Digital Scale with Wireless Display

By | August 12, 2015

Technology can be a wonderful thing. The TranSend wireless load cell interface is one of the items customers are starting to utilize more frequently to eliminate cables and wires and costly repairs. From the initial weighment on the scale to the final numeric value on the indicator, efficient communication is key to the success of the entire operation. Whether it’s overhead, livestock, tank, or heavy capacity weighing, once your traditional conduit is damaged or needs to be replaced, communication is halted and so is your operation. TranSend not only solves issues resulting from traditional conduit, it also exceeds communication application expectations.
wireless load cell interface for digital scale

 Although dolphins are not considered an endangered species, marine mammal conservation efforts and research centers like Dolphins Plus aim to ensure these intelligent creatures are protected from the growing threat of natural and human endangerment. Together with the MSI-8000HD indicator and TranSend, a wireless load cell interface, the Dolphins Plus staff are able to easily monitor the weight of their residents and avoid perils common to other equipment in this corrosive environment.

Diet and weight management is another large part of Dolphins Plus’ research and observation efforts. A full staff of veterinarians with the highly skilled trainers are able to study the dolphins’ behavior and weight fluctuations to key-in on any health issues. Even with a dolphin’s extraordinary communication skills, the number on the scale can paint a better picture of the dolphin’s wellbeing. A typical adult bottlenose dolphin weighs between 330 and 445 pounds, eating five to eight times a day with a diet consisting of restaurant quality, Grade A herring, capelin, sardine and a variety of smelt. If the dolphins are overfed and inactive, they become lethargic, uncooperative and potentially aggressive. On the other hand, if they are losing weight, it could signify a health issue. A reliable scale system is critical while trainers relay weight information to the veterinarian department.

Once a week, a floor scale with TranSend attached is lowered into the lagoon where trainers prompt each dolphin, one-by-one, to slide with ease onto the platform. Another trainer stands to the side of the lagoon with the MSI-8000HD, recording the weight that is then logged into a national marine mammal database. The dolphins are signaled back into the lagoon and the process repeats with other residents. Because of the salt water, the staff at Dolphins Plus needed equipment that could withstand long periods of time in the water as well as repeated exposure to the elements.

The milled anodized aluminum, IP68-rated, full waterproof construction of the MSI-8000HD made it especially appealing to the salt water environment at Dolphins Plus. TranSend is a wireless load cell interface that communicates directly with the MSI-8000HD, eliminating the need for a homerun cable. With wireless communication and robust equipment that is less likely to be damaged, Dolphins Plus has not only saved money in repairs and service, but also saved time with equipment setup and tear down. Now, trainers and dolphins alike are able to spend more time at work and at play.

TranSend is suitable for most indoor and outdoor environments with an operating distance of up to 300 feet. Select from the basic functionality of single-channel models, or upgrade to the expanded capabilities of multi-channel models. Multi-channel devices offer up to three optional relay contacts, audible alarm, and can function as a smart junction box. In the event of a load cell failure, TranSend can automatically compensate and transmit a service warning, and compensate for that load cell until it is repaired. TranSend transforms the way your devices communicate between one another. Upgrade your current communication process by eliminating expensive conduit and replacing it with TranSend. SendIt also available.