Does Every Floor Scale Have the Parts Counting Feature?

This entry addresses a question that we recently received from a customer.  Does every floor scale have a parts counting feature?  Alternatively the question could be does every digital weight indicator offer a parts counting feature? The answer to either of the questions is No. The counting feature is not always available with every floor scale or weight indicator. The customer thought the answer was… Yes.  So that is one reason that I’m discussing it today.

Industrial counting scale for fasteners

What Digital Weight Indicators or Controllers offer Parts Counting Feature?

The real question that needs to be asked about the parts counting feature actually should be focused towards the digital scale controller and not the floor scale. A floor scale has to be connected to some type of weight display in order to be utilized. So the digital weight indicator is really the important component to think about.

There really is no short cut or quick guide for finding parts counting weight displays that I know of. Of course in most counting scenarios, I usually recommend a traditional parts counting scale be utilized for parts counting. That way the initial sample size can be obtained very accurately using the local counting scale and then you can count larger quantities using the (remote) floor scale. We have lots of electronic parts counters to choose from like the Avery-Weigh Tronix ZK830 or Pennsylvania 7800 just to name a few.

But with certain larger items, you can count using just a floor scale connected to a digital weight indicator. The easiest way to source one of these systems is to research online for weight indicators that have parts counting functionality and/or discuss this with your salesperson during the scale quote process. This is important since not all weight indicators have the counting capability.

counting weight indicator

At the time of this entry below are some digital weight indicators that have the parts counting capability.

Avery Weigh-Tronix ZM303
Pennsylvania 7600+
Pennsylvania 7500+
Weighsouth WS10
Rice Lake Counterpart
Cardinal 210 Storm
BTek T104
Worldweigh BWS

As mentioned earlier, I recommend using a counting scale, such as the Cardinal C65, connected to a floor scale but with larger items you can get by without having to use an actual counter-top counting scale. I hope this entry has helped you when it comes to sourcing a floor scale system that has parts counting capability. Be sure to mention that you’re looking for this type of functionality when you request a quote.