Central Carolina Scale

News & Learning Center about scales and weighing equipment

Central Carolina Scale

5 Ways Food & Beverage Industry Companies Benefit from Waterproof Scales

When it comes to the food & beverage industry, cleanliness is extremely important and there’s rarely room for equipment downtime. Given that weighing ingredients and keeping the weighing scales you use clean can be quite  messy, it’s important to use an electronic scale that can withstand harsh environments and won’t let you down.

Please see our selection of waterproof bench scales.  Below are the top 5 benefits that companies enjoy from using our washdown safe scales.

#1     NSF Certified Weighing Equipment

One of the biggest benefits of our waterproof scales is that many of the scales are NSF Approved. Many of our washdown products meet strict standards for public health protection. You can use them when dealing with food and beverages safely.

stainless steel portion weigherThe Aqua stainless steel scale lineup offers check weighing, percentage weighing and parts counting, while the Gladiator range offers those as well as check counting, dynamic/animal weighing, and a helpful Hold function.

These applications can be exceptionally helpful in the food and drink industry. Dynamic weighing and the hold function on the Gladiator can be particularly useful when dealing with cans, bottles or barrels filled with liquid. Since it’s moving around inside, you don’t want to have to wait for the liquids to settle before weighing, so the dynamic weighing feature takes an average weight to solve this issue.

Checkweighing can be used to help make sure that each completed product, such as peach pies, are within acceptable limits and not under or over filled. Parts counting can help pack bags or boxes with the same amount of product – bags of candy should have the same number of pieces in each!


#2     Full Protection from Water Ingress

Some customers and scale companies like to use the term waterproof scales. We prefer washdown scales. A waterproof scale is generally a scale that has an ingress protection (IP) rating of at least 68 (IP68). This means that it’s fully protected against solids (6) and liquids ( 8) getting inside and messing up the hardware.

Technically, you can immerse a waterproof scale with an IP68 rating in depths of water over one meter for an extended period. For more information about IP ratings, check out our past entry how much does a waterproof scale cost? 

Many ingredients are made of liquid and if there are any spillages, there’s no need to worry about the safety of your waterproof scale. Dry or wet, it will operate exactly as it was designed.

One note about scale enclosures and ratings… If you’re a food processing facility and you have internal maintenance workers who can do basic scale work…  Remember, you can have the highest IP rated equipment ever made, but if your maintenance department either leaves screws loose or completely off the equipment, water will get inside no matter how great your IP rated equipment is.   

adam gladiator bench scale

#3     Durable and Easy to Clean Weighing Equipment

Another benefit of waterproof scales is that when spills happen, they’re very easy to clean. IP68 rated waterproof scales can handle low temperature water jets. If you need to take your scale out back and hose it down, your washdown safe scale is capable of handling that.

Cross contamination can also become a real issue, especially when dealing with perishables like meat, fish, or dairy. Scales used for weighing these items should be cleaned thoroughly with soap or gentle cleansers every day to maintain hygiene standards. This way, you’ll protect consumers from the threat of food poisoning or unhealthy bacteria caused by build-up on a dirty food scale.

We’ve established that waterproof scales are protected from water, which obviously makes them pretty durable. However, most of our selection of waterproof scales are constructed from high quality Grade 304 stainless steel, which has quite a few benefits as well. 

Many components of the foods and beverages we eat and drink are acidic, and could cause damage to a less durable scale over time. Grade 304 stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, so frequent contact with corrosive liquids will not be a hindrance to your operations.

stainless steel waterproof nsf scale

In general, metals like mild steel or cast-iron rust easily when left in contact with liquids for too long. Stainless steel is much less susceptible to rusting. For example, the Adam Equipment Aqua ABW-S features stainless steel housing and pan, making it durable top to bottom. Also, the Gladiator series is constructed from a stainless-steel platform as well as the stainless steel IP68 AE 403 indicator, both of which can be purchased individually or combined in one scale system.

#4    Scales That can be Used Outdoors

Many waterproof weighing scales include rechargeable batteries. This can be an extremely helpful feature when harvesting fruits and vegetables at a farm, orchard, or wine vineyard. Harvesting staff can effectively organize produce by weight, which any grocery store or farmer’s market will appreciate.

If many of the boxes of produce weigh about the same, or if you organize the produce from heaviest to lightest, this makes it easier to calculate prices later. We offer a wide variety of NTEP approved scales so you can legally use them to set prices for your products according to weight.

The durability of waterproof scales, with their protection against water, dirt, and corrosion, make them perfect outdoor tools. Is it starting to rain? No need to pack up your scale. Are the vegetables dirty? Get as much dirt off as possible, since dirt weighs something too. But, best of all, if the scale gets dirty, just wash it off when you can. 

Don’t forget about washdown floor scales and/or floor scales that can be placed outdoors and can handle the elements such as rain and snow. 

industrial floor scale

#5     Overall Great Value for Your Investment

Waterproof scales are convenient, improving operational efficiency with less effort and fuss. They have superior longevity, preventing you from needing to frequently replace your scale. These days there are cheap scales everywhere, with little to no quality control. Be sure to trust the buying advice of your trusted scale company and reputable scale manufacturers. 

A slightly higher price is worth long-lasting peace of mind (see value vs accuracy). And many of our washdown safe scales come with high quality components, longer warranty periods, and impressive weighing accuracy.

Do you need some help deciding on a “waterproof” scale? Contact our sales team for assistance.

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How Weighing Scales are Utilized in the Organics Recycling and Compost Manufacturing Sector

The impact of weight scales for organics recycling and compost manufacturing is critical to the success of any sustainability initiative. Users searching for the right scales are typically looking to refine accuracy, manage waste volumes, and ensure the quality of the compost produced.

This article delves into the key roles these weighing scales play in the industry, from smaller kitchen compost setups to large-scale operations, shedding light on their essential contribution to an accurate eco-friendly composting process.

Important Points

  • Organics recycling includes home, community, and industrial composting, each serving different levels of organic waste management, with industrial composting playing a crucial role in urban waste management strategies.

  • Lots of industries use scales throughout production. In organics recycling and compost manufacturing, weight plays an important role from waste inventory tracking and maintenance, to waste disposal and sustainable initiatives. Weighing and process-control equipment help waste-industry businesses improve overall efficiency.

  • Composting transforms organic waste into a resource that improves soil fertility and supports sustainable agriculture, while innovations in composting equipment and data-driven operations enhance the efficiency and quality of the compost production process.

Understanding the Spectrum of Organics Recycling


There are various methods of managing organic waste, each with its own advantages and challenges. Organics recycling includes three main techniques: home composting for individual use, industrial composting on a larger scale, and community composting as a collective effort to make an impact at the local level.

These approaches play an essential role in promoting eco-friendly practices by transforming organic waste into valuable material like compost. Some examples of what can be turned into nutrient-rich soil through this process include food scraps, garden waste, food soiled paper and grass clippings.

By choosing to engage in any form of organic recycling such as these mentioned above, you have the power to contribute towards an economy that values sustainability. Converting materials like kitchen leftovers or lawn trimmings into usable resources for enriching soil fertility makes your efforts impactful both locally within your community and globally overall.

Home Composting: A Personal Approach

Home composting is a straightforward and effective method for managing organic waste at home. It involves an aerobic process that naturally breaks down food scraps and garden waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments.

The success of home composting relies on maintaining the right balance of four elements: carbon-rich “browns,” nitrogen-rich “greens,” water, and air. These components create ideal conditions for microorganisms to facilitate the composting process. One example of this technique is worm farming, which uses worms to break down food scraps and food waste resulting in high-quality soil amendment.

Aside from reducing household waste, home composting also has positive effects on mitigating climate change by improving soil health. By diverting organic materials away from landfills where they release methane gas as they decompose without oxygen present.

To be beneficial for our environment, such practices provide us with another way we can turn what would otherwise become “waste” or leftovers back into productive material. Hence showing how sustainable it could be if everyone embraced simple acts like these. Continue reading

Trading Card Printing Fulfillment Centers: Precision in Production and Counting VS. Speed and Affordability

In the vibrant world of trading cards, where collectors and enthusiasts seek the thrill of rare finds and limited editions, the role of trading card printing fulfillment centers is crucial. These centers serve as the beating heart of the industry, bringing to life the intricate designs and artwork that grace each card.

However, their responsibilities extend beyond mere printing; they must also ensure the accurate counting and packaging of these coveted cards. This article takes a look into the fascinating realm of trading card printing fulfillment centers, exploring how they function and maintain precision in the counting process along with speed, accuracy and value.

The Printing Process

At the core of trading card fulfillment centers lies the printing process, where cutting-edge technology and skilled craftsmanship converge. The journey begins with the creation of digital files containing the designs for each card. Printing machines, equipped with high-resolution capabilities, then transfer these designs onto sheets of specialized cardstock.

The use of advanced printing techniques, such as offset printing or digital printing, allows for the reproduction of intricate details and vibrant colors. Once the sheets are printed, they undergo a meticulous quality control process to detect any imperfections or deviations from the original designs. This step ensures that collectors receive cards that meet the highest standards of visual appeal and durability.

Precision in Counting Trading Cards

As the printed sheets move through the production line, the next critical stage is the counting process. Trading card fulfillment centers employ advanced technology to ensure the accurate counting of cards, a task that demands both speed and precision.

Use weights and a scale to figure out the total count of trading cards. You simply weigh a sample of the trading cards and determine the average piece weight.  Then add the rest of the trading cards to the scale to obtain the total count. This process is much faster and accurate than hand counting.

One of the challenges that printers often face is keeping costs down. Sometimes that can mean purchasing low cost counting scales in bulk. And while that may seem to be a wise investment, fulfillment centers might be surprised when evaluating the total cost of ownership of an industrial counting scale like the Pennsylvania 7800 counting scale versus the low cost plastic style parts counters you might find in a Uline catalog or QCS style scales on a website. Especially if you evaluate the purchases and the lifetime usage of the different scales. It could mean the difference between buying pallets of replacement scales over and over OR just buying quality weighing equipment once and maintaining it over a period of time. 

Pennsylvania 7800 counting scale

However, even the fastest and most accurate methods need to be checked and reviewed periodically. To enhance accuracy, fulfillment centers often implement additional quality control checks, including manual inspections by trained personnel. Human oversight serves as a crucial layer of assurance, especially when dealing with intricate or unconventional card designs that may pose challenges for automated systems.

Trading Cards Packaging and Box Assembly

Once the counting process is complete, the cards are ready for packaging. Fulfillment centers utilize state-of-the-art machinery to assemble boxes and insert the correct quantity of cards into each one. Automated packaging systems streamline this process, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring efficiency in meeting high production demands.

The packaging stage involves not only the physical insertion of cards but also the inclusion of any accompanying items, such as rulebooks, promotional materials, or limited-edition inserts. Fulfillment centers carefully coordinate these elements to deliver a complete and satisfying product to collectors.

high quality scales and weighing equipment

You will often see everything from desk top parts counting scales, to industrial floor scales, to pallet jack scales in trading card fulfillment warehouses all across the country. These scales assist with obtaining an accurate weight for boxes that are being shipped via UPS or FedEx along with large orders that are being picked up by LTL freight companies like Old Dominion, RL Carriers, TForce, XPO Logistics LTL, etc…

Trading Cards Quality Control and Assurance

Maintaining the quality of the final product is a top priority for trading card fulfillment centers. Beyond the initial quality control checks during printing, additional measures are implemented throughout the production process to catch any discrepancies or defects. This includes regular inspections of the packaging machinery and ongoing monitoring of the counting systems.

Random sampling is another common practice, where a subset of boxes is thoroughly examined to ensure that the correct number of cards is present and that the overall condition meets the established standards. These stringent quality control measures contribute to the reputation of the fulfillment center and the satisfaction of collectors who place great value on the condition and authenticity of their cards.

Final Thoughts

Trading card printing fulfillment centers play a pivotal role in shaping the world of collectibles. From the precise printing of each card’s design to the meticulous counting and packaging processes, these centers combine technological innovation with human expertise to deliver products that captivate and inspire.

As the demand for unique and high-quality trading cards continues to grow, the commitment to precision in production and counting remains paramount, ensuring that collectors receive not only a piece of art but a carefully crafted and accurately assembled treasure.

These companies “count” on electronic counting scales to accurately determine how many cards are placed in each box. They also use weighing scales for determining box weights for shipping and pallet weights for shipping via LTL.

If you own or manage one of these facilities, be sure to contact the sales and service pro’s at Central Carolina Scale who can assist you with recommending the best scales for counting trading cards and the best warehouse scales for everyday use. The CCS team can also provide outstanding scale repair work and calibration services as well. Call (919) 776-7737 to get started.


Slice Your Expenses: A Deep Dive into Pizza Ingredient Costs Management

Discover how to manage pizza ingredient costs without skimping on flavor. This practical guide breaks down the prices of dough, cheese, and toppings, and provides actionable tips for cost-conscious pizza enthusiasts or business owners. Dive into an analysis of ingredients expenses and uncover strategies to optimize your pizza-making budget.

Key Takeaways

  • Ingredient costs for pizza vary widely with dough varying per pizza and toppings like muenster cheese and meat being costlier than vegetables with significant markup rates.

  • Minimizing pizza ingredient costs involves selecting cost-effective ingredients, buying in bulk while managing storage, and using technology, such as ingredient scales for consistent portioning.

  • Pizza profitability is influenced by managing food and operational costs. Most pizza restaurants can make a decent profit, and with strategies like smart inventory management, supplier negotiation, and portion control, can possibly increase profits and assist with cost reduction.

Breaking Down the Basics: Pizza Ingredient Costs Explained

pizza ingredients

Navigating the realm of pizza expenses is akin to embarking on a grandiose voyage through various components, each contributing its own distinct taste to the price structure, much like the ingredients in a deliciously crafted pie. The type and amount of ingredients used as well as the size of the pizza can all impact its cost.

Feeling overwhelmed? Do not worry, we are here to provide guidance through this complex world of costs!

The Price of Perfect Dough

pizza toppings

The foundation of a pizza is its crust. This wide range of pizza crust costs can be attributed to the various ingredients used in making the dough, such as high gluten flour, sea salt and yeast. These ingredient prices have a significant impact on the total cost of creating the perfect crust for your pizza. (At CCS we’d recommend checking out a bakers scale and scale scoops). Larger pizzas require more dough and result in higher ingredient costs – so don’t forget that when you order an extra large size!

Sauce Economics

ingredient scale

Shifting our cost analysis to the sauce component of pizza, we find that a key factor in creating a delicious pie is often the quality of its tomato sauce. Various factors such as ingredient quality and market fluctuations can significantly impact the costs associated with this crucial element. Continue reading

Mastering Truck Scale Calibration for Optimal Accuracy

Are you looking to optimize the accuracy of your truck scale measurements and ensure compliance with local and industry standards? Then, focusing on having a consistent truck scale calibration plan is vital. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the importance of calibration, the essential tests, and how to choose the right scale calibration service provider, ultimately helping you achieve optimal performance and longevity for your truck scales.

Important Points

  • Regular calibration of truck scales is essential for accuracy, financial security, and safety.

  • Factors such as usage, environment, and application impact the performance of a truck scale.

  • Regular inspections, calibrations, and scale maintenance are necessary to ensure accurate readings & reliable functioning over time.

The Importance of Truck Scale Calibration

importance of truck scale calibration

Truck scale calibration procedures are crucial for obtaining precise measurements, avoiding financial losses due to incorrect payments for shipments, and upholding safety regulations by preventing overloaded trucks. Calibration is the process of verifying a scale’s accuracy using certified test weights to compare the weight reading to the known value of the certified test weight, ensuring the most accurate measurement possible. If the weighment generated by the scale being calibrated does not match the known value of the certified test weight, (slight errors may still be within tolerance), the scale is out of tolerance, and technicians will adjust the scale until the reading accurately reflects the known value of the test weights.

Several online scale calibration software providers offer a calibration management tool which allows customers the ability to:

  • Monitor their calibration status

  • View equipment calibration and test histories

To ensure that truck scales deliver accurate measurements and function at their best, a consistent scale calibration schedule is a must. The easy way to do this is with a Service Agreement. We recommend contacting our service department and setting up a service agreement. You can specify how often you want your scale calibration done and you get reduced service rates and discounts on scales. Call (919) 776-7737 to get started!

Factors Affecting Calibration

Several external factors can impact the calibration of truck scales, such as usage, environment, and application. These factors make regular calibration necessary to ensure that the truck scales are providing precise measurement and operating optimally.

Gaining a clear understanding of calibration-affecting factors allows you to keep your truck scale accurate and dependable.

Legal Requirements and Standards

Legal requirements and industry standards necessitate proper calibration and certification of truck scales to ensure compliance and quality assurance. Truck scale calibration must adhere to legal-for-trade standards, using certified test weights for calibration purposes. Scale certification is mandated by the state, while scale calibration is not always mandated, ensuring the most precise measurement possible. Continue reading

A Comprehensive Guide to Inventory Management (2024)

Optimal inventory levels, reduced storage costs and satisfied customers are all achievable through effective inventory management. This guide will provide insights and tips on how to implement the necessary steps for successful implementation of this process so that your business can run smoothly with improved efficiency.

Keywords such as ‘inventory management’, ‘effective inventory management’ and ‘inventory levels’ remain relevant throughout our discussion in order to ensure beneficial outcomes from implementing these practices correctly. Of course we recommend using counting scales when practical for maintaining accurate inventory counts on a regular basis.

Important Points

  • Inventory management is essential for businesses to effectively track and control stock levels, ensure customer satisfaction, and optimize costs. You don’t want excess inventory but you also don’t want no stock or long lead times (supply chain management).

  • Different types of inventory systems range from manual spreadsheets to automated solutions such as RFID tags.

  • Techniques such as EOQ, ABC Analysis & JIT Inventory Management can help minimize storage costs while ensuring accurate stock counts through software implementation.

Understanding Inventory Management

inventory management

Inventory management is an essential part of any profitable organization’s functioning, managing and controlling stock amounts to guarantee satisfaction for customers while minimizing costs. Companies have a large selection of options from traditional manual systems to sophisticated perpetual inventory control techniques available in order that they can ensure optimal inventory administration.

Now let us explore the importance of inventory management as well as all of its primary components as part of overall inventory management tools assortment. Appropriate stock level tracking plays a huge role when it comes to guaranteeing efficient operation with minimal expenses involved. Companies must turn their attention towards reliable inventories if they are looking for success overall

The Importance of Inventory Management

In order to meet customer demand, prevent stockouts and keep up efficient operations, effective inventory management is essential. A well-crafted system of managing inventories can be the determining factor in business success for companies big or small alike. By accurately tracking their inventory levels, businesses will both ensure no missed sales opportunities nor dissatisfying customers experiences due to a lack of availability when fulfilling orders occur at any time.

Insufficient approaches towards tackling this issue could lead directly into an array of adverse outcomes: lost revenues from missed chances, dissatisfied customers via declining service quality, possession and needlessly storing unnecessary items leading onto hefty storage expenses as ultimate consequence – all being grounds strong enough to make it imperative that investing on proper asset control systems should become priority number one across organizations around the globe looking forward onwards becoming more competitive amidst growing competition landscapes worldwide while attempting ensuring higher degrees profitability performance over coming periods .

Key Components of Inventory Management

Inventory management is a necessary part of any business strategy. Companies need to take into account customer demand, manage inventory levels, and find the best balance between having too much or not enough stock in order to properly carry out their plan. A great way for businesses to achieve this is by employing forecasting methods that anticipate future needs as well as using safety stock (buffer stock) so they remain protected from changes in supply, manufacturing yields etc.

Using specialized tools dedicated towards managing inventory can be incredibly useful when it comes reducing costs associated with these efforts. Whilst also making sure adequate amounts are available at all times where required, an essential element of effective inventory control measures . To meet both short-term demands and long term objectives effectively. Those overseeing such operations must consider all aspects regarding maintaining proper stocking requirements across various platforms including online ordering systems.

Types of Inventory Management Systems

counting components on a parts counting scale

Inventory management is a critical process for businesses of all sizes. To make the most of their resources, they can implement various types of inventory management systems ranging from paper-based solutions to automated tracking technologies that provide live updates on stock levels.

No matter what system you choose, it will allow better oversight and control over inventories through improved data collection and accuracy in order processing tasks such as reordering items or understanding demand patterns. As an added bonus, these advances also optimize time efficiency by automating many aspects related to managing supplies across multiple locations

Manual Inventory Systems

Manual inventory systems, such as spreadsheets and paper-based tracking solutions or physical counting techniques, are low cost to use yet still provide flexibility. These methods can lead to inaccuracies due to potential errors by humans and an inability for real time monitoring when the business begins scaling up. Despite its drawbacks though a manual system is suitable for small companies with limited stock. It enables them track their inventories in an effective manner at a minimal expense compared with automated processes employed by large organizations.

Periodic Inventory Systems

Periodic inventory systems involve regularly taking physical counts of stock at the start and end of predetermined times, allowing for an accurate assessment on quantities in storage. This system provides businesses with greater control over their outlay associated to stocking supplies, as well as enabling them to monitor inventories closely and detect any discrepancies quickly. The advantages are that it is more precise when tracking down numbers and also helps keeps costs low. But there may be a downside: namely time taken in counting plus potential human error arising from this process. *** Note: for physical inventory, we recommend using digital parts counting scales to accomplish this task. See our how to guide for more info. This can speed up the physical count process and dramatically reduce the errors from hand counting.

Perpetual Inventory Systems

A perpetual inventory system is a computerized approach that automatically tracks and updates the number of products available at any given time. With technologies like barcodes and RFID tags, this type of inventory control ensures instantaneous monitoring and accuracy. Businesses can observe their current stock levels quickly, easily identify discrepancies, and adjust accordingly in real-time. Continue reading

Static Truck Scales vs Weigh In Motion

When it comes to weighing commercial vehicles, there are two main options: static truck scales and weigh in motion scales. Both types of scales serve the same basic purpose. To accurately measure the weight of a vehicle, but they differ in terms of how they are used and their specific capabilities. 

Traditional “Static” Truck Weighing

Static truck scales are the more traditional option. These truck scales consists of a weigh bridge that’s usually around 70 feet long, that’s usually above ground and installed on a concrete foundation. The vehicle drives on to the scale to be weighed. Static truck scales are typically found everywhere from feed mails to recycling centers to weigh stations. They are used to weigh vehicles that are fully stopped.

Static Weighing Advantages

One advantage of static truck scales is that they are accurate because the vehicle is fully stopped and stationary when it is weighed, the accuracy is better than a weigh in motion scale in which the vehicle never stops. Additionally, static scales are common. They’ve been utilized for many years. Technicians know how they work and spare scale parts are readily available, and the vast majority are legal for trade.

70x11 truck scale for dump trucks

Disadvantages of Static Weighing

However, there are also some disadvantages to using static truck scales because the vehicle must come to a complete stop to be weighed. These scales can cause delays and disrupt traffic flow. Additionally, a static scale takes up a lot of room. The scale weigh bridge is usually at least 70 feet long and requires plenty of room for the truck to enter and exit. You also have to pour a large concrete foundation for the static scale to be placed on. Therefore, static scales are typically more expensive than weigh in motion systems.

Weighing a Vehicle While It’s Still Moving

Weigh in motion scales on the other hand are designed to weigh vehicles while they are in motion. These scales use sensors to accurately measure the weight of a moving vehicle, without the need for it to come to a complete stop.  

Weigh In Motion Advantages

One advantage of weigh in motion scales is that they allow for the weighing of vehicles without disrupting traffic flow.  Because the vehicle does not need to come to a complete stop.  weigh in motion scales can help to reduce delays and improve overall efficiency. Additionally, weigh in motion scales can be installed in a smaller area since the scale platform itself is only a fraction of the size of a traditional truck scale. Continue reading

Scales with Rechargeable Battery Usually Recommended

We’re going to discuss the top benefits of buying a scale with a built in internal rechargeable battery. Many scales on the market today contain internal rechargeable batteries. Why would you choose battery power over the simplicity plugging your scale into a wall outlet? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of a rechargeable battery powered scale.

battery powered scale

No Electricity? No Problem…

Whether you need to work somewhere without a convenient electrical outlet or the power has temporarily gone out, you’ll be able to perform weighing tasks without missing a beat with a battery powered scale. Be mindful of when the battery needs to be recharged. The last thing you want is to lose power while working in the field.

Easy Mobility

Without the need to rely on a power cord while working, your scale can be anywhere you need it to be. For example, are you taking inventory?  You can transport an easy to carry portable counting scale throughout your warehouse and save time. Be sure to store your rechargeable scales somewhere convenient at the end of each workday. And if you know that you’re going to be using the weight scale where there is no AC power, be sure to charge the portable scales overnight so you’ll have 100% battery life.

Sharing a Scale

If they aren’t using it all day every day, employees at different workstations or in different areas of your facility can share the same device since it’s battery powered and fairly easy to transport.

“Economical batteries” can be expensive…

Think of your kid’s toys and every remote control in the house, but rechargeable batteries can be charged hundreds of times or more before ever needing to be replaced. In some cases, over time, your scale can actually pay for itself in battery savings. And electric rates are lower in some localities at night, so recharging scales overnight also offers another opportunity for savings.

Do you need some help selecting the right battery powered scale? Browse our website and contact us (919) 776-7737 You can see all the portable scales that we offer. And if you need some assistance, we’re just an email or a call away. 

Scales for Chemical Processors: Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in Chemical Weighing

The chemical processing industry plays a pivotal role in manufacturing a wide array of consumer and industrial products. From organic alcohols and petrochemicals to industrial acids, catalysts, compounds, pigments, paints, and other inorganic substances, chemical processors encounter a diverse range of hazardous materials. Ensuring the safety and accuracy of these processes is crucial for both human well-being and product quality.

One of the fundamental aspects of chemical processing is weighing equipment, which demands exceptional precision, reliability, and resistance to harsh chemicals and environments. In this article, we explore the significance of scales for chemical processors and how they enhance efficiency and safety in the chemical industry.

The Importance of Corrosion-Resistant Weighing Equipment

Chemical substances used in the processing industry can be highly corrosive, leading to the degradation of materials over time. Standard weighing equipment might not withstand the aggressive nature of these chemicals, resulting in equipment malfunction, measurement inaccuracies, and potential safety hazards. Therefore, chemical processors require specialized corrosion-resistant weighing equipment to maintain the integrity of their operations.

weight indicator

Meeting Industry Demands: A Focus on Reliability

Reliability is the backbone of any industrial process, and the chemical processing industry is no exception. The selection of appropriate weighing equipment plays a pivotal role in ensuring that processes run smoothly and efficiently. Corrosion-resistant scales, made from materials like stainless steel and other durable alloys, offer a reliable weighing solution that can withstand exposure to a variety of harsh chemicals. These scales are designed to resist rust, oxidation, and chemical attacks, prolonging their lifespan and maintaining accuracy over time.

Accurate Measurements for Quality Control

Quality control is a critical aspect of chemical processing. Accurate measurements are essential to ensure that the final products meet specific standards and exhibit consistent quality. Corrosion-resistant scales provide precise measurements, allowing chemical processors to monitor the composition of their products and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcomes. This level of precision is particularly important for applications where even slight variations in chemical ratios can significantly impact the final product’s properties.

Ensuring Operator Safety

The chemical processing environment can be hazardous for operators and technicians. Exposure to corrosive chemicals and harsh substances can pose serious health risks. By investing in intrinsically safe weighing equipment, chemical processors can minimize the chances of equipment failure and subsequent chemical spills or accidents. Additionally, these scales often come equipped with advanced safety features, such as overload protection and anti-slip platforms, to further enhance operator safety during the weighing process.

cardinal scale thbc brewery tank scales

Scales for Chemical Processors

From organic alcohols and petrochemicals to industrial acids, catalysts, compounds, pigments, paints and other inorganic substances, the chemical processing industry is composed of a broad range of consumer and industrial products. To optimize chemical manufacturing and maximize chemical material handling efficiency, we offer heavy-duty weighing solutions for hostile materials and hazardous environments.

During chemical reactions and refining, exact measurements are crucial. Chemical vessels—from tabletop beakers to industrial drums and tanks—require special corrosion-resistant material to withstand the chemicals’ hazardous properties. Weighing equipment used in these processes also needs to stand up to harsh chemicals and environments.

The SURVIVOR® RL2100 HE weigh module kit is ideal for medium and heavy-capacity hostile environments found in chemical blending and batching applications. Heavy capacity kits include all stainless steel compression mounts and weld-sealed, double-ended beam load cells. The JB4SS NEMA Type 4X stainless steel junction box and 25-foot hostile environment load cell cable complete the kit.

The Rice Lake RoughDeck® HE hostile environment floor scale is specifically designed for corrosion resistance and longevity in harsh chemical and washdown environments. Constructed from stainless steel and incorporating stainless steel, IP67 weld-sealed load cells, the RoughDeck HE is ideal for chemical material processing and handling.

Choosing the Right Scale for Specific Applications

Different chemical processes have varying requirements when it comes to weighing equipment. Some applications might require high-precision analytical balances, while others demand heavy-duty industrial scales for bulk weighing. The chemical processing industry encompasses a wide range of products, each with unique properties and handling considerations.

For instance, in laboratories and research facilities, analytical balances with high precision and sensitivity are essential for accurately measuring small quantities of chemicals. On the other hand, industries dealing with large volumes of chemicals might rely on robust floor scales or tank scales to handle bulk weighing. The diversity of applications calls for a comprehensive range of scales tailored to the specific needs of chemical processors.

Innovations in Weighing Technology

As the chemical processing industry continues to evolve, so does the technology behind weighing equipment. Manufacturers are continuously innovating to meet the increasing demands of the industry. New developments include advancements in load cell technology, digital signal processing, and connectivity options. Cloud-based data storage and integration with IoT (Internet of Things) platforms enable real-time monitoring of weighing processes, allowing for quick decision-making and improved traceability.

Scales for chemical processors are an integral part of the chemical processing industry. With their corrosion-resistant properties and precision weighing capabilities, these scales contribute significantly to the efficiency, safety, and quality control of chemical processes. By investing in reliable and accurate weighing equipment, chemical processors can optimize their operations, ensure compliance with safety standards, and produce high-quality products that cater to the diverse needs of consumers and industries alike. As technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated weighing solutions to further revolutionize the chemical processing landscape.

The Role of Truck Scales and Portable Axle Scales in Timber Hauling Operations

In the heart of the forestry industry, where the rhythmic hum of chainsaws blends with the rustling of leaves, lies a crucial aspect that often remains hidden from the untrained eye: the efficient loading of timber onto trucks. Timber-hauling businesses navigate a delicate balance between maximizing payload and ensuring compliance with weight regulations to preserve road infrastructure and safety. In this intricate dance, truck scales and portable axle scales emerge as unsung heroes, enabling timber-hauling operations to optimize vehicle loading while adhering to industry standards.

The Significance of Efficient Loading

Efficient loading of timber onto trucks is more than just a logistical necessity; it is the backbone of profitability and sustainability in the forestry sector. Overloaded trucks not only pose a safety hazard on the roads but also contribute to accelerated wear and tear on vehicles, leading to increased maintenance costs. Moreover, overloaded trucks can damage road infrastructure, requiring substantial repairs that are often funded by taxpayers. The balance between maximizing payload and ensuring adherence to weight regulations is a tightrope act that portable axle scales help timber-hauling businesses perform with finesse.

Precision and Compliance with Regulations

Truck scales play an instrumental role in ensuring that timber-hauling operations remain compliant with weight regulations. Many countries have strict weight limits for commercial vehicles to prevent road damage and accidents. These regulations vary based on the type of road, the number of axles a truck has, and the distribution of the load. By accurately measuring the weight of both the entire truck and the individual axles, these scales assist in preventing overweight vehicles from hitting the road, thus minimizing safety risks and infrastructure damage.

portable wheel weighing scale

Real-time Data for Informed Decisions

In the past, timber-hauling businesses might have relied on estimations and guesswork when loading trucks. However, the advent of modern technology has revolutionized this process. Portable wheel weighers, weigh in motion truck scales, and on board truck scales  provide real-time weight data that empowers businesses to make informed decisions about their loading operations. This data helps them maximize payload without exceeding legal weight limits, leading to increased operational efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Optimizing Vehicle Loading

One of the key challenges in timber hauling is achieving optimal vehicle loading. Irregular distribution of timber can lead to imbalanced loads, increasing the risk of accidents, especially on winding forest roads. Portable axle scales aid in achieving balanced loading by measuring the weight on individual axles. This information guides operators to distribute the timber evenly, minimizing the risk of accidents, reducing wear and tear on tires and suspension systems, and enhancing overall road safety. Another example of vehicle loading is keeping track of weight distribution, which is what’s done when you use six LP600 portable rv scales to measure vehicles during and after manufacturer.

portable axle scale

Portable Axle Scales: Unleashing Flexibility

In the forestry industry, where terrain and operational locations can be unpredictable, the versatility of portable axle scales shines through. Traditional truck scales are fixed installations, limiting their use to specific sites. Portable axle scales, on the other hand, can be easily transported and set up wherever required. This feature is a game-changer for timber-hauling businesses that frequently change their operational locations. Whether extracting timber from remote forests or navigating challenging terrains, portable axle scales offer the flexibility needed to ensure compliance and efficient loading in diverse scenarios.

70 foot long portable truck scale

Portable Truck Scale Choices

In many forestry locations, the weighing will be done for a certain duration. A permanent truck scale installation might not make sense. If that’s the case, then a portable truck scale might work well. The scale can be setup and used for several months or years. Then, when you’re finished, you move the scale to your next location.  

Reducing Environmental Footprint

Beyond regulatory compliance and financial benefits, optimized vehicle loading supported by truck scales contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of timber-hauling operations. By minimizing overloading and achieving balanced distribution, fuel efficiency improves, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns with the growing global emphasis on sustainable business practices and responsible resource management.

weight indicator

In the dense tapestry of the forestry industry, the efficient loading of timber onto trucks stands as a crucial thread that weaves together safety, profitability, and sustainability. Portable truck scales emerge as indispensable tools that empower timber-hauling businesses to master this intricate dance between optimal loading and adherence to weight regulations. Of course we provide you with lots of information to guide you along your buying journey, answering questions like how long should a truck scale last or how to read scale quote or comparing different truck scale manufacturers.

With their precision, real-time accurate data, and flexibility, these portable vehicle scales pave the way for safer roads, reduced environmental impact, and more streamlined operations in the forestry sector. As the industry continues to evolve, the role of these unsung heroes will only become more pronounced, ensuring that the forests’ bounties are transported with efficiency and care. Be sure to contact our sales team for information on our portable scales that we offer.