What is the Best Ntep 5×5′ 5,000lbs Floor Scale?

I saw this question recently while I was doing some reading…. What is the best NTEP 5×5 5,000lbs floor scale? So, I thought let’s see if it can be answered as honestly as possible. First off it would great if we could take seven or ten different floor scales built by various domestic and foreign builders and run them through all kinds of rigorous tests and see which ones survived!

But unfortunately we don’t have the support or funding to put together such a test. So we are left with reading the scale data, understanding who the manufacturers are who build the scales, and our own experiences with various floor scales.

What is the Best NTEP Floor Scale?

You need to add a modifier to the question above. What is the best NTEP floor scale for weighing pallets?  What is the best NTEP floor scale for weighing recycled metal? Or what is the best NTEP floor scale for under $1000.  The answer to the questions above are probably not the same device.

Of course if you’re just shopping online for floor scales there is an unlimited number of websites claiming to be the “experts” and offering reliable this and that. It can get very confusing online, especially if price is your number one requirement.  

Durability versus Value in Weighing Equipment

In my experience with industrial scales, there are different types or levels of “industrial” scales. So when you examine the original question what is the best NTEP 5×5 5000lbs floor scale, how would you define “best”?  Are you referring to the best price?  Are you referring to the roughest and toughest scale platform?  How you define “best” is going to determine how this question is answered.

platform scale

We’ve talked about the balance between durability and cost before. Sometimes we also refer to it as the balancing act between accuracy and value. However you want to label it, the truth is that there is a reason why a NTEP 5×5 5000 LB floor scale can cost $1200 and there is also a reason why a different NTEP 5×5 5000 LB floor scale can cost over $3000. It’s often found in the construction of the scale platform and the true weight of the scale platform. 

The Customer Needs to Decide What is Important in a Warehouse Scale

We get the question(s) all the time from perspective floor scale buyers.  Why is this scale so much more than this scale?  Why should I choose this scale? What do you think I should do?  The best way to describe the situation is you’re comparing “Light Industrial” vs “Industrial” weighing equipment.  

I’ve told the story before about a 4×4 floor scale in our shop but I will tell it again. I was used to picking up (with the forklift) light weight import floor scale decks which usually weigh around 220 lb. We have them in our rental fleet. Then, I picked up a B-Tek Clydesdale that one of our customers was purchasing and it was a solid 300 pounds! So the difference between the two types of NTEP scales was approximately 80 pounds. 

btek clydesdale floor scale with ramp

The same concept will be true with a 5×5 as well. The import scale will be light industrial and the domestic built B-Tek Clydesdale or Rice Lake Roughdeck will be Industrial tough. You, the end user, need to determine if it is worthwhile for you to spend the extra money or not. And honestly, it can be difficult for some folks to look at a scale that is eighty pounds heavier and say it costs twice as much. In other words is eighty pounds worth $2000 more?  Some customers choose to buy two or three of the light industrial scales for the same price. Others choose to buy the heavy duty industrial scale. 

In my opinion if you’re weighing things that are anywhere near half capacity or greater on the majority of your weighments OR if the scale is a major part of your work flow, then you probably need to go ahead and purchase the industrial floor scale that we offer like the B-Tek Clydesdale for example.

The Clydesdale is built tough and should last you for many years of service. Sure it could have some kind of an issue every now and then and you will have to replace a load cell or a homerun cable but the overall scale system itself should last for many years.

Vulnerable Parts & Components of a Floor Scale

Of course the main issues you have to worry about with any floor scales are (1) dropping or shock loading instead of gently setting a pallet on the scale, (2) ripped homerun cables, and (3) forklifts driving over the corner of the scale and wiping out load cell(s) and the foot. How do you prevent some of this from happening? Talk with forklift drivers about setting a pallet on the scale. Use some cable armor or piping to protect the cable. Use angle iron around the perimeter of the scale.   

So, when we look at the original question, what is the best NTEP 5×5 5,000lbs floor scale? Remember I said it depends.  The answer is probably the B-Tek Clydesdale if you’re looking for something that will provide many years of heavy duty industrial use. However, if you’re more concerned about costs and you’re just looking to weigh a pallet every now and then, you might consider the imported Inscale IN7620. Contact our sales department for additional pallet scale purchasing advice.