You still get what you pay for….

I know these days with the internet and auction sites etc… everyone expects to be able to get anything and everything for deep discounted prices and of course first class quality.  The comment I wanted to emphasize today regards fishing tournament scales and the costs.  I’m reminded of an entry we did a couple of years back and it still holds true today.   

Mobility Equipment Dealers weigh your custom vans and stay in compliance!

To all the Mobility Equipment Dealers out there we have the 4 corner digital weigh scales that you need in order to weigh custom vans etc…  Recently the National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA) Board of Directors approved a motion set by the QAP Committee stating that any dealer who does not have a required four-corner scale system will be suspended from the program until such time as they are in compliance with these requirements. This requirement will be effective January 1, 2008. We have the Longacre ComputerScales® to help you acheive NMEDA compliance.

New product line is sure to satisfy even the most demanding application

As you know, we are constantly striving to bring you the best in scale service and weigh scale products. It is what we strive for each and every day.

Well, our efforts have been made a little easier now that we have the entire Sartorius Industrial Lineup added to our product line. The Combics Line, IF Series, Combics Continue reading

Looking for a dog to adopt? Also, we carry many Animal and Vet Scales

Just wanted to make you aware that we carry many different veterinary scales — perfect for any budget. Please take a look when you get a free moment.

The real point of this entry is to highlight what joy can come from adopting a wonderful little dog from an animal rescue mission. If you are looking for a little companion puppy or dog to play with or just a loyal friend to watch grow and develop and be a part of your family, I strongly encourage you to take a look at a local pet rescue center in your area. These are nice adorable dogs who might just be what you and/or your family have been looking for!

Overload protection

As is the case quite often — a lot of the topics we discuss here originate from our customers.  Just recently I received a question about overload protection on our floor scales.  Apparently a lot of the “internet specials” that are flooding the web lately like to advertise they have “200% overload” protection, plus somehow with all the “toughness” they have built into their scales, they can sell their scales at super low prices and offer free freight on these “heavy duty” monsters.  Wow, we need these internet guys to run for office — there is nothing they can’t do or say! (or write for that matter)

Here at CCS, we stick to whatever the manufacturer specs are because most, if not all, of our floor scales don’t have those 200% specifications. GSE specs do currently list overload protection for their floor scales at 200%. However, most of our floor scales have somewhere around 60% to 100%, which should be plenty.  This number really depends greatly on the manufacturer, the product structure, and the component quality in the scale.