Can You use One Scale Manufacturer Weight Indicator with Another Scale Manufacturer Scale Platform?

By | November 18, 2022

One subject that comes up every so often is the idea of using multiple brands of scale equipment in one scale system.  Can you do this?

The answer is yes (in most situations)

For most standard weighing scenarios you can use various scale manufacturers weighing equipment. So, for example, we can put a Rice Lake 480+ scale controller with an Ohaus scale platform (see picture).  Or we can put a Cardinal 210 weight indicator on a Rice Lake OTR Survivor truck scale.  

So, we can use one brand of scale digital weight indicator with another brand scale weight platform. And, we have done this. The one concern with this, is with certain systems, if you ever have any issues…. it could lead to finger pointing between the two manufacturers. We haven’t had a whole lot of that happen before, but in the right situation, it could occur. 

When Do You Have to Use Only One Brand of Scale Controller?

In scenarios where you have a digital scale, it usually is recommended or required to use the same brand of scale equipment. So, for example on a Cardinal Armor digital truck scale, we would use a Cardinal 225D weight indicator with digital load cell interface.