ll need to address possible causes of rust (often, excess moisture) before looking into cleaning it or replacing the balance just to have the same thing happen to the new unit.

Which Features Does My Balance Need?

Next, look at your current needs. Even if your balance is in working order, does it fulfill everything you need it to do? Consider the efficiencies that a newer device can bring to your laboratory operations.

Maybe you have an older balance that lacks the capability to communicate with a computer, USB flash drive or printer. Some of today’s balances even have multiple options like RS-232 and USB interfaces included on the same device, like the Adam Equinox series weighing balances.

Can your balance format Good Laboratory Practice-compliant printouts? Quite a few  analytical balances and many precision balances are capable of GLP-compliant output. When doing formulations, can your balance store ingredients? Or perhaps you need under hook weighing or density tests?  Contact us with your needs and we can recommend the right weighing scale or the correct scale calibration / service plan for your specific needs.

If you do decide the best course of action is to replace your balance, Central Carolina Scale can help you with tips to select a new one and guidance on which balance is right for you! Call (919) 776-7737 to speak with our sales department.

NCWM Handbook 44 New Regulations on “Direct Sales” Balances

The NCWM has issued an updated NTEP regulation, which becomes effective on January 1, 2020. This will affect “direct sales” applications. This will affect customers in “direct sales” applications such as cannabis.

screenshot of NCWM handbook page discussing Class I and II Scales for Direct Sales

According to handbook 44, you cannot sell a Class I or a Class II balance for a direct sale application after January 1, 2020 that doesn’t have “d” equal to “e”.

Any balance currently in the marketplace with “d” not equal to “e” used in a direct sale to the public application must be replaced by January 1, 2023.

Vibra SJ 620 Class 1 balance

The good news is that our SJ 620 (620 g x 0.01 g) Class 1 balance meets this regulation and is available.

Key Features of the SJ 620

• Vibra® Tuning Fork Inside
• Below Balance Weighing
• Reads in g, ct, oz, lb, oz t, GN
• NTEP Approved Legal for Trade
• RS232 Interface via DIN5 Connector
• Optional Rechargeable Battery
• Pan Size: 5.5″ Diameter
• Made in Japan

Call the sales team at Central Carolina Scale today to have one of these scales sent to you. The phone number is (919) 776-7737.

Measurement Density Using a Weight Scale

Intelligent Weighing Technology supplies a complete range of high-quality laboratory balances, industrial scales, load cells, and weighing accessories. Its leadership team has more than 70 years’ experience in the weighing and measurement business, both in the USA and worldwide. With its 8,000 square foot facility, Intelligent Weighing Technology offers increased product inventory for faster shipping. We appreciate them providing the content below.

Have you ever heard of Under Weighing Hooks or Below Balance Weighing?

This is a large section of the weighing business that is often overlooked. Of course, many weighing balances have the ability to “under weigh” by the use of a hook that is connected to the weighing mechanism, and much of the time this is used only to weigh items that are too large or bulky to fit on the platform or in the weighing chamber on an analytical balance.

But there is another sector of weighing that is more complex;

Density Determination.

measuring density using a scale

Measurement Density Using a Scale

In this field, we look for the density of our material by using Archimedes Principle of weighing the item in air and then in a liquid. One of the largest industries to use this method of testing is the construction business.

Customers use this for identifying the density of anything from Bitumen in road surfaces, concrete, to core samples taken from the ground where construction is going to take place. Here, an end user will weigh the core sample suspended from the under-weighing hook, (normally in a basket with holes) in air and then, using a bath of water, suspend the core in the water and weigh it again. (Still in the basket).

Seems a  bit complicated? But, with use of a suitable “Below Balance Weighing” device, these measurements are easy to accomplish. The balance will not see the weight of the water, just the effect of the water on the object.

Note! For correct results, the water should be free of contaminants and the temperature of the water is a variable that should be taken into account.

Generally one of these “under balance weighing” balances or scales is not difficult; the customer almost always is familiar with the formulas. For instance, in the construction business often the state has already specified the tests and interestingly, what weighing equipment to use. (Certainly 0.1 g and capacities varying from 3000 g up to 20,000 g)

Density is required for many industries, all you need to do is know which balances have under-weighing capability or, in the case of analytical balances, which ones can have the density kit fitted. The more sophisticated balances have a density program included, so an end user can easily input the data he/she needs to get an accurate and consistent result. Many low capacity balances, such as analytical balances, have density kits that can be purchased; simplifying the process even more.

In fact, the more sophisticated electronic balances have a density program to lead users through the process. So! That is density in solids. There is some scratching of heads when we talk about densities in liquids. How can you do that???

Well, instead of suspending the object in a liquid such as water, you suspend an object of a known weight in the liquid to be tested, sometimes known as Gravimetric Displacement.

In conjunction with the Density Kit, an optional glass sinker enables you to determine the density of liquids. The difference of the weight of the sinker in air and in the liquid is
used to calculate the density.

To recap, the area of density determination with digital scales involves terms like “undeweighing” or “below balance weighing”. Please contact the sales team at Central Carolina Scale (919) 776-7737 or complete our Request a Quote form on the website for assistance with a particular application.

Using an Analytical Balance for Laboratory Applications

In this article, you’re going to learn the correct way to use an analytical balance. These weighing devices are much more sensitive, accurate, and precise than larger topload balances or industrial scales. Analytical balances are used for low mass samples, where specific weights are needed. 

Before using the balance, you need to make sure that it’s level. Start by checking the level bubble. If the bubble is located within the black circle then the balance is level; if the bubble is outside of this circle then the balance is not level. If you find a balance that is not level, carefully adjust the foot on each corner until the bubble is located in the center. In most cases, you should not attempt to move an analytical balance because they are very sensitive. However, if you do then you will want to make sure the balance is still weighing correctly.

analytical balance

Before you start, you should make sure that the inside of the balance is clean and dry. You should also make sure that all of the doors are closed when you are recording your masses, which prevents air from flowing through the balance. These balances are so sensitive that even air pressure can affect their readings. Now you can begin. The balance should already be turned on with a reading of 0.00 grams on the display. If the display says something other than zero, push the “zero” button. This will reset the balance to 0.00.

The display will also indicate the units of mass. The analytical balance can report masses in several units, so you should ensure to set yours to grams in most cases. Make sure your item is clean and dry, and then gently open one of the doors. Place your item inside and gently close the door. Wait for the reading to stabilize, then record. To remove the item, open the door, just as before, remove your item, and close the door gently.

Precautions When Using Analytical Balances

Because analytical balances are much more sensitive than top load balances, there are a few extra preventative measures to keep in mind. You should never put liquid inside the analytical balance unless specifically instructed to do so. If you do have to put liquid in there, make sure you use a container that seals tightly.

If there are ever any spills inside the analytical balance, clean it up according to the manufacturer instructions. It’s not usually a good idea to add a substance to your object while on the analytical balance. A better choice would be to remove your item, add your sample, and place it back into the balance.

If you need to take multiple measurements of the same item, make sure to use the same balance each time. There is a small error associated with each of the balances, using the same one keeps it consistent so that it cancels out the difference.

For the most accurate results, you shouldn’t handle the sample with your bare hands. You should use gloves or tongs to handle your sample because the oils on your finger can transfer to the glass, which will be picked up by the analytical balance.

You should never lean on the bench when using the analytical balance because this small difference can alter the weight slightly. Make sure the item that you are placing into the analytical balance is at room temperature. If it’s above room temperature, it can create air currents within the balance and also affect the buoyancy of your item by heating the surrounding air, which can create an error in your results.

Get Started with Central Carolina Scale

Using expensive and sensitive equipment can sometimes leave you unsure of how to proceed, but if you follow the instructions that we’ve presented, then you have nothing to worry about when using an analytical balance. If you need assistance calibrating your scientific scale or perhaps you’re looking to purchase additional laboratory balances, please contact the experienced sales and service staff at Central Carolina Scale by calling (919) 776-7737. 

How Can I Send Weight Data From My Scale To My Computer?

At Central Carolina Scale we focus on scales and weighing equipment, first and foremost. That’s what we’ve always done. We are constantly working and training to be the best and most knowledgeable scale company that we can be. Now most of that training and on the job training focuses on digital weighing indicators, load cells, scales,  etc… We send scale weight information to various devices such as remote displays.

Customers have always been curious on how to send weight data from the scale to the computer since personal computers and laptops became prevalent.

send scale weight to computer

When it comes to sending your scale weight data from the actual digital weighing scale to the computer, how do you accomplish this task?

It actually might be easier than you might think and something that you can accomplish on your own using our scale equipment and a readily available accessory.

Please note, if you are operating a legal for trade weighing scenario, then you will need to make sure that any software or method that you utilize is legal to use. For example, if you are operating a truck scale and you are looking to send truck weights to your computer, then you will most likely need to utilize a software like Cardinal WinVRS or Rice Lake onTrak. If you are using a Doran Scales indicator, you would be interested to know they have made great software available for their products. The Doran Excelerator is likely the most basic software that is offered by Doran; it allows weight data to be taken from the scale readout and placed into Microsoft Excel. Doran also has more advanced software packages available.

USB Scale

Cardinal Scale Manufacturing also offers a USB option for many of their weight indicators, which makes sending weight data from the scale controller to a USB thumb drive very simple. You can just take the USB stick out of the indicator, load it into your PC and see the weight data on your computer screen.

If you’re using a digital counting scale like the Counterpart, Rice Lake has the WeighVault computer software, which is a comprehensive software package that stores and manages data on your PC. With Counterpart, you can create custom reports for inventory, threshold, location and more. It is designed for operators with minimal computer experience and managers who require quick and accurate information. Scales can be added or moved on-the-fly without interrupting other scales operating on the network.

Likewise, the WeighVault is also available for the CW90 checkweigher. In this case, WeighVault allows CW-90/90X users to add, edit, and access IDs over a network connection. WeighVault surpasses the CW-90/90X’s 50 ID limitation and eliminates front-panel entry of ID parameters. It also collects data as transactions occur, and provides detailed transaction and productivity reports which can be exported to Excel, Word, or as a PDF.

In addition to scales with a digital USB output, there are also a few other choices available for end users to consider. 

TalTech WinWedge

TalTech WinWedge Serial Device Data Collection for serial devices, including meters, balances, scales or any RS232 instrument. WinWedge captures data directly to Excel, Access or any Windows application or web page. It can even send commands out a COM port so you can control your device through hotkeys, buttons, or DDE.

WinWedge easily collects data from balances, gauges, meters, sensors, micrometers, barcode scanners, GPS, PLCs, analyzers and other measuring devices, and laboratory instruments. It can send the data directly into any Windows program, including Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, and more.

WinWedge is designed to be highly flexible and can easily parse, filter and format your device data to fit your project’s requirements. It can also transmit prompts or commands through the serial port to control your instruments. Winwedge comes in both Professional and Standard versions.

 Setup is as Easy as ONE, TWO, THREE

  1. Select your device’s parameters.

Connect your device to your PC’s serial or USB port (installing any necessary drivers) and use the WinWedge interface to select your device’s communications settings, such as the COM port, baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits.

  1. Define the data structure.

Intuitive, walk-through menus allow you to tailor the data to your needs by splitting the record into multiple fields, filter out certain characters, or format the data to meet your requirements. You can also easily define hot keys and buttons to send serial commands to your device or perform other tasks.

  1. Select the mode and activate

Select from either Keystrokes Mode, DDE Server Mode, or Log to Disk, specify the target application or file, and activate WinWedge! Watch as the data from your device “pops” into the Windows application you selected. You can even input the device data directly to a chart or use Excel’s built-in functions to perform real-time analysis.

MicroRidge designs and manufactures a broad range of wired and wireless measurement collection solutions, including WedgeLink hardware and software keyboard wedges. Measurement collection is what they specialize in. They don’t manufacture gauges, but they support gauges from a wide variety of manufacturers. The products are made in the USA and support the broadest range of digital and RS-232 gauges, digital indicators, scales, and more. They also provide free unlimited and knowledgeable technical support on all of the products that they manufacture, particularly the keyboard wedge and software keyboard wedge.

Keyboard Wedge vs Hardware Wedge

A hardware wedge reads data from digital gauges or RS-232 devices and sends the data to the PC via a keyboard or USB port. The data sent by the hardware wedge looks like keyboard data to the current application. The more common applications that are used with keyboard wedges include Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and other database types of applications.

A keyboard wedge is used when you are trying to get data from some type of measuring device into applications that cannot accept data from a serial port. A software keyboard wedge reads data from a serial port and passes this data to a PC application in such a manner that the application thinks the data is entered via the keyboard. 

Software and hardware keyboard wedges are used extensively in data acquisition applications that include statistical programs, spreadsheets, barcode, LIMS, etc. MicroRidge keyboard wedges can accept input data from any RS-232 serial device. The data is then passed to a Windows application in such a manner that the application thinks the data is actually coming from the keyboard.

Popular Question: How does the digital weight indicator prevent input of fluctuating weights?

The digital weight indicator can usually have a built-in solution to prevent the input of fluctuating weights. One of the key features is the Print-at-Stability function. This function ensures that the software only records weight readings when the object being weighed reaches a stable weight.

Popular Question: Can the digital weight indicator record weights automatically or manually?

The digital weight indicator or shipping scale provides users with the flexibility to choose how they want their data to be received. You could have your scale continuously sending weight data automatically or manually by pressing a button such as the Print key.

Does a scale with digital output mean the same thing as sending weight data to a computer?

Some scale users search for the term scale with digital output when they are searching for a scale that sends weight data to their computer although it is technically not quite the right terminology if you are looking to connect a scale to a computer.

Do you offer usb scale software  or rs232 weight scale software?

As mentioned in this entry, Winwedge is a good choice for many of you. Also Cardinal offers the PC Companion software which works with some of the Cardinal weight indicators. Doran offers Excelerator for weight data capture. AdamDu is also available for the data stream coming from an Adam scale indicator or weighing scales.

Get Started With Central Carolina Scale

Hopefully this month’s article will provide you with available resources and ideas when it comes to sending weight information from your laboratory balance to your laptop computer (or whatever your particular needs are). As you can see, there are several available that will hopefully work for both your budget and your particular requirements. In some cases, you may very well be able to send data from your scale to your computer; and set it up all by yourself with the help of a wedge software.

For more information and assistance for your particular situation, contact our sales department by calling (919) 776-7737 or visiting our website and clicking the Request a Quote button.

Moisture Analyzers are the Secret to Success

moisture balancesDid you ever wonder why your favorite potato chips always have just the right amount of crispness?

Or why your powdered laundry detergent always leaves your clothes smelling of the same freshness?



The answers to these questions – and quality & consistency of many consumer goods – are dependent upon the moisture content of these products, and Ohaus moisture analyzers can help to ensure quality through precise moisture determination. Many industries rely on moisture analysis to ensure the quality of the goods we use, and consume, daily.

Precise moisture analysis is critical to pharmaceutical manufacturing because the moisture content in bulk drugs and intermediates has a direct influence on the quality of the next step in production.

Moisture analysis is critical to quality, taste, and shelf life of many foods. Moisture balances ensure quality at every stage of food production, ensuring tasty and safe final products reach the consumer.

The level of moisture in agricultural goods is key to determining the price of the goods. The accurate and repeatable results produced by moisture analyzers can help ensure fair commerce.

Finally, for a limited time Ohaus is actually rewarding customers with iTunes gift codes for each purchase of MB45 or MB35 Moisture Balances. Contact us at 919-776-7737 for details.

Headquartered in Parsippany, NJ, Ohaus Corporation manufactures an extensive line of high-precision electronic and mechanical balances and scales that meet the weighing needs of virtually every industry. Ohaus is a global leader in the laboratory, industrial, and education channels as well as a host of specialty markets, including the food preparation, pharmacy and jewelry industries. An ISO 9001:2008 manufacturer, OHAUS products are precise, reliable and affordable, and are backed by industry-leading customer support.

Changes On Some Salter Brecknell Weighing Products

Today Brecknell (formerly Salter Brecknell) announced a couple of changes to two products.  The ESA balances and the RGT-160 medical scales.

The ESA lineup will now be listed as the MBS series. The RGT-160 mechanical doctors office scale has been upgraded and is now the HS-200M. So the following part numbers will be changed.

ESA (old)………………………………(new)…MBS

RGT-160 (old)…………………….(new) HS-200M

Buy A Lab Balance And Adam Donates Money to African School

To help commemorate Adam Equipment’s 40th anniversary, Adam Equipment has pledged a financial contribution to support the expansion of the Star School in Rwanda, through the Mission Possible global initiative.

In an effort to increase the number of students taught in the primary and secondary classrooms, the school sought to increase the building capacity through a new facility. The building will provide space for an additional 280 students to enroll in classes. This project will increase educational opportunities for the children served by Star School, giving them a chance at a better future and helping them to learn key skills that will provide a lasting effect. The project is scheduled for completion in January 2013, in time for the new term.

Adam has already presented the first of several payments to the Star School, helping to cover the cost of building a larger facility. Construction has started, with the pouring of a foundation for the new structure. This is one small way in which Adam Equipment hopes to commemorate their anniversary and give back to the global community.

For every PW analytical balance, PGW precision balance and PMB moisture balance purchased from now the until end of November*, Adam Equipment will donate an additional $15 to the Star School project. We hope you will take this into consideration as Continue reading

Scale Requirements for Buying Gold

From time to time, someone will contact us looking to start a business buying back gold jewelry from customers. With the price of gold recently it’s becoming more popular than ever. However, there are some real important things to consider. The scale being used to weigh the gold needs to be a precise and accurate scale. In many states, that means the scale used for weighing gold needs to be NTEP approved legal for trade.

For example, in the state of Michigan, the following information is listed on their website regarding buying and selling precious metals. See more at http://www.michigan.gov/mdard/0,4610,7-125-1569_19192_21233-233502–,00.html

The Office of Weights and Measures has received numerous inquiries from local authorities responsible for issuing licenses, and individuals buying and selling gold from retail or residential locations. Operators of businesses buying and selling such commodities by weight in the State of Michigan must comply with the requirements of the Michigan Weights and Measures Law, Public Act 283 of 1964 as amended. Business operators must also check with local authorities for specific requirements of local ordinances and licensing requirements that apply. State Law requires that all commercial transactions conducted, based upon a determined weight, must be conducted with the use of an approved scale.  Below is a summary of the basic requirements for all commercial weighing and measuring devices (scales/meters).


  • Scale used is Class II or Class III, NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) approved (legal for trade)
  • Scale used is tested onsite prior to use by an approved Michigan Registered Agency (third party) or a State Weights and Measures Official
  • A Placed in Service Report and a test report for the device are submitted to the Office of Weights and Measures Continue reading