Wrestling Scale Buyer’s Guide

Having an accurate and reliable scale for your wrestlers is crucial. It does not matter whether you are referring to professional wrestling, those at the collegiate level, or even high school wrestling teams – weight matters. 

Depending on how strict the regulations are, any slight fluctuation in weight can have an impact on the weight class an individual is allowed to wrestle in – or can even mean disqualification. It is no wonder why wrestlers spend so much time and energy focusing on their weight. 

Without a dependable scale, wrestlers may find themselves dealing with a surprise at the scale that can be devastating. 

While you don’t need a fancy scale, some features may be beneficial. So, between affordability, dependability, and bonus features, here’s your wrestling scale buyer’s guide and what you need to be looking for. 

Scale Portability

Do you intend to move your scale from one location to the next? Are you looking for a scale that your wrestling team can use when they travel? Or, do you prefer a fixed position scale that remains in your locker room or gym? 

The answers to these questions are important because they will help you narrow down the scales that may or may not be a good option for you. 

Digital or Mechanical? 

In years past, mechanical scales were the go-to option as they were seen as more reliable. However, over the years and as technology has advanced, digital scales have become much more accurate. 

Digital scales are much easier to read and offer readings at a faster pace. Though, both are good options. It really comes down to a matter of choice. 

Digital Scale Added Features

Keeping up with certain weight requirements is part of being a wrestler. For some, knowing the body mass index (BMI) number can be an extra number to follow. It is not necessary, but seems to prove to be a nice extra bonus when it comes as an added feature on your digital scale. 

Another digital scale feature (and the occasional mechanical scale) is the height rod. This gives you both height and weight in one sitting. Again, this may not be something necessary for your wrestling matches, but may be a nice addition to have. 

Cost vs. Budget  

Perhaps the most important aspect of buying a wrestling scale is determining how much you have to spend – or are willing to spend – to purchase this very important piece of equipment. Take the things we have talked about into consideration, such as the added features, whether you prefer a digital scale or mechanical, and your scale portability. And, note what the maximum weight is that you need your scale to capture. 

Once you find a scale that meets all  your qualifications, you will have choices. And there is a good chance you will find one that meets your budget, Though, talking to the professionals about what is available is always a good option. 

Wrestling Scales at Central Carolina Scale 

Looking for a wrestling scale for your wrestling team? With so many scales on the market, it can be overwhelming to narrow the list down to meet your needs. When you are ready, contact Central Carolina Scale so our team of professionals can help you discover exactly what you are looking for.  

Contact Central Carolina Scale at 919-776-7737.

Internal vs. External Calibration: What to Know

When you invest in a scale, learning how to care for it and properly maintain it will ensure that you will get the most out of your investment for years to come. Since accurate readings are a huge part of its function, you may want to get familiar with calibration and how it relates to your scale. 

weight measure on the electronic balance

Whether your scale offers internal calibration or external calibration, it is important to understand what it is and how to use it. Here’s what you need to know.

Calibration: What is it? 

Over time, your scale can slowly start to become inaccurate. This could be due to use, wear and tear, dust build-up, and the like. Little by little the readings may begin to drift, being slightly off. Without calibrating the scale, however, these slight inaccuracies can become even greater over time. 

Calibration is how scales are adjusted so that they are balanced and have a high level of accuracy in their measurements. While it may not be that big of a deal for someone just looking for an approximate weight, most people prefer to have a more accurate reading. And some require a high degree of precise accuracy.  

Scales are calibrated to keep them working properly. This is something that should be done at least a couple of times each year – more often for those scales that are heavily used. 

Calibration can be done in two ways – internally and externally. 

Internal Calibration

Some scales are manufactured with internal calibration. That means there is a mechanism built within the scale that performs its own calibration. You may have to prompt the scale to verify its calibration using menu settings, for instance, but you don’t have to do the actual calibration yourself. This is known as manual internal calibration because you manually have to tell it to start the process. 

If your scale has automatic internal calibration capabilities, then it will take care of the calibration on its own at various intervals. Some are set by the manufacturer while others allow the user to change the interval frequency through the menu settings. 

Many prefer scales with automatic internal calibration because they require very little involvement – which maximizes time and efficiency in a company’s daily operations. 

External Calibration

Scales that require external calibration are quite the opposite. With this type, you will have to physically balance the scale on your own using calibration weights. 

If the reading on the scale doesn’t match the weight of the calibration weights, then you will need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions (or the instruments menu) to perform the calibration manually. This procedure will vary from one scale to the next, such as a span or a linear calibration procedure. 

You know that the scale with external calibration has been verified when the reading on the scale matches the weight being used. 

Central Carolina Scale for All Your Calibration Questions

If you are interested in learning more about calibration, have questions about ensuring your scale’s accuracy, or are interested in investing in a highly accurate and reliable scale for your business, then contact Central Carolina Scale. Our team of professionals can help you discover the best scale for your needs. 

Contact Central Carolina Scale at 919-776-7737.

Why Scale Leveling is Important

You invest in a scale because you are looking for a machine that will give you an accurate weight reading. If you have done your research, then you have purchased the right scale for your needs — one that is designed to handle the weight of the objects you need to weigh. 

So what happens when you think you have done everything right and then you find out that your scale is giving you inaccurate readings? What if you have been using it and moving forward with business – only to find out your readings have been off for weeks? 

If your scale is not level, it is not going to give you an accurate measurement.


Leveling Matters

Many people may use a scale without realizing that leveling it is crucial to a successful reading. Who cares if it is leaning a little? After all, leaning a little is not going to change the weight of the item on the scale, right? Wrong. Leveling has everything to do with a solid weight reading. 

Here is why leveling matters so much. When weighing an object, it is actually the measurement of Earth’s gravitational force being exerted on the object. If you think way back to your middle school science class, you may remember learning that Isaac Newton taught us that gravity only forces things in one direction – and that is down. 

With this in mind, gathering the measurement properly will only happen if the force of gravity is exactly perpendicular to the surface of the scale. If not? Well, you would only be weighing gravity on part of the object. And that’s just not going to give you the measurement reading you are looking for. 

How do you fix the problem? Level the scale. 


How to Level Your Scale

Leveling each scale will vary based on the type – and size – of the scale. Many have leveling feet that can be adjusted up and down to make sure it is completely level. Using a bubble level that may or may not be attached, you can easily tell when you have appropriately adjusted the feet. 

Because leveling tips will vary based on the unit, it is best to consult your manufacturer’s guide when setting up your scale so that you know initially – and in the future – how to ensure proper leveling. 

Important note: Leveling needs to take place before every use. If the scale gets bumped or if it is moved from one location to another, it will likely be unlevel again. It is a good idea to make it common practice to make sure the scale is perfectly level before each use. 


Central Carolina Scale for All Your Scale Needs

We know how exciting it is to get a new scale and put it to work. But we can’t stress enough how important it is to make sure your scale is level before you start using it. Otherwise, you may find yourself wasting your business resources – or finding yourself with bigger problems. 

So, whether you have questions about leveling your scale or believe it is just time to buy a new one, Central Carolina Scale has a professional team that is just waiting to help you out. 


Be confident that your weight measurement is 100% accurate every time. Contact Central Carolina Scale today at (919) 776-7737.

Veterinary Scale Buyer’s Guide

Keeping animals of all sizes healthy and happy is what veterinarians have dedicated their lives to doing. This means monitoring their health in every way so that they can thrive for years to come. Of course, to make sure any animal is at a healthy weight or that they are prescribed the right dosage of medication, knowing their exact weight is vital. 

Every veterinarian needs a scale that can easily handle the weight of the animals they see without putting too much strain or stress on the animal. But with so many options on the market, it is hard to tell which one you should purchase. This veterinary scale buyer’s guide is designed to help you determine the right choice for your practice. 


The Scale’s Weight Capacity

Animals come in all sizes. Some veterinarians may work with a wide range of animals while others may only work with a select group. That means when it comes to purchasing a scale, you must have an idea of the weight capacity needed. For instance, if your practice primarily caters to small domestic animals – like dogs and cats – you may only need a scale that goes up to 300lbs or so. If you work within the equestrian community, however, you will need a scale that can weigh horses that are well over 1,000lbs. Cattle and other farm animals can weigh even more. At the same time, veterinarians that deal with small pets, such as gerbils, will need a scale that can accurately calculate lightweight. 

The point of all this is to help you understand that scales are not one-size-fits-all when it comes to weighing animals. To make sure you get the one you need, decide the lowest and highest weights of the animals that you typically treat — and then add some cushion to either end. You want a scale that will go over your highest-weight animal just in case. Remember, a scale is an investment so you want to make sure it will be there for you when you need it.

The Size of the Platform

Just like you need a scale to be able to handle the weight of the specific types of animals you see at your veterinary practice, you also need to make sure that the size of the platform will be suitable for your patients, too. After all, you can’t accurately weigh a horse on a 2’ x 2’ platform. Instead, you would look at a larger scale, such as a heavy-duty livestock floor scale. These will be size-appropriate to adequately handle larger animals. 

Whereas, if you have a typical veterinary practice that sees cats and dogs, then a 500lb capacity scale with a platform of 36” x 22” may be more suitable. 

Weighing animals is a big part of treating them so it is important to make sure the scale you choose will allow you to easily gather the animal’s weight – without struggle. 

The Price is Right

Finally, when making any business investment, the price must always be taken into consideration. You need a scale that gives you precise weight, but it doesn’t need to break your budget. Some scales offer a lot of extra frills that you probably don’t need. However, some may have different weighing modes and options that you think may benefit your practice. 

Look at your options carefully and choose the scale that will best meet the needs of your practice – and your patients. More expensive and more features are not always better. Look for durable scales that give you precise weight and will be easy to care for and maintain.


Veterinary Scales at Central Carolina Scale

Whether you are a veterinarian that treats dogs, cats, horses, alpacas, goats, or any other animal – you will find the high-quality, durable scale you are looking for at Central Carolina Scale. 


Speak to the experts at (919) 776-7737 to discover the perfect scale for your veterinary practice. Or, if you have an idea of what you are looking for, request a quote online

4 Tips Before Using Your New Scale

If you have invested in a scale to meet the demands of your daily business operations, then you expect that scale to be ready to go with quality, accurate readings every time. One small issue can have a disastrous impact — sending your productivity and efficiency in a downward spiral. 

As with anything, a little care and attention can go a long way. Before you power up your scale for the day, follow these 4 tips to ensure long-lasting reliability. 


Tip #1: Give Your Scale Plenty of Clean Space to Work

Your scale is going to need space to function properly. Depending on the size of objects you have to weigh, you will need adequate room to access the scale and gather a proper weight. The scale should have a sturdy foundation free from any climate conditions (including indoor drafts) and vibrations from other machines or equipment. 

Further, your scale needs to be cleaned regularly. Wiping it down will help keep dust and other debris at bay. Check for any objects or debris that may be blocking your weighing mechanism. For instance, anything that gets caught under the weighing pan (big or small) can have an impact on gathering weight. Carefully remove the pan and clean anything that may be caught under there. 

Without proper cleaning, you are risking downtime and even costly repairs as these tiny particles make their way into the internal parts of the scale – so make this part of a daily routine. 


Tip #2: Always Check Your Power Supply

Your power supply is one major thing that stands between you and a working scale. If your scale doesn’t seem to be working, always check the power supply first, making sure it is securely plugged in. This will ensure it is always ready to go when you need it. It is a good idea to periodically check and make sure your power cord is healthy, without any cracks, frays, or knots.

If your scale is a battery-operated model, check to be sure your batteries are charged up and have a spare set ready to go when you need them. Being prepared in this manner can keep your productivity flowing. 


Tip #3: Keep Your Scale Level At All Times

We talked about keeping your scale on a solid, steady surface, but you always want to be sure that the scale is level. Even if the surface is solid and not wobbly, it could still be off-level. And any degree of off-level surface can result in poor, inaccurate readings. Some may not even be visibly noticeable – which means your scale could be inaccurate and you wouldn’t even know it. 

To avoid any potential future issues, use a bubble level to check your scale and make sure that it is perfect. Most scales will come with adjustable feet to help you make this happen more easily. 


Tip #4: Regularly Calibrate Your Scale  

Calibrating your scale regularly keeps it performing at its optimal, accurate level. This is vital in maintaining the accuracy and reliability of your scale. Depending on the scale, you may have received a manual from the manufacturer with instructions on how to calibrate your scale. Or you may want to contact the experts. 

Set a date on your calendar (at least annually) to take care of your scale’s calibration — and stick to it. 


Scale Experts at Central Carolina Scale

Whether you are looking to purchase a new scale, need a repair, or have a scale that needs calibration, Central Carolina Scale can help. Our experts understand the best practices for every scale — and we can guide our customers when it comes to technical issues or knowing which scale to buy or rent.

If you have questions about using your scale properly, contact Central Carolina Scale today at (919) 776-7737. 

Top 5 Scale Problems and How to Fix It

For the many businesses that use a scale in any part of their daily operations, that scale is a crucial part of the process. When it is not functioning properly, not only can it severely disrupt your production line, but it can lead to a lot of unwanted aggravation. 

There are a few common problems that can often be fixed with some minor attention. However, it should be noted that before doing any troubleshooting on your own, you should consult with your supplier or manufacturer as this could void any warranty you may have. 

Pharmaceutical Plant Workers Using Scale

Below are the top 5 scale problems and how you can fix them. 

Scale Problem #1: Lack of Power

Most scales require electricity to run. So when the scale doesn’t power on or it doesn’t seem to have any power at all, it may not be connected. And while it could be any number of issues, checking the power source is a good place to start. Make sure that it is securely plugged into the outlet. 

Many times these cords accidentally get unplugged and simply require you to plug it back in. However, if it is plugged in and you are still facing a lack of power, then you may want to take a moment to check for any frayed wires or damage to the cord. Any visible damage to the power cord could result in power issues — and may be a fire hazard. 

If you don’t see any cord damage, test the power supply of the cord, the outlet, and the adapter. This should help you to narrow down the faulty area. 

Scale Problem #2: Inaccurate Readings

Calibration is so important when it comes to getting accurate readings on scales of all types. And, at a minimum, it should be done every year. If this is something you haven’t done in a while, perhaps your scale is not calibrated and can explain your inaccurate readings.

Follow your manufacturer’s instructions for calibrating your specific scale. Once you do, test the scale to make sure the reading is correct. If it isn’t, then it could be another issue, such as having a broken component within the scale. 

At this point, it is best to speak to a scale expert at your supplier or manufacturer to determine the issue. 

Scale Problem #3: Inconsistent Readings

You rely on your scale to give you consistent readings. If you find that it isn’t, there could be a couple of reasons why. 

Drifting refers to a scale that fluctuates with its readings due to water exposure. If your scale is used in or near water or has been exposed to rain or floods, you could be dealing with drifting. If exposed to water, load cells, cables, the junction box, and other areas of the scale can be affected. Turn it off until it has a chance to dry out. 

If there is no way that water is the culprit, perhaps you are experiencing electrical issues or even have loose connections. Double-check your wires and cords and make sure everything is secure.

Scale Problem #4: Battery Problems

Some scales run on batteries. And while having no power can alert you to batteries that are likely dead, sometimes there can be issues with displays blinking, taking too long to display a weight, or doing other strange things. This could be the sign that your batteries are getting low, but aren’t quite dead yet. Or, there may be a battery leak inside the scale. 

Try replacing your batteries with a fresh batch and see if that makes a difference. 

Scale Problem #5: Error Codes

Error codes were designed for manufacturers to help you troubleshoot issues with the scale. If you have your manufacturer’s manual, each error code should be listed so that you know what it means and how to address the problem. 

If you don’t have your manual, a quick search on the internet can often lead you to a list of manufacturer codes. 

If all the troubleshooting tips and solutions have been tried and your scale is still not working, there are several options to consider.

scale repair and maintenance
  1. Further Diagnosis: You can continue to explore additional troubleshooting guides to try and identify the problem with your scale. By following step-by-step instructions and utilizing different techniques, you may be able to uncover the issue causing the malfunction.
  2. Technical Support: Contacting the technical support line of the manufacturer is another option. They have experienced technicians who can assist you in determining whether your scale can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced. You can reach out to them for guidance and support, providing them with details about your scale’s problem and any troubleshooting steps you have already taken.
  3. Service Request: If the technical support team recommends it, you can submit a service request. This will allow a professional technician to examine your scale and provide a personalized recommendation on whether it can be repaired or requires a replacement. They will have the expertise to diagnose the problem accurately and suggest the best course of action.
  4. Replacement: If all else fails, you have the option to shop for a new scale. There are various high-quality digital scales available on the market, offering a wide range of top brands and models to choose from. You can explore different options that suit your needs and preferences, ensuring you find the perfect weighing equipment to replace your malfunctioning scale.

Tried all that, now what? What are some reasons to consider purchasing a new scale?

There are various reasons to consider purchasing a new scale if you are experiencing issues with your current one. First, if you have exhausted all troubleshooting tips and your scale continues to malfunction, it could indicate that it is beyond repair. In such cases, investing in a new scale would be a practical solution to ensure accurate and reliable weight measurements. (PS: we also recommend working with a scale sales person and discuss how you will be using the scale and what environment you will be using the scale.)

Older scales may lack precision and accuracy over time due to wear and tear. If you frequently rely on precise weight measurements, such as for shipping or parts counting, it may be beneficial to replace your scale with a new one that can provide more precise readings.

Lastly, purchasing a new scale allows you the opportunity to explore a wider range of options. There are numerous brands and models available in the market, each offering unique features and designs. By shopping for a new scale, you have the chance to find one that aligns with your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a more satisfactory weighing experience.

Contact the Experts at Central Carolina Scale 

If you have followed any of these troubleshooting tips, but you find that your scale is still not working right – or if you believe that you are in need of a new scale altogether – then contact the experts at Central Carolina Scale at (919) 776-7737. 

How to Buy a Counting Scale

Counting scales are great tools for speeding up your productivity since they can accurately provide you with two measurements at one time — the weight and the quantity of the items. You can measure multiple parts at once, such as nuts, bolts, screws, coins, etc. and every single piece will be accounted for – even the smallest of parts. 

What’s more, counting scales can digitally collect all of your data so you will no longer need to manually track your numbers. Not only does this make your counting process more efficient, but it makes it much more accurate, too. 

If you are in the market for one, then you need to take a look at a couple of factors that will help you determine just how to buy a counting scale. 

sources for the best counting scalesale


Determine Your Average Piece Weight

Before you can find the right counting scale, you need to calculate your Average Piece Weight (APW). Yes, counting scales measure a batch of items, but they need to know the weight of each piece to determine the number of items in a collective weight reading. 

The APW is the number you want to confirm your counting scale will calculate – especially since these numbers can be small.  

Many counting scale manufacturers will list a Minimum APW  within the specs of the product. So, for instance, if your screws weigh .02 lbs each, then you will want to make sure the specs include at least this amount – and greater.  


The Capacity Level

Counting scales measure a batch of items all at once which is what makes them so useful. When looking for a scale that will work for your needs, you must make sure it can handle the bulk load of items – not just the individual piece we measured above. In other words, you aren’t just measuring the weight of one screw, but rather a batch of screws. The scale needs to be capable of handling both weights. 

Look for a counting scale that will allow you to use a batch that doesn’t surpass the maximum capacity supported. Keep in mind that overloading a scale can cause damage internally and may cost you in the long run. 


Adequate Pan Size

Different types of counting scales have different pan sizes. Bench style counting scales can offer you different pan sizes so you can find what will work best for you to gain an accurate measurement. However, please note that there is not much variety in the size of pans on most compact counting scales. 

When making your purchase, take into consideration the size of the batch of units you are measuring – and the container that is housing them. This will need to sit freely – and entirely – on the pan. 


Automatic Recording of Data

One of the perks of having a counting scale is that you will no longer need to manually record an accounting of your measurements. Instead, you will find the ease of automatic recording. If this is of interest to you, be sure that the scale you choose is one that is user-friendly and able to connect to a PC or other device for data recording. 

Pay attention to the details of the scale and what is required of the PC to make sure the two will work together. If you have any questions, you should ask before making your purchase.


Central Carolina Scale for Your Counting Scale Needs

Whether you are a manufacturing plant needing to count bolts, a vendor needing to count coins, or just looking to better control your inventory, you can improve your bottom line and make your counting more efficient with these easy-to-use scales. 

If you are ready to buy a counting scale, Central Carolina Scale has a variety of options to meet your needs. We offer the most accurate and precise selection of durable counting skills on the market. 

Contact Central Carolina Scale today at (919) 776-7737 to see how we can help you take your business to the next level.