Digital Scale with Wireless Display

Technology can be a wonderful thing. The TranSend wireless load cell interface is one of the items customers are starting to utilize more frequently to eliminate cables and wires and costly repairs. From the initial weighment on the scale to the final numeric value on the indicator, efficient communication is key to the success of the entire operation. Whether it’s overhead, livestock, tank, or heavy capacity weighing, once your traditional conduit is damaged or needs to be replaced, communication is halted and so is your operation. TranSend not only solves issues resulting from traditional conduit, it also exceeds communication application expectations.
wireless load cell interface for digital scale

 Although dolphins are not considered an endangered species, marine mammal conservation efforts and research centers like Dolphins Plus aim to ensure these intelligent creatures are protected from the growing threat of natural and human endangerment. Together with the MSI-8000HD indicator and TranSend, a wireless load cell interface, the Dolphins Plus staff are able to easily monitor the weight of their residents and avoid perils common to other equipment in this corrosive environment.

Diet and weight management is another large part of Dolphins Plus’ research and observation efforts. A full staff of veterinarians with the highly skilled trainers are able to study the dolphins’ behavior and weight fluctuations to key-in on any health issues. Even with a dolphin’s extraordinary communication skills, the number on the scale can paint a better picture of the dolphin’s wellbeing. A typical adult bottlenose dolphin weighs between 330 and 445 pounds, eating five to eight times a day with a diet consisting of restaurant quality, Grade A herring, capelin, sardine and a variety of smelt. If the dolphins are overfed and inactive, they become lethargic, uncooperative and potentially aggressive. On the other hand, if they are losing weight, it could signify a health issue. A reliable scale system is critical while trainers relay weight information to the veterinarian department.

Once a week, a floor scale with TranSend attached is lowered into the lagoon where trainers prompt each dolphin, one-by-one, to slide with ease onto the platform. Another trainer stands to the side of the lagoon with the MSI-8000HD, recording the weight that is then logged into a national marine mammal database. The dolphins are signaled back into the lagoon and the process repeats with other residents. Because of the salt water, the staff at Dolphins Plus needed equipment that could withstand long periods of time in the water as well as repeated exposure to the elements.

The milled anodized aluminum, IP68-rated, full waterproof construction of the MSI-8000HD made it especially appealing to the salt water environment at Dolphins Plus. TranSend is a wireless load cell interface that communicates directly with the MSI-8000HD, eliminating the need for a homerun cable. With wireless communication and robust equipment that is less likely to be damaged, Dolphins Plus has not only saved money in repairs and service, but also saved time with equipment setup and tear down. Now, trainers and dolphins alike are able to spend more time at work and at play.

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Advice For Keeping your Ticket & Thermal Printers in Good Shape

Often customers who have printers connected to their scales will ask us about preventive maintenance for keeping their ticket and thermal printers in good working order.  Below are a few tips to consider.

There are a few things to consider when it comes to keeping your scale printer in good working order. Some of the key factors to consider include the type of print mechanism, volume of use, environment and paper stock used.

Ticket Printers
First type of printer we’ll look at is the ticket printer. You often see these connected to a truck scale digital weight indicator. These printers seem to have a more opened up layout which means that ticket printers will require more frequent cleaning than other types of printers.

A slide-in ticket printer, for example the Rice Lake TicketPress printer in an air-conditioned office may need cleaning a couple of times a year. That same printer in a more dusty environment such as a feed mill or gravel pit may be exposed to more airborne dust and need a quick cleaning each week. In those especially nasty environments, the operator should be trained to do minor cleaning at the start of each week.

scale printer maintentance for printhead

Dirt on the print head is easy for an operator to handle with a cotton swab and isopropyl alcohol. You’ll know when it’s time for cleaning when you start to notice poor print quality.

The head shaft, drive gears and belts are more critical and require professional attention from the service team at Central Carolina Scale. Dirt buildup on these moving parts creates drag, causing extra current draw for the motor, which often leads to a burned out motor or drive transistors. A visual inspection by a professional scale technician during regular preventive maintenance visits is your best guide to prevention. Another great reason to setup a scale check with us on a regular basis.

Thermal Label Printers
This type of printer is usually more protected from airborne dust, but have special needs due to generally higher usage. In addition to the print head, the drive rollers, bearings and clutches sometimes require attention in high-volume applications.

Because they do not use a ribbon, print heads of direct thermal printers can easily pick up debris and should be cleaned regularly. Light streaks in the same place on each label are an indication of a dirty head. On the other hand, thermal transfer printers—with direct ribbon contact—stay relatively clean and can normally go three to four rolls of labels stock between cleanings.

If major adjustments are needed to maintain print quality, it should be your red flag to check bearings and rollers in high-volume label printers. Clean rollers first with alcohol, or even acetone, if they are badly gummed up. If you’re still adjusting frequently, disassemble the label drive mechanism and check the drive roller bearings, replacing if necessary.

Some label printers use felt disks for clutches. A few drops of SAE 5 light machine oil at each cleaning will keep these printers operating quietly.

Quick Maintenance
One of the easiest ways to cut down on required maintenance is to use a dust cover which you can obtain from Central Carolina Scale for most current printers. These heavy, clear plastic covers are custom-made for most popular printers. Not only do they protect from airborne dust during the hours when printers are idle, but some models can be left on during actual use for 24-hour dust protection.

Where Can You Buy Scales?

Where can you buy a scale? Well, years ago you needed to contact your local scale company and discuss what you were looking to do. Then, the scale dealer would recommend the right item for your weighing needs. It was, and still is, a very effective way to purchase scales. Fast forward to 2015 and now everyone wants to buy scales online by adding your items to an online shopping cart. Of course, there are some advantages to making your purchase directly on the internet. It’s fairly easy, you don’t need to talk to anyone, you can browse at your leisure and make the purchase whenever you want to…. Even at 2 AM if you desire.

where can i buy scales

The problem with making your scale purchase online via a shopping cart is that you don’t typically receive any input from a trained and experienced scale sales person. For example, in our business if you speak to one of our scale sales associates, you’re speaking with someone who has been building and recommending scale systems for customers for over 10, 20, 30 years or more! This is valuable experience that you can benefit from and eliminate a lot of the trial & error of building your own scale system and/or the hassle of having to return items because you ordered the wrong parts.

At CCS, we have access to some of the best engineers and sales managers in the scale industry, so that we can get your system put together and quoted. A system that Central Carolina Scale puts together will provide you with high quality weighing components from the best brands in the weighing industry at a great price! Call us today (919) 776-7737. And as an added bonus, you might even enjoy talking with us and develop a great working relationship like the hundreds of other customers that we have!

Common Issues Found on Tanks with Load Cells For Weighing

It’s fairly common to see tanks used in various industries that have load cells or weigh bars underneath, connected to a digital weight indicator. This is a great way to keep track of how much product is inside the tank. These systems generally work very well but every now and then you will find a system that has some errors. Below is a list of problem areas to consider when it comes to tanks and hoppers that have load cells. The information applies to tanks and hoppers currently in operation and also if you’re thinking of putting load cells under one of your existing tanks the information below could help you make a better decision as well.

Probably the number one issue we see is binding. It could be due to something like rigid piping or some kind of attachment that has been added or modified since the scale was put into service. Whatever the case may be, the tank needs to be free and able to get an accurate and consistent weight. We typically see either three or four module systems and that is usually what we recommend.

What type of load cell should you choose? Talk with your scale company to determine what load cell will work the best. The single-ended shear beam cell is designed for low-profile scale and process applications. The shear-beam cell strain gauge cavity contains a thin metal diaphragm onto which the strain gauges are mounted. Typical shear beam capacities range from 1,000 lbs through 20,000 lbs, although some manufacturers offer shear beams up to 40,000 lbs. One end of the shear-beam contains the mounting holes while the opposite end is where the cell is loaded. The cell should be mounted on a flat, smooth surface with high strength hardened bolts. The larger shear beam cells have more than two mounting holes to accommodate extra bolts and keep the hardware from stretching under stress load. The double ended shear beam characteristics are similar to those of the single-ended shear beam. The most common bridge resistance for this load cell is 700 ohm. It is most commonly used in truck scales and tank and hopper applications. Instead of being secured at one end with the load applied to the other end as in the single-ended shear beam, the double-ended shear beam is secured at both ends with the load applied to the center of the load cell. As in all shear beam designs the strain gauges are mounted on a thin web in the center of the cell’s machined cavity. S-Beam load cells derive their name from their shape which is the shape of the letter S. The S-beam is normally used in tension applications. However, there are S-beams available which are bidirectional. They are primarily used for mechanical-to-electronic scale conversions, platform scale and general purpose weighing applications. They vary in size from as low as 25 lbs to as high as 20,000 lbs. When mounting an S-beam, remember to include the side from which the cable extends is the dead portion of the system. Movement of the cable in the live part of the system can be a source of weighing errors.

Aluminum load cell elements are used primarily in single point, low capacity applications. The alloy of choice is 2023 because of its low creep and hysteresis characteristics. Aluminum load cells have relatively thick web sections compared to tool steel cells of comparable capacities. This is necessary to provide the proper amount of deflection in the element at capacity. Machining costs are usually lower on aluminum elements due to the softness of the material. Single point designs can be gauged for costs similar to those of bending beams. Load cells manufactured from tool steel elements are by far the most popular cells in use today. The cost to performance ratio is better for tool steel elements compared to either aluminum or stainless steel designs.  Stainless steel load cells are made from 17-4ph, which is the alloy having the best overall performance qualities of any of the stainless derivatives. Stainless steel cells are more expensive than tool steel load cells. They are sometimes fitted with hermetically sealed web cavities which makes them an ideal choice for corrosive, high moisture applications. Stainless steel load cells that are not hermetically sealed have little advantage over comparable cells constructed of tool steel, other than a higher resistance to corrosion.

Environmentally protected load cells are designed for “normal” environmental factors encountered in indoor or protected outdoor weighing applications. By far the most popular type, these load cells may employ strategies like potting, rubber booting, or redundant sealing to afford some protection from moisture infiltration. Potted load cells utilize one of several types of industrial potting materials. The liquid potting material fills the strain gauge cavity then gels, completely covering the strain gauge and wiring surfaces. While this may significantly diminish the chance of moisture contamination, it does not guarantee extended waterproof performance, nor does it withstand corrosive attack. A second method of protection uses an adhesive foam-backed plate. This protection affords some moisture and foreign object protection. In many cases, manufacturers will use a caulking material to seal the plate to decrease the potential for cavity contamination. A common approach among manufacturers to further decrease the entry of moisture to the strain gauge combines both a potted cavity and a foam-backed plate, in a process called redundant sealing. Yet another strain gauge cavity protection strategy is the rubber boot. Commonly employed with cantilever and bending beam models, the boot covers the cavity and is secured by clamps. While this provides easy access for repairs, the boot may crack if not lubricated regularly, allowing contaminants into the load cell cavity. Lubricating the rubber boot during routine inspections will contribute to the long-term durability of the load cell. Protecting the strain gauge cavity is just one consideration in protecting a load cell from contamination. Another susceptible area is the cable entry into the body of the load cell. Most environmentally protected load cells incorporate an “O” ring and cable compression fitting to seal the entry area. This design provides protection only in applications with minimal moisture. In high-moisture areas, it is safest to install all cabling in conduit, providing both a moisture barrier and mechanical protection. Although environmentally protected load cells keep out unwanted contaminants, they are not suited for high moisture, steam, or direct wash down applications. The only long-term strategy for these applications is to use true hermetically sealed load cells.

Hermetically sealed load cells offer the best protection available for the weighing market. Using advanced welding techniques and ultra-thin metal seals, these load cells handle the extremes of harsh chemical and washdown applications. What makes the seal unique is the process of laser-welding metal covers to protect the strain gauge and compensation chambers. The cavities are then injected with potting or, in the case of glass-to-metal seals, filled with a pressurized inert gas, providing a redundant seal. As a final assurance of the integrity of the seal, a leak test is conducted to reveal any microscopic flaws in the sealing weld. True hermetic protection addresses both the strain gauge cavity and cable entry area. The most advanced cable entry design employs a unique glass-to-metal bonding seal which makes the cable termination area impervious to moisture. Cable wires terminate at the point of connection to the load cell, where they are soldered to hermetically sealed pins that carry signals to the sealed strain gauge area through a glass-to-metal seal. Water or other contaminants cannot “wick up” into the load cell, since the cable ends at the entry point. This design allows for field-replaceable cable, since the connection is outside the load cell. Note, stainless steel load cells are not synonymous with hermetically sealed load cells. While environmentally-protected stainless steel load cells may be suitable for dry chemical corrosive environments, hermetically sealed stainless steel models are the appropriate choice for high-moisture or washdown applications.

It is vital to the performance of a weighing system to select load cells of the correct capacity. Here are some guidelines, all load cells selected must be of the same capacity. Estimate the vessel dead weight, including all piping, pumps, agitators, insulation and vessel heating fluids. Add the maximum live weight of product to be weighed to the dead weight. This is the gross weight of the vessel and contents. Divide the gross weight by the number of legs or support points. This is the nominal weight which will be carried by each load cell. Select a load cell with a capacity somewhat greater than the nominal weight. The following should be considered when determining how much greater the load cell capacity should be; is your dead weight accurate? Will the load be evenly distributed on all cells? Is the vessel fitted with an agitator or subjected to shock loading? Is it possible the vessel will be overfilled, exceeding your live weight value? Will the vessel be subjected to wind or seismic loading? A good rule of thumb is to select a load cell with a capacity 25-50% in excess of the calculated nominal load per cell. Once the load cell capacity has been determined, check that the live weight signal is adequate for the instrumentation selected.

weigh bar kit for tanks

If you’re designing your tank you will want to make sure that you provide an easy way for scale companies to hang test weights evenly all around the tank for testing and calibrating your system. Also, don’t forget to take safety into consideration. Our scale technicians are fairly agile but a little planning up front can make the tanks much easier to test and work on. If you’re in the planning stage, make sure you work with a scale company to ensure that you spec the right parts for your application. For example, we look at several factors such as the weight of the tank, number of legs, and the expected amount of product the tank will hold to determine what capacity of load cell or weigh bar to place underneath.

Finally, you need to think about the environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures, moisture, vibration, and corrosive substances. If any of these elements take place, adjustments such as digital filtering or different products such as hermetically sealed load cells may be recommended.

If you’re looking to place load cells under your tank or add load cells to your hopper, contact us at (919) 776-7737 and we can discuss the options that are available.

Regular Scale Maintenance & Calibration Can Increase Accuracy & Reduce Downtime

We’ve been checking, testing and adjusting scales for a long time. And over the years of calibrating scales you learn a few things and pick up on a few nuggets of wisdom regarding scales and how to keep them working year round. Scales are precision instruments that need to be maintained on a fairly regular basis in order to ensure accuracy and reliability. Your scale accuracy can influence your profitability greatly. There are lots of examples, everything from ingredients used in a recipe for batching to recycling metal or aluminum. Every ounce counts and a scale that isn’t accurate can cost you, or your customer. Of course, if your scale breaks down, you’re going to be down for potentially several hours depending on the service and replacement parts needed. The bottom line is, Scales are important and need to be maintained.

Regular service and calibration from a factory trained service technician is important. We have seen examples in the past where companies realized that they need regular maintenance on their scales, but to save money they would choose a different company who didn’t have factory training on the actual scales the company owned. As fate would have it, the scale broke and their technician spent large amounts of time trying to troubleshoot the problem, which was difficult since he didn’t have factory training on this particular brand. CCS was contacted and the scale was repaired and working within a couple of hours.

scale technician calibrating a gse digital weight indicator

Another example is a company who buys/sells based on the weight of items loaded on their trucks. With most truck scales we recommend at least a semi-annual check and calibration but the customer felt the costs were not worthwhile for their business and they wanted to go with a call as needed model. Over the course of the year they noticed that their truck weights seemed to be off, so they called CCS to check and calibrate their truck scales. Their scales were off by several graduations and the customer had been losing what turned out to be hundreds of dollars in profits per truck over the past several weeks. At that point, the customer was very interested in discussing a quarterly scale check and calibration. Continue reading

Looking For A Shipping Scale With Ethernet?

Are you interested in a shipping scale with Ethernet? If so, please take a look at the information below. The Pennsylvania 7300 is a Made in the USA shipping scale that is designed for years of heavy duty use and loaded with features. These scales are extra rugged and dependable. Default settings for UPS Online, Clipper Ship, Fairbanks or Mettler Toledo emulation + option outputs for Ethernet, analog (0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA), standard RS-232, remote displays.

The scale itself is better than the competition because it isn’t made out of cheap plastic. The Pennsylvania 7300 features Heavy duty CAST base construction and standard resolution of 10,000 counts which make this shipping scale the standard of the industry. Below are just a few of the standard features.

pennsylvania 7300 shipping scale with ethernet

• Proven PLUS+ Series universal Main Board technology – consistent design
• 4 Year Limited Warranty
• Capacities from 2 lbs (8 x 8″ platform) to popular 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, and 200 lbs models with 10,000 standard display graduations
• Remote Displays – plug and play functionality
• Standard Lbs/Kgs or choose any 2 weighing units
• Programmable and flexible RS-232 (DB9 located in cavity under the scale) has default settings for UPS WorldShip and many other shipping systems
• Optional Ball tops for shipping applications

The ethernet module has an RJ45 mating port to accept the customer’s cable. The module is a name brand product that computer savvy people are comfortable with. It comes with an assigned IP address (modifiable) and software license. The Ethernet option is reasonably priced and lead time is usually about one business day.

Wireless Transmitter and Receiver for Weighing Scale

When it comes to wireless transmitters and receivers inside a weighing scale, we actually do have some options available for you to consider. The Doran Scales lineup features quite a few communications choices such as wireless Ethernet or Bluetooth which can eliminate cables and wires.

We also have the Rice Lake product line which features products like the ConnexLink™ Wireless Radio 900 MHZ which allows wireless transceivers to easily communicate data between various electronics in your scale system. For example, let’s say you have a truck scale and you need to add a remote display across the parking lot. You don’t want to dig up the asphalt to run wire so you add one of these to your digital weight indicator and connect one to the new remote display.

There is also the SendIt and Transend wireless load cell products which are great in many applications from heavy capacity and industrial scales to overhead weighing, of course data communication is essential. SENDit reads the signal from a load cell and sends that data wirelessly to a receiving indicator, eliminating the need for traditional wire runs.

From the initial weighment on the scale to the final numeric value on the indicator, efficient communication is key to the success of the entire operation. Whether it’s overhead, livestock, tank, or heavy capacity weighing, once your traditional conduit is damaged or needs to be replaced, communication is halted and so is your operation.

Speaking of transmitters, din rail mountable weight transmitters are often utilized in the process industry. These din rail mountable high speed devices with weight display are typically connected to a PLC. The large number of weight transmitter choices we offer provide excitation voltage which is needed for load cells. High precision weight transmitters convert the full scale weight signal into a 4-20mA output, 0-10V output, 0-5V output and/or communicate via RS-232, Analog Output, RS-485, Profinet, Profibus, Devicenet, Ethernet IP, etc…

Finally, there are also weigh beams and floor scales available from Transcell Technology. For example, with their floor scale system, the scale platforms are paired with the digital indicator TI-500RF and are factory calibrated for precise weighing and those with bluetooth option are compatible with Transcell IOS and android app. So as you can see, there are some choices available when it comes to weighing and sending the weight data to your devices.

Detecto Enterprise APS Food Scale Video Demo

DETECTO made in the USA Enterprise® APS series digital scales are ideal for precise portion control weighing in pizza kitchens, delis, and bakeries. The scale’s vivid, bright-green backlit LCD provides clear visibility for ingredient weights in any lighting condition. The APS series comes in 6 different capacities with 4 different platform sizes. For this video, you’ll be watching the model APS160 which weighs completely in ounces: 160 oz capacity by 0.1 oz accuracy.

The APS series can be equipped with an optional piezo tare button to expedite production in busy food prep settings. Both the LCD display and the piezo tare button can be remotely mounted on the wall, countertop, or even the side of the countertop to facilitate an orderly work environment. DETECTO’s piezo tare button is stainless steel and virtually indestructible, so it will stand up to rugged treatment in any busy commercial kitchen. This handy tare button allows the weight of various ingredients to be quickly tared off while building finished products such as pizzas or sandwiches.

By incorporating the optional tare button with the APS series, you now have the SPEED and ACCURACY needed for faster and more precise food preparation. This provides a more consistent, quality output for the customer… and tighter quality control without waste for the business owner. DETECTO’s tare button utilizes piezo touch technology which features no moving parts and is the toughest quality possible. The button registers when pressed to tare the weight off the scale and return it to zero. An audible beep will sound to alert employees that the ingredients have been tared from the scale and to notify them that the scale is ready for the next step in the food prep process. The large button size, sturdy design, and discernible beep of the piezo tare button are crucial features for any fast-paced food production workflow. Due to the rising cost of ingredients, especially meats like pepperoni, these features are instrumental in minimizing production costs.

Simply add your ingredients, check to ensure the proper amount of ingredients have been added, subtract or add additional ingredients to achieve the desired target weight for each stage, and press the piezo tare button to set the scale back to zero. Continue building each stage of the pizza to reach your target weights and precisely measuring your portions every step along the way. Then, when you’re finished, remove the pizza and you’ll see the total product weight on the LCD. The tare button on DETECTO’s APS series provides a fast, efficient workflow to your kitchen! This method delivers a consistent, precise finished product every time. For more information please call 919-776-7737 or visit us online at

Eliminate Traditional Wire Runs with SendIt and TranSend

Rice Lake’s SendIt™ and MSI’s TranSend™ are now in stock and ready to order. By reading the signal from a load cell or junction box and sending data wirelessly to a receiving indicator, SendIt and TranSend eliminate traditional wire runs.

Rice Lake SendIt is a simple point-to-point wireless load cell interface. The transmitter has a single A/D input and the receiver has a single mV/V output and can interface with nearly any make or model of digital weight indicator. It is powered with 5 VDC that can be supplied either by a rechargeable external battery or a wall adapter. The transmitters and receivers can be ordered separately or as a pair. The paired set is factory-matched and calibrated, and is ready to wirelessly communicate right out of the box. It will also include a load cell cable and an indicator cable; the power source must be ordered separately.

TranSend is more robust, offering several different power input options and the capability to utilize internal relays. Transmitters can have either a single A/D input or up to four A/D inputs. Receivers can provide either a single mV/V output or an analog output signal. Due to a wide variety of configurations, a part number is not available for a paired set; everything will be sold à la carte.

Both SendIt and TranSend can be paired at the factory upon request, or they can be paired in the field with a free to download PC program, ScCMP.

Intercomp Solar Wheel Weigher Scales

We wanted to provide an updated list of Intercomp Solar Wheel Weigh Scales along with part numbers and description.

182014 LP600 SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
182018 LP600 SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX50) NTEP 20,000X50LB (10,000X25KG)
182006-RFX LP600 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
182004-RFX LP600 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX20) 20,000X20LB (10,000X10KG)
182009-RFX LP600 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (30KX50) 30,000X50LB (14,000X20KG)
182010-RFX LP600 WIRELESS WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX50) NO RAMPS 20,000X50LB (10,000X20KG)
182018-RFX LP600 WRLS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX50) NTEP 20,000X50LB (10,000X25KG)
182015-RFX LP600-15T WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (30KX50) 30,000X50LB (15,000X20KG)
182013-RFX LP600-15T WRLS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE SYS (30KX50) 30,000X50LB (15,000X20KG)
182011-RFX LP630 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (30KX50) 30,000X50LB (15,000X20KG)
182012-RFX LP630-15T WRLS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE SYS(30KX50) 30,000X50LB (15,000X20KG)

181004 PT300 SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
181002 PT300 SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) – 20MA 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
181012 PT300 SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX50) NTEP 20,000X50LB (10,000X25KG)
181004-RFX PT300 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
181003-RFX PT300 WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX20) 20,000X20LB (10,000X10KG)
181008-RFX PT300 WRLS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX50) NTEP 20,000X50LB (10,000X25KG)

181508 PT300DW SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX10) 20,000X10LB (10,000X5KG)
181503 PT300DW SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (20KX20) – 20MA 20,000X20LB (10,000X10KG)
181502-RFX PT300DW WIRELESS SOLAR WHEEL LOAD SCALE (40KX100) 40,000x100LB (20,000x50KG) CAPACITY

For more information and price quote please contact the sales department at 919-776-7737.