Is It Alright To Cut Load Cell Cable?

By | May 21, 2021

A customer recently asked us about cutting load cell cable because the cable was too long for his particular application.  The standard line of thinking is that you should not cut load cell cable because it may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Are there any recommendations for altering load cell cable that might be different than cutting?

Actually, there are several things you can do in these types of situations. Many load cell manufacturers recommend NOT altering (shortening) the load cell cable length, and most manufacturers will not honor the warranty on altered products. However, for the majority of load cell installations, any output change resulting from cable length alteration is easily compensated for with a junction box with trimming capability. Excess cable should be coiled and secured within the junction box (if it will fit.) 

If the excess cable will not fit inside the junction box, it will need to be coiled, and secured externally to the junction box with wire ties, or other suitable means. If the cables are routed in conduit, and excess cable will not fit within the junction box, then the only option may be to cut the cable(s) to length.

load cell cable

What if the load cell cable is too short? Well, we recommend avoiding splicing when possible; however, if you need to gain cable length, it is very important to use the correct splicing technique. Ensure the integrity of the cable is maintained, including voltage, current (signal) ratings, shielding, moisture resistance, and tensile strength. Our recommendation is to use a potted cable splicing kit when possible. If you need a reusable splice point, a sealed junction box may be used.  We hope this helps you understand shortening and lengthening load cell cable for specific applications.

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