The Importance of Accuracy and Precision in Battery-Powered Price Computing Scales for Farmers Markets

Farmers markets are a crucial part of the agriculture industry. These weighing devices provide a direct channel for farmers to sell their fresh produce and other agricultural products to customers in a local community. To ensure the smooth operation of these markets, it is important to use accurate and precise “legal for trade” battery-powered price computing scales.

NTEP scales

Accuracy and precision are two terms that are often used interchangeably but have different meanings when it comes to scales. Accuracy refers to how close the measured value is to the true value, while precision refers to the consistency of the measurements. In other words, a scale can be accurate but not precise or precise but not accurate. When it comes to price computing scales for farmers markets, both accuracy and precision are important.

Accuracy and Precision in Battery-Powered Price Computing Scales for Farmers Markets is often overlooked when you are dealing with cheap no-name scales from China. Another key point to consider is purchasing “legal for trade” weighing equipment from reputable scale manufacturers. It is not very hard to find price calculating scales online that are non-ntep. They are often priced below $100 and “appear” to be a great value at first glance.  However, these scales are not legal for trade and should not be used in commercial weighing applications.

One of the main reasons why accuracy is important in legal for trade price computing scales is to ensure that farmers are paid fairly for their produce. Farmers work hard to grow high-quality fruits and vegetables, and they deserve to be paid for their efforts. A scale that is inaccurate can result in errors which could lead to farmers being paid less than what their produce is worth which can have a negative impact on their business. Or it could lead to the customer not getting what they paid for. An accurate legal for trade scale ensures that farmers are paid fairly and can continue to invest in their farms and produce high-quality products.

Precision is also important in price computing scales because it ensures consistency in the measurements. Inconsistent measurements can lead to confusion and frustration for both farmers and customers. Customers may feel cheated if they receive less produce than what they paid for, and farmers may lose business if customers do not trust the measurements. A precise certified scale helps to make sure the weighing is consistent, which can build trust and loyalty with customers and ensure a successful farmers market business.


Legal for Trade battery-powered price computing scales have become increasingly popular in farmers markets due to their portability and ease of use. These produce scales are designed to be used on the go. Temperature changes, vibrations from transportation, and other factors can affect the accuracy and precision of the scale. Therefore, it is essential to invest in a high-quality battery-powered price computing scale that is designed to withstand these challenges. It’s also a great idea to have your farmers market scales checked either by the state or your trusted scale company at least once a year. 

When selecting a battery-powered price computing scale, it is important to consider the key features. One key feature is the capacity and readability of the scale. If you’re weighing pumpkins or watermelons, then you may want a 60 lb capacity scale. Conversely, if you’re weighing frozen yogurt by the ounce or buckets of strawberries, a 15 lb or 30 lb capacity scale might work best. 

The design and build of the scale can also affect its accuracy and precision. A scale that is poorly designed or made with low-quality materials can lead to inaccurate measurements. It is important to select a scale that is made with durable materials and has a stable base.

In addition to the features of the scale, it is also important to consider the calibration and maintenance of the scale. Calibration refers to the process of ensuring that the scale is measuring accurately. 

Maintenance is also essential for ensuring accurate and precise measurements. Regular cleaning of the scale and its components can prevent debris or other factors from affecting the measurements. It is also important to replace batteries and other components as needed to ensure the scale is functioning properly. Purchasing a heavy duty carrying case can be a good idea to store the scale or to use during transport to/from the farmers market.

Be sure to contact our sales department for buying advice and product recommendations. You can reach us by calling (919) 776-7737 or click the RFQ button to obtain information and any price quotes you may need.


How Much Do Floor Scales Cost?

This is a fairly popular question. How much does a floor scale cost?  Potential customers may swap the phrase pallet scale or platform scales etc… but the question is basically the same. 

Floor Scale Prices

Floor Scales are typically designed to weigh a pallet. Therefore, they’re usually in the 3’x3′ to 5’x5′ range.  You often see pallet scales near a loading dock or in a warehouse. They’re often used to weigh pallets before and after shipping. The maximum weighing capacities for these warehouse scales is usually around 10,000 pounds.

There are larger floor sales available in all kinds of sizes like 5×7, 4×6 etc… with 20,000 lb capacity for example.  But these need to be quoted for current prices.  For this article we will mainly focus on the standard 4×4 5000 lb floor scale.

how much does a floor scale cost?

Floor Scale Categories

We like to sort our floor scales into four different categories. The categories are based on quality and many years of selling and working on industrial floor scales.

Industrial Quality

The first category is the top of the line Industrial Floor scale.  For example, a B-Tek Clydesdale or Rice Lake Roughdeck would fall into that category. You won’t find a lightweight import floor scale in this category. A 4×4 5000 pound capacity scale in this category is probably going to cost somewhere around $2700 to $3600. These scales are typically built tougher with more steel and a thicker top deck plate. And these high quality 4×4 scales usually weigh anywhere from 30 to 90 pounds more than lesser, often imported, 4×4 floor scales.

The second category is slightly below the top group. These are scales that are a little lighter or not quite as industrial “tough” as the first category. These are still really good scales though. We might place the Digi Summit 3000 in this group along with the Pennsylvania 6600, and the B-Tek 4 Square.  A 4×4 5000 pound capacity scale in this group is likely going to be somewhere between $1400 and $2500

Affordable Floor Scales

The third category is the light industrial floor scale. In this group, we would likely include the Inscale 7620 and Weighsouth floor scale, for example.  A 4×4 5000 pound capacity scale in this group is likely going be somewhere around $1000 to $1400. These are typically imported scales that are lighter weight but supported by our domestic suppliers. Continue reading

How to Choose the Right Industrial Floor Scale for Your Business

Industrial floor scales are an essential tool for many businesses that require accurate and reliable weight measurements. These heavy duty scales are designed to withstand the  demands of industrial environments and are commonly used in manufacturing, shipping and receiving, and warehouse operations.

However, with a variety of options available in the market, choosing the right industrial floor scale for your business can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll discuss some key factors to consider when choosing an industrial floor scale to ensure that you make the right choice for your business needs.

Pallet Scale with Ramp

Capacity and Accuracy

One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing an industrial floor scale is its maximum capacity and accuracy. The capacity of a platform scale refers to the maximum weight it can measure, while accuracy refers to how precise the measurements are. It is important to choose a warehouse scale with a capacity that meets your specific needs. If you are weighing heavy equipment or pallets, you will need a scale with a higher capacity. In addition, the scale’s accuracy should be sufficient for your application. Some common floor scale capacities include: 2500 x 0.5 lb, 5000 x 1 lb, 10,000 x 2 lb, & 20,000 x 5 lb

Platform Sizes and Material

Another crucial factor to consider is the platform size and platform material of the scale deck. The platform size should be large enough to accommodate the items you will be weighing, and the material should be ideal for the application. Common platform materials for industrial floor scales include painted steel or stainless steel. For standard industrial weighing, most customers choose painted steel. However, for food processing or washdown applications, stainless steel is often utilized. Popular platform sizes include: 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, and 5×7.

Environment and Hazards

When choosing an industrial floor scale, you need to consider the environment and hazards that your scale will be exposed to. If your business operates in a hazardous environment, such as a chemical plant or refinery, you will need to choose a scale that is suitable for use in such environments. The scale should be made from materials that can withstand the hazards, and it should be equipped with safety features, such as explosion-proof components and anti-skid platforms, to prevent accidents.

send scale weight to computer

Connectivity and Data Management

In today’s digital age, many industrial scales come equipped with advanced connectivity features and data management capabilities. These features can help you to streamline your business operations and improve productivity. For instance, scales with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity can send data or store data on a usb drive allowing you to track and analyze weight measurements. Label printers can also be configured to print things like time and date along with weight data.

Overall Value

Finally, when choosing an industrial floor scale, you need to consider your budget and how you plan to use the scale. As we have discussed before here in our learning center and on our YouTube channel, floor scales are available in light industrial design or industrial design.  The difference is often not noticeable to the eye. But, a deeper look at the specs will often show the key differences.

platform scale

While it may be tempting to choose a low-cost scale from China, it may not be the best long-term investment for your business. Cheaper scales usually have less durability, and they may need to be repaired or replaced more frequently, leading to additional costs in the long run. On the other hand, investing in a high-quality industrial floor scale may have a higher initial cost, but it can provide a better ROI in the long run by providing more accurate and reliable weight measurements and lasting much longer.

Choosing the right industrial floor scale for your business requires careful consideration of your specific needs and requirements. You may be fine purchasing one of our lower cost floor scales. On the other hand, in your particular industry, you may be best served by purchasing one of our toughest floor scales available.

One of the first steps we recommend is contacting your trusted scale provider to discuss your needs and what you are looking to accomplish. You can reach our sales department by calling (919) 776-7737 or clicking the RFQ button on our website.  By taking into account all the things we have mentioned above, you can make an informed decision that will help you improve your business operations, increase efficiency, and achieve your business goals.

5 Things You May Not Know About Weighing Animals on Vet Scales

Weighing animals is extremely important as it’s one way to determine if they’re healthy or not. Comparing an animal’s individual weight to a set median cannot only help determine its weight but its species and state at the time. It also allows caretakers to determine the amount of food, water, medicine and exercise the animals should receive as well. However, there is much more to weighing animals than just having them step on a scale.

How Do You Weigh Animals?

The number one thing you may not know about weighing and is exactly how do you weigh animals? While some animals are tranquilized and put on weighing scales once they’re not moving. (Would you like to be the person holding the salmon over the scale to lure the bear?)  Many animals are fully conscious but not always cooperative. This is where dynamic weighing can be used. How does dynamic weighing account for excited dogs or naughty monkeys? The scale works out an average weight based on the force exerted by the animal over an extended period of time. Once the internal calculation is completed by the scale, it will hold the value this way. Even if the animal fidgets or moves around, it can easily be weighed.

animal weighing scale

Tough & Versatile Scales are a Must

The number two thing you may not know is you need a tough and versatile scale. You probably already know this but depending on what you’re trying to weigh, you need a tough and well designed scale. Whether you’re in a laboratory weighing small rodents or a vet who only deals with family pets. You need robust animal weighing scales. Often you need a scale that can be easily cleaned and has little to no exposed cables that can be ripped out. Stainless steel scales are rust resistant and easy to wipe down. Usually the pan can be removed so that any dirt that may have accumulated can be cleaned. A zoo or farm might have to weigh animals who live in a variety of habitats. And of course, a scale may need to be moved around within a vet’s office, a zoo or may need to be carried by a mobile groomer. Bringing a scale to various places is made easier with a portable scale. Portable scales that require batteries can be used virtually anywhere. Continue reading

Top Rated Price Computing Scales (Legal for Trade) for the Farmers Market in 2024

It’s almost spring time and it’s a time when everyone starts thinking about the farmer’s market. Can’t you almost taste the fresh strawberries? But, if you’re selling your fresh fruits and vegetables to customers, then you should use a legal for trade price computing scale. Updated for 2024.

Which produce scale should I buy?

Well, we have a couple of suggestions! Chances are you’ve seen one or maybe both of these top rated commercial scales at the farmers market before. Our top two choices for best price computing scales for the farmers market feature: rechargeable battery power, displays on the front and back, and both are legal for trade.

The Rice Lake RS130 and RS160 line of retail scales is one of our top picks for best price computing scales. The RS-130 and RS-160 produce scales are the ultimate choice for simple price computing applications, delivering unmatched convenience and accuracy. The RS series provide one button operation with weight displays and either pounds kilograms or ounces. These scales also allow you to enter a dollar amount and the scale will assist you with calculating the correct change. These scales are available in your choice of either a 30lb or 60lb capacity and with or without the tower display.

Best Price Computing Scales on the Market Today

We feel the the CAS S2000 Junior commercial scale is the top price computing scale. The CAS S2000 JR. farmers market scale features dual range capacities, the ability to weigh in pounds, kilograms or ounces and you can easily print out a basic label with the optional label printer. The S-2000 Junior is our top pick for 2023. If you’re looking for a legal for trade price computing scale that has great features and reliability.


Well there you have it. Our top rated farmers market scales for 2023. These commercial scales have a great track record of accurate and reliable weighing. Wondering why the S2000 Junior beat out the RS130? The answer is overall value, warranty, dual range capacities, and the ability to connect a label printer.

We based our ratings on our own opinion of the products, past sales, repeat sales from repeat customers, and overall reliability.  

Be sure to contact our sales department (919) 776-7737 to discuss the current prices for these legal for trade scales and current availability. 

Affordable Counting Scales for Small Businesses – Our Top Picks

Today we are going to hopefully answer any questions you have about recommended counting scales and current prices of electronic counting scales. We always focus on providing a good selection of affordable counting scales for small businesses on our website.

Best Counting Scales for Any Size Business

A counting scale can save you so much time versus counting parts out by hand. We’ve discussed this before regarding exactly how a counting scale works. A piece counting scale measures the weight of the items you place on the weighing platform and divides the weight by the number of pieces you entered to compute the average piece weight. Of course, the items that you are weighing have to be uniform in weight.

affordable counting scales for small business

Warehouse Counting Scale Prices

If you’ve done any research online, you’ve probably seen a wide range of prices when it comes to piece counting scales. We’ve seen prices that range from just a couple of hundred dollars all the way up to a couple of thousands of dollars!  Let’s take a closer look at all these numbers. Continue reading